Tag Archives: ME @ OUE

April Recaps



Hi Lovelies!

YES, it’s time for another monthly update! *Throws confetti in the air*

I know, I know. I am *ahem* just about 3.5 months late…
That’s not embarrassingly late at all, right? I mean, it’s not April 2015 yet, right? πŸ˜›

So, you may not believe it like I do, but somehow while I was clearing my April photos folder, I somehow managed to find photos from February and March. LOL. Some of the photos I think I didn’t published on my blog previously.

For the uninitiated/ readers new to my blog, I’ve only started a monthly update a while back, of my personal life and what nots that I find amusing but doesn’t properly fall into an event or review blog post, so I’ve decided to combine them into a major long photo post of sorts.

Anyhoo, that’s long enough for an intro, enjoy! πŸ˜‰

Jap Ramen with Cheryl2014-02-19 18.49.08_newJap Ramen with Cheryl2014-02-19 20.26.37_new

Met up with Cheryl my JC classmate back in Feb, been about 5 years since we last met and she doesn’t seem to have aged at all. Still pretty and sweet as ever! We had dinner at this ramen place at the 3rd or 4th level of Parco Next Next and I believe this place has shifted out. Not too sure what the name of the place is called but they seem to serve their specialty ramen with black garlic oil. Definitely yummy!

Ena April Recap 20142014-03-23 13.44.50_new

A March pic, which I posted on my Instagram. Basically my first random/spontaneous fried rice I cooked for lunch. Leftover rice, egg, luncheon meat. Was not particularly savory but passable! Well at least it looks decent. πŸ˜›

So I’m not sure why I didn’t include these pics into my March update, basically my friends and I had brunch on the last day of March, a cafe that Jacq was quite eager to check out after reading some good reviews online; Stirling Highway.
Stirling Highway Review2014-03-30 14.26.45_new

Jacq & I.
Stirling Highway Review2014-03-30 14.41.49_new

Char’s mushroomy and meat brunch set.
Stirling Highway Review2014-03-30 14.41.55_new

Char & Brunch~Stirling Highway Review2014-03-30 14.48.58_new

My Salmon Eggs Benedict, which was disappointing to say the least. Very unfortunately when we reached at about 2pm, they already didn’t have quite a lot of lunch items (even though it was legit lunch time) and it was also too early for dinner items like Truffle fries. The waitress had to “check in with the kitchen” to see if we could order brunch items. It was surprising that their stock had run out on a Sunday afternoon. And the salmon in the eggs benedict was bad, as in smelled spoilt upon my first bite that I had to request to return it. For the record, I rarely ever do something like that because I know how insulting it is to the kitchen. Nonetheless they returned it back to me, citing that that’s how the Hollandaise sauce smells like… So I just removed the salmon pieces and finished my meal feeling quite absurd about the whole situation. However the only lightness of the entire situation was they decided to give me a 20% discount for the meal, although they did not admit that the Salmon was not fresh.

Therefore I would not recommend nor go back to this place. This place is also really far for me since I stay in the east, so I doubt I would go back to this place! πŸ˜›

Stirling Highway Review2014-03-30 15.26.27_new

Really cute sleepy cat outside the cafe.
Fengshan 85 Dinner2014-03-31 21.32.47_new

One random night that family bought home dinner from Fengshan 85! Famous Bak Chor Mee! I love this stuff, it’s the bomb!
Fengshan 85 Dinner2014-03-31 21.43.59_new

And my second fave, Ah Balling dumplings filled with Sesame and Peanuts respectively in Almond Milk. Yumsssss.


Yes, now going to April photos proper. Lol!
April was pretty good, or at least so it seems from the photos in this post, lol.

April 1st was April Fools Day, in case you forgot. And Google is super fond of having cool stuff for everyone. So for this year’s April Fool’s special thing, it was catching Pokemon on Google Maps! I obviously went quite crazy trying to catch ’em all. Key word being trying. I didn’t managed to catch all 150 of them in 24 hours. πŸ™

Google Aprils Fool 2014 Pokemon2014-04-01 10.18.31_new

A lot of my friends were posting about it on Instagram… πŸ˜›Β Google Aprils Fool 2014 Pokemon2014-04-01 13.34.10_new

One of the first few Pokemons I caught!Google Aprils Fool 2014 Pokemon2014-04-01 15.17.05_new

One of the places where you can catch a Pokemon on Google maps…

Google Aprils Fool 2014 Pokemon2014-04-01 19.22.06_new

I think I caught a grand total of 38/150 Pokemon. #majorfail LOL!

Oh apparently Google sent a hardcopy mail to all those who caught 150 Pokemons to “certify” them as Pokemon masters!

Viewing Reflections2014-04-01 12.44.41_new

Had coffee at Dempsey with my colleague before a viewing at Reflections.Viewing Reflections2014-04-01 14.11.11_new

This is the view you get when you rent/own/stay at Reflections @ Keppel Bay. Pretty eh?Ena April Recap 20142014-04-06 13.44.56_new

This is my 拿手ε₯½θœ / best dish that I can serve up, instant noodles with kimchi, cheese and my dad’s speciality chilli. HEHE. You might have no idea how kimchi, cheese and chilli go together, but I’m telling ya, it’s major yumsss!!! If you haven’t tried this stuff before, you’re missing out!

Enabalista Makeup April 20142014-04-08 01.57.38-1_new

One of my April instagram beauty post, this was All Things Pink related. Lots of lipsticks. Follow me @ena_teo for more up to date posts. πŸ˜›

My colleague Yan Ling and I meet up for meals quite a lot and we love, or rather I loveee this Taiwan food place near my office and brought her there too.Ena April Recap 20142014-04-08 13.51.48_new

Yan Ling and her chicken chop rice set.Ena April Recap 20142014-04-08 13.52.05_new

My mee sua set & I.

We have lunch here really often btw. Here’s photos from another session:
Taiwan Food Place Enabalista2014-03-27 12.14.53_new

My minced pork and egg rice set.
Taiwan Food Place Enabalista2014-03-27 12.18.20_new

Yan Ling having mee sua this time round.Taiwan Food Place Enabalista2014-03-31 15.49.03_new

Another time I ordered Pork Chop. Which is also major yums and highly recommended!

Go visit if you work/stay or just popping by around the area!

It’s right next to a Japanese restaurant at Lorong 4 Toa Payoh. I can’t seem to find the address online, but I’ll ask for it the next time I’m there and update here again. πŸ˜›

If you were living under a rock unaware, back in April,Β a small Ming dynasty-era bowl dubbed the β€œchicken cup” sold for 281.2 million Hong Kong dollars (US$36.3 million) at a Sotheby’s sale in Hong Kong on Tuesday, setting a record for the most expensive Chinese porcelain ever sold at auction, see article on Wall Street JournalΒ here.

I was so impressed that I immediately when to my kitchen, took out this chicken dish, and proceeded to snap the following pictures. I am sorry to disappoint, but it’s not going to be sold for millions, it’s just priced at $2,000. Don’t ask me why it’s sold for $2,000, not $200 or $20,000. Cause you know, you shouldn’t be so caught up with the price, I just like the price $2,000. Should you be so keen to purchase this