Hello Lovelies! <3 <3 <3
Terribly overdue photos from Fashion Steps Out (FSO) 2014 back in early April.
It was a rather last minute decision for me to head down that evening (the same day I attended Kose event the day earlier, hence in the same look and dress. :p) Omg, yes that’s how embarrassingly long ago these photos are. >.<
Many thanks to Shn and clozette for the ticket! 😀 <3
A grand total of 137 photos & movie clips, let’s go!
Me shamelessly taking selfies on the train towards Orchard, what to do, I really like my look with Estee Lauder’s signature lipstick in 62 Scarlet on my lips. <3
The models queuing up at the start of the street runway beginning at ION Orchard.
Model decides to spontaneously pose for me.
So I decided to take a selfie too!
It was a reallyyy long walk to the Takashimaya side where the seats were. But hey, it’s not like we get to walk on Orchard road everyday right? 😀
A big screen infront of Paragon area tells announces for all to know that Fashion Steps Out 2014 is in full swing!
With my girlfriends Carissa and Shirleen, of which we all attended the same primary school, St. Hildas! <3
As posted on Instagram, follow me on @ena_teo if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? :p

Crazy fierce entrance with entourage of Harley Davidson bikes!

This funny guy walking front and literally back with the balloon that signals the brand, Manish Arora, designer that hails from India with super colourful designs! <3
Manish Arora

Yes, that’s a woman going all the way up to take close ups of the models. LOL. Not quite sure if that was allowed or not.

Aha, we meet again! HAHA.
This model is super duper enthusiastic.
Then some athletes came by, who by then had already done their acrobatic routine so we didn’t get to see any. >.<
Next up, designs from David Koma. Super sleek and edgy.
David Koma

Looks from I.T. Fashion
Looks from Depression & Reckless Ericka. #homepride
Looks from Aimer

I think that this model above is incredibly pretty! Lovely chocolate skin tone.
Katy Perry inspired outfit much?
So Korean looking and pretty model!
Sorry for this really blurry and weird shot, but just had to get a pic of this reallyyyy humongous hat!  😀
And we have another local label, Ashley Isham!

You can see all the designer labelled balloons gathering at the end!
A panoramic hot of the runway from my view!
Next up, Robinsons!

Fancy a helmet of flowers? :p
Ending off with scooters!

Local model Sarah! She’s looking into my camera phone in the video below. 😉

Local model Ying Ying on the right! 😉
Another local model!

All the balloons gathers, and the joker/fav model of the night is spotted!
The closing walk commences!
Here with Camy!
Ending off with my instavideo which I posted on Instagram too!
I really enjoyed myself that night soaking in the fun carnival like nature of FSO, it’s fashion that’s not to be taken too seriously, a totally new experience for me! It was also really lovely to see international and local designs coming down Orchard road and to see what’s on trend for summer – lots of edgy asymmetrical and cut outs, floral prints and bright colours! 😉
Hope you enjoyed this post as much as I did reminiscing over it!
Thanks to Clozette for the ticket and be sure to check them out here and my page here. 😉
P.S. Please vote for me for Kose Sekkisei Cinderella Contest on the site here (http://sg.sekkisei-cinderella.com/finalist/ena.html)! <3
If you’re a fan of Kose Singapore FB, you have to unlike and like them for the vote button to pop up again!
Current Kose Giveaway
For a period of 2 weeks from 1-15 June 2014:
1. Vote for me on the site here (http://sg.sekkisei-cinderella.com/finalist/ena.html)
2. Like and Share this giveaway http://bit.ly/EnaKoseFBGiveaway on Facebook. (Make sure its public so I can see you’ve shared.)
3. Submit your details on this google form:bit.ly/EnaKose
to stand a chance to win a set of Kosé Sekkisei products including Clear Whitening Mask ($35) and Sun Protect Essence Milk ($46), total worth $81.
T&C applies, refer to end of post here.