Tag Archives: Youtube

GRWM – Winter Skincare Routine

Hi guys!

Last month I was visiting my sister in London and decided to film a Get Ready With Me – Winter Skincare Routine!

If you’re planning to head someone cold or you’re currently in somewhere cold, check out my recommendations for Winter Skincare!

Let me know what Your Winter skincare recommendations / must have are in the comments below!



Thai Chick Flicks on Youtube (with Eng Sub)

As you know, I am a fan of Korean dramas and movies. Recently, under the influence of a good friend, Ser Li who has been raving about Thai dramas and movies, I gave them a try on Youtube and then went on a Thai movie marathon. 😀

Due to the popularity of my previous post 5 Chick Flicks on Youtube, I decided to write a similar post but this time in Thai version. 🙂 So here’s a few movies and more that I watched and would recommend to you, with videos embedded for your easy convenience! 😉

1. First Love (A Crazy Little Thing Called Love)


Review: This movie is really cute. It’s about how a young girl grows up and transform from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. Starring Mario Maurer, a really cute Thai actor! 🙂

2.  Fabulous 30 

Fabulous 30 Thai Movie

Synopsis: Ja (Patcharapa Chaichue) a beautiful woman has everything a woman is supposed to dream of having; a successful career, a partying lifestyle, and a handsome sweetheart. On her 30th birthday, Ja finds her perfect life changed when her boyfriend wants to halt the relationship. Now, at thirty-something, Ja accepts a happy single life until a new guy (Phuphom Phongpanu) gets in her life and he’s 7 years younger than her.

Review: I enjoyed the down to earth moments of the movie, how the female lead cooks, feed stray puppies and checks out bridesmaid gowns with her girlfriends. The male actor is ridiculously handsome and is born in 1991.

3. Hello Stranger


Synopsis: Inspired by Korean culture and entertainment that fluxed around Asia, the film tells a love story of a guy and a girl who destined to meet in Seoul during their private trip to Korea.

Review: Highly recommended movie. It’s funny, romantic and heartwarming. Funny thai antics in Korea? No wonder this movie is so highly raved! 🙂

4. Just One Second 


Synopsis: Is a short film about a young couple…

Review: The couple acted by female lead Nattasha Nauljam and male lead Jirayu Laongmaneeacted (only 17 yo btw) together in a famous thai movie Suck Seed in 2011, a movie more on friendship but also with some youthful romance. Actually I can’t remember the ending of this short film. But I am using this to recommend Suck Seed, which unfortunately I can’t find the youtube link anymore. 😛

Also recommended:

5. Seven Something


Synopsis: Seven Something is a love story and is shot by three different directors. As such, the film is divided into three parts; the first named “14,” about the problems of two teenagers and social networks. The second part is named “21/28” and is about two former actor and actress lovers who work together again after being apart for seven years. The third part is called “42.195” and is about a woman who meets a young man who encourages her to complete a marathon.

Review: It is a new age movie which follows three couples. The first on a young couple with social media influences and how it makes and breaks the relationship. Second one is a romance with several meta references, including Hello Stranger, I liked the second story the best. The last story starred 2pm’s thai prince, Nickhun, that’s all I have to say for the last story. Lol. I watched in on youtube but it was taken down, so you’ll have to find this movie else where! 😛

Till the next post,



A New Fashion Video Platform


So today I’m blogging the third & last part of  my LASALLE takeaway series, ending off with my mid term research presentations, both the essay and the project.


StyleAsia Teaser Video Cover

My final presentation’s on a business proposal for Asia’s first Fashion Video platform combining commerce and community. Imagine Youtube’s video platform, ASOS shopping site and WordPress or LinkedIn community. That’s what we’re talking about! I initially termed it StyleAsia. But for the final name it’s something else. I’m not posting about it yet or publishing it publicly… As I hope I can find a team or business to really create this platform, if God allows. 🙂

So what you’ll be seeing here today, for my essay research presentation, was my initial idea on the rise of blogging, vlogging and its impact on the fashion industry.

The business idea to create a bloggers management entity was later aborted because blogging is on a downwards trend. So I pivoted the idea to a video platform as video production and consumption is on an upwards trend. Cisco research says in 2013, 90% of internet traffic is driven by video content! Yeah baby!

So here are the works I’ve done for my final year’s mid terms!:

Research on rise of bloggers and vloggers and their impact:

Mid-term research on the Fashion Video Platform business concept:

Accompanying StyleAsia Teaser Video:

If you’d like to find out more about my:

1. Final Thesis titled:

Fashionʼs Digital Frontier: How successful fashion brands utilize online videos to brand and market themselves in the social media sphere to achieve international recognition.

2. Final Business proposal on the World and Asia’s first Fashion Video platform that combines commerce and community

You can email me your business enquiries at teojiaen90@gmail.com.

For other non business related queries, email me at enabalista@gmail.com! 🙂

That’s all for now!



