I won’t deny, for the last two weeks of my holidays (1.5 more months to go) I have been been watching a fair bit of Chick Flick Movies on Youtube, as the title suggests!
I sincerely believe that people are going to google ad verbatim as per my title. If you did, well, hello there friend! 😛
I’m not going to deny okay, although I am a 21 going on 22 year old level headed fashion management student who has been busy accomplishing her diploma studies, taking on an extra art exhibition, internships, jobs and now entering into the real estate market as a licensed agent (I am waiting for my license to be approved come first week of July) I am still a 21 year old and one who enjoys indulging in Chick Flicks at times, while munching on her Sky Flakes biscuits when she gets hungry in the middle of the night while watching the movie and has nothing else to survive on.
Pardon the need for my above justification, it indeed makes me feel better. Moving on… Aren’t we all excited? Here are the movies I have watched.
You can bookmark this page for future reference although I will advise you to watch while you can cause there’s no telling when Youtube might take those videos down. 😛

is a 2010 Disney Channel Original Movie starring Sterling Knight and Danielle Campbell. Christopher Wilde (Sterling Knight) is a famous pop star and teen idol, whose music is very successful all around the world. Sara Olson (Maggie Castle) of Kalamazoo, Michigan is an obsessive fan of Christopher Wilde who seeks to use her family’s trip to Hollywood, California to visit her widowed grandmother as an opportunity to meet him (Starstruck) for spring break. Christopher, meanwhile, is on the brink of landing a movie deal and has agreed to remain out of the tabloids in order to prove that he is serious about landing the role. – Wikipedia
My review: 5/5. Absolutely chick flick. Sterling Knight is my new boy crush and I feel less guilty knowing he is one year older than I am. I even went to watch a few episodes of Disney’s programme Sonny with a Chance (again, on Youtube) because he was acting in it.
Lying to be Perfect
is a made-for-television movie from Lifetime based on the novel The Cinderella Pact by Sarah Strohmeyer. – Wikipedia
is a 2004 American teen film directed by Joe Nussbaum and starring Alexa Vega and Sara Paxton.
My review: 3.5/5 I admit, I’m embarrassed to say I watched this show. I think this is the epitome of Chick Flick. A bunch of high school girls on their last night of school presumably at a Sleepover but actually wrecking havoc about town. I guess I didn’t like the show as much because I felt there was seriously too much make up on those teens and the main lead looked more horrid than sexy or attractive in that red dress and curly hair. See, I told you this is epitome of Chick Flick. On a side note, main actress Alexa Vega is now all grown up at 23 years old, looks great and is married.
The Wedding Planner

is a 2001 romantic comedy film starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey. – Wikipedia
My review: 2.5/5. Actually I don’t know why I watched it. It wasn’t terrible enough for me to stop watching it but it was not fantastic either. I can only think of one funny moment and that’s about it. I guess back in 2001 the audience’s standards were set pretty low? Matthew McConaughey who is hot looked not in the show and I think Jennifer Lopez looks better in 2012’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting (I saw this in the cinema recently, funny movie but it’s about pregnant women so it felt a bit queer to be watching it) then she did in 2001, however impossible that may be. So, watch it if your repertoire of chick flick movies is exhausted or if you are huge fan of either stars?
The Vow
is a 2012 romantic drama film directed by Michael Sucsy, starring Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum, Sam Neill, Scott Speedman and Jessica Lange. The film is based on the true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter. – Wikipedia
My review: 4.5/5. Ok so I cheated because this isn’t exactly a Chick Flick because it’s more like a romance tear jerker. I teared a few times in this show. Rachel Mc Adams is gorgeous, what more can I say?
I love writing this entry! Never knew reviewing movies was this satisfying. Did you enjoy reading this post and watching the movies? Let me know by commenting! (: