Tag Archives: Puppies

Ena’s August in Photos (:

Hello !

First off, a big WELCOME HUGGGG + KISSESSS to my new readers who found out about me through my FB page ad. campaign! Thanks to FB, who generously offered me $50 ad. campaign fund to reach out to more readers through FB! (:

Next up, I have a whole line up of posts from outings with my friends in August, most of them which are food related. All you foodies, get ready! I have posted some photos on Instagram, follow me @ena_teo if you’re on it. If not, check my pictures out here. My Instagram is pretty much a visual folder of all the things that make me happy; friends, food, coffee, colours & pretty pictures. (:

Now I’ll let the pictures do the talking!

If you haven’t seen it, here’s the Stella McCartney Brass Heart & Key necklace I won from a contest organized by Clozette.

The necklace retails online for £235 on the UK website here. Thank you Stella McCartney & Clozette! (: Been wanting to wear it but I find the chain a little too short and have not been able to match it for an appropriate occasion yet. >.< Also the folks at Clozette are real nice! Many thanks to Anna’s hospitality when I was at their office collecting the prize. She’s from the Philippines and we had a good chat about the beautiful beaches there, mainly me saying how much I’d like to go to Boracay, haha!

Next up a picture I took with the lovely Kat on the first day we were back in school for a combined lecture! It’s been 4 weeks / 1 month since we started school, how time flies! it’s the finale year of degree and I will definitely miss school when it’s over! TIME! Don’t go by so fast! Slow down! >.<


I took these pictures on the same night I attended the Hermes the Gift of Time exhibition and Underscore Flight Magazine launch, on the bus ride home. Photos were processed on IPhone app Camera360. ^^

My nail candy thanks to Estee Lauder. This is in Tempting Melon (which I thought turned out to a be a beautiful & trendy coral colour) plus ribbon stickers. I did the manicure on my own btw, nice right? ^^
I love coffee! (If you don’t already know >.<) This is Mac Cafe’s Caramel Macchiato (means steamed milk).

This was meant to be on Instagram but it never got uploaded cause of bad internet connection. Say hi to my 2 new puppies, Lulu & Lala!

JUST KIDDING! They don’t exist irl. They are merely printed on a pouch my Aunt gave which I am now using to keep my reading specs safe from scratches. Makes me happy just to see them everyday. ^^


Okie! That’s all folks!

Next post on Estee Lauder’s Violet Underground Fall makeup collection coming right up! (;

Ena, Lulu & Lala