Ena Vlogs | Job Search, Inspiring My Shocking Stories & Tao Kae Noi Founder

I didn’t expect my job search process to take so long. I didn’t even expect myself to go through this process because I thought I would go straight into full time Real Estate salesperson work since I got my license last July. Nonetheless, I began this journey, and am now still deciding if I want to enter the Fashion related industry or go back to Real Estate… It will more or less depend on what the results of my last interview is, in two weeks times. I still continue to trust in God to provide the best way and career for me. 🙂

I have been home most of the time during this holiday, if I am not out meeting my friends for lunch, coffee and movie or church related activities.

Recently I began to watch documentaries on Youtube channel “My Shocking Story” and have been so inspired by the families and individuals who didn’t let their handicap or disabilities let them down! I am so inspired to want to live my life to the fullest as well.

I have also been doing a fair bit of reading. I’ve finished reading and or gleaming through a handful of books on Emotionally Intelligence. Did you know that we first FEEL in our brains before we THINK and rationalize? That’s why every decision we’ve ever made was first based emotionally before rationally. And therefore it is important to let ourselves cool down and take time to think through before we make big decisions in life. Also, when we are in conflicts, to breath deeply to allow our rational mind to think clearly before we act or react based on our emotions which often can be reckless.

Recently finished reading this handy book based on the life of young Thai businessman who is the founder of Tao Kae Noi, a famous fried seaweed brand. The book and his life is inspiring because he is innovative, saw every problem as an opportunity to overcome and develop his business to become bigger.

It is stories like his that inspires me.

I want to become someone like Tao Kae Noi founder, but there are also many things holding me back, fear of failure, lack of resources, fear of lack of discipline, consistency and perseverance. That is why I want to first overcome all these fears with work experiences and gain the network and experiences and successes before I will embark on my own business and projects with hopefully the right partners that God will send.

That is all for now!

Be Beautiful, Inside & Out. 🙂



Ena Loves to Travel (Experience Asia Hilton Hotel & CNNGo Contest Entry)


How’s your September coming along? Can you believe that it’s the LAST WEEK of September already? *shudders* Time reallyyyy flies in September! Personally I had this revelation recently that September is like the busiest month of the year for everyone when all the action of work/school/life is in motion and everyone’s just packed with stuff to do! Do you feel the same way too? If not, which is the busiest month for you and why? Let me know in the comment box! (:

So my school’s 1st quarter just wrapped up and I’m supposedly enjoying my 1 week break this week except that there’s actually tons of research and organizational work I have to do for school! HAHA. So alas, not much of a break for me!

Anyway I’ve side-tracked enough because as you can read from the title above, I took part in a contest organized by Hilton Hotel and CNNGo!

Do you like the video? I thought it was quite good (HAHAHA no shame for me) except that I had this constant frown on my face. HAHA. Because I filmed it a few times and I exceeded the 30 seconds mark and I  think I was worried I’d exceed the 30 seconds mark again! LOL.

I filmed it almost 3 weeks ago but I was too busy and neglected to post it up here and garner votes. (T-T)”‘ My video has 2 likes (I have no idea who these lovely people are, and THANK YOU).

I hope to be able to go on future travel trips and film more videos while traveling to share the experiences with you!

A few examples of cool travel vloggers are Justin on his journey with Heineken, watch the preview of his 5 parts journey from Mongolia to Bangkok supposedly (I say supposedly because I highly doubt it) paid in Heineken beer:

And the inspirational Natalie Tran with Lonely Planet in Singapore here:

She travels to many more places, you can watch them on Youtube. I love that she imbues her unique humour to her travel vlogs as well. 😀

I know I have been saying I will update my post on IT bags 2012 since like forever but I promise the next post is it! HAHA. I even have a schedule/list written! I have also attended a few art and fashion events recently (previews available on my Instagram/Twitter) so do watch this space (subscribe if you haven’t) for more exciting updates soon!

Alrighty, that’s all for now!

L.o.L, <3

5 Chick Flick Movies on Youtube

I won’t deny, for the last two weeks of my holidays (1.5 more months to go) I have been been watching a fair bit of Chick Flick Movies on Youtube, as the title suggests!

I sincerely believe that people are going to google ad verbatim as per my title. If you did, well, hello there friend! 😛

I’m not going to deny okay, although I am a 21 going on 22 year old level headed fashion management student who has been busy accomplishing her diploma studies, taking on an extra art exhibition, internships, jobs and now entering into the real estate market as a licensed agent (I am waiting for my license to be approved come first week of July) I am still a 21 year old and one who enjoys indulging in Chick Flicks at times, while munching on her Sky Flakes biscuits when she gets hungry in the middle of the night while watching the movie and has nothing else to survive on.

Pardon the need for my above justification, it indeed makes me feel better. Moving on… Aren’t we all excited? Here are the movies I have watched.

You can bookmark this page for future reference although I will advise you to watch while you can cause there’s no telling when Youtube might take those videos down. 😛


Cover of "Starstruck"
Cover of Starstruck

is a 2010 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Sterling Knight and Danielle Campbell. Christopher Wilde (Sterling Knight) is a famous pop star and teen idol, whose music is very successful all around the world. Sara Olson (Maggie Castle) of Kalamazoo, Michigan is an obsessive fan of Christopher Wilde who seeks to use her family’s trip to Hollywood, California to visit her widowed grandmother as an opportunity to meet him (Starstruck) for spring break. Christopher, meanwhile, is on the brink of landing a movie deal and has agreed to remain out of the tabloids in order to prove that he is serious about landing the role. – Wikipedia

My review: 5/5. Absolutely chick flick. Sterling Knight is my new boy crush and I feel less guilty knowing he is one year older than I am. I even went to watch a few episodes of Disney’s programme Sonny with a Chance (again, on Youtube) because he was acting in it.

Lying to be Perfect 

is a made-for-television movie from Lifetime based on the novel The Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer. – Wikipedia

 My review: 4/5 I liked the show. It was written with an interesting premise, how a column writer faked a persona that she now has to bring to life and the kind of physical and emotional transformation she has to go through, much like a Cinderella story. No surprises, quite predictable. I guess my only gripe is that the cast was a tad too old although i do love the main couple, Poppy Montgomery and Adamn Kaufman who were, *trivia* dating during the time of film.


is a 2004 American teen film directed by Joe Nussbaum and starring Alexa Vega and Sara Paxton.

My review: 3.5/5 I admit, I’m embarrassed to say I watched this show. I think this is the epitome of Chick Flick. A bunch of high school girls on their last night of school presumably at a Sleepover but actually wrecking havoc about town. I guess I didn’t like the show as much because I felt there was seriously too much make up on those teens and the main lead looked more horrid than sexy or attractive in that red dress and curly hair. See, I told you this is epitome of Chick Flick. On a side note, main actress Alexa Vega is now all grown up at 23 years old, looks great and is married.

The Wedding Planner

Cover of "The Wedding Planner"
Cover of The Wedding Planner

is a 2001 romantic comedy film starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. – Wikipedia

My review: 2.5/5. Actually I don’t know why I watched it. It wasn’t terrible enough for me to stop watching it but it was not fantastic either. I can only think of one funny moment and that’s about it. I guess back in 2001 the audience’s standards were set pretty low? Matthew McConaughey who is hot looked not in the show and I think Jennifer Lopez looks better in 2012’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting (I saw this in the cinema recently, funny movie but it’s about pregnant women so it felt a bit queer to be watching it) then she did in 2001, however impossible that may be. So, watch it if your repertoire of chick flick movies is exhausted or if you are huge fan of either stars?

The Vow

is a 2012 romantic drama film directed by Michael Sucsy, starring Rachel McAdamsChanning TatumSam NeillScott Speedman and Jessica Lange. The film is based on the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter. – Wikipedia

My review: 4.5/5. Ok so I cheated because this isn’t exactly a Chick Flick because it’s more like a romance tear jerker. I teared a few times in this show. Rachel Mc Adams is gorgeous, what more can I say?

I love writing this entry! Never knew reviewing movies was this satisfying. Did you enjoy reading this post and watching the movies? Let me know by commenting! (:

Ena Vlogs | of Awkward Turtles & Clear Shampoo


I had my fringe trimmed! Nice? 🙂

I decided to do a short vlog… so here it is!

Am asking around to find a willing guy friend to review the shampoo, hehe. Quite excited to write about the review post soon! I realize I do like to review products. So if you have any products you would like me to review, drop me an email! 😉

I have two more posts coming up, ICB styling event from 2 weeks ago and my friend’s 21st birthday last week! I wanted to post them tonight but it’s quite late already so I’ll leave it for next time! 😛 Time flies! It’s been one month since I started internship, I’m halfway through! I am really missing holidays though… increasingly I wish i was “en vacances” which means on holiday in french. Sighhh. Looking on the bright side, I do enjoy my work at the chamber because of my friendly colleagues although this week has been pretty stressful and hectic… with many deadlines and due dates.

I always try to remember stuff to blog/vlog about but when I do come down to it, I forget all of them! I really should jot ideas down… I am going to join my friend Sofie for her wedding decoration meeting tomorrow night! She is having a Marie Antoinette theme which is really cool! 😉

My french class exam is in like 2 weeks time!!! Hahaha I need to start revision! It’s like so many grammar rules to remember! When I revise till the end, I forget what I learnt at the beginning! -_-

So! Drop me a comment and show me some love! (: <3 <3 <3


Vlog Updated

Hahaha it took me so long to reload my vlog… I edited it with imovie on my mac and I was really just playing around so some of the effects don’t make sense, like red curtains in the middle of the vlog. HAHAHA. Although I claim to be introverted but I secretly enjoy seeing myself looking pretty on pictures and videos so don’t hate me or say I’m ugly or anything like that! I’m just kidding… 😛 I did 4 more Christmas cards for my zazzle shop today. I think this week was a little teeny weeny bit more productive than the last, but not very productive still… YPM camp next week! Enjoy the random vlog! Tell me if you like it or not and why and if you’ll watch a 2nd vlog? HAHAHA. Ok bye!

Please wait till the video load before watching! And… I think I want to cut my fringe.