Hi dear readers! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!
I hope you enjoyed your New Year’s weekend as much as I did! I went for my friend, Sofie’s birthday on 30th Dec which was a mega blast and I had a quiet New Year’s countdown with my family and celebrated the New Year with friends at Sunday morning church service! 🙂 Spending time at our Lord’s house is a great way to start the New Year! 🙂
This is gonna be a long post! Before I go on to the New Year blog posts, I’d like to wrap up my 2011 first. Heh. I really haven’t had the time to update all my pictures from December so that’s what I’ll do here! 😉
Starting off with my friend H’s 21st!
Gosh, has it really been a full year of 21st birthdays? I think I might have possibly attended almost one every month! Partly glad our 21st year is over but also hoping we’ll all continue to meet up! 🙂

That’s lovely Jing Wei and Valerie with the fantastic buffet spread. The party was held at Aranda chalets, which in my opinion is one of the best chalet offerings in Singapore for their sleek and stylish chalets with a quiet and lush environment.

Instead of having a traditional birthday cake, H celebrated with tiny cupcakes which were not only beyond adorable but also very delicious!
I thoroughly enjoyed the red velvet cupcake and the caramel cupcake!
And in the “Most Hilarious Post-Dinner Birthday Activity for the year 2011” award, H’s takes the cake. As seen from above, she was first “blind-folded” in a red plastic bag and made to whack the pink heel pinata with an umbrella. What went down instead, was a very crooked umbrella because the pinata was one hard nut to crack!
Next up… FCCS Team Christmas Lunch @ Au Petit Salut at Dempsey Road! 🙂
The Christmas lunch was a much welcomed break and reward as we had worked very hard for the months of November and December, for various events and publications.
The lunch was a gathering of the permanent staff, interns, free-lance staff and our president. As you can see most of the team are French with only 3 other ladies who are local Singaporeans (and naturally with whom I bonded with). So my internship was also quite a cultural exposure for me, particularly in terms of language and food.
Group photos! Generally when I reveal to my peers where I intern at, they would respond with slight gasps and exclamations of how cool it is. Upon hindsight, it is indeed all glory to God that He secured a wonderful internship opportunity for me which i will look back with fondness. Despite the tedious work I did, I really enjoyed the friendships I have made with my colleagues. 🙂
Last but not the least, here’s what went down my tummy during that meal. Fantastic french loaves and soft butter (which reminded me of the meals I had when I was in Italy in 2007), escargot in garlic sauce for starters, beef steak and fries for mains and ending off with raspberry sorbet and gateau (cake) ! 🙂
With the other fellow intern, Nirina. He’s French but from Madagascar!
Soo… look out for Part 2 in the next post, I will post photos from Benjamin (my cell group) Christmas party and Sofie’s birthday party~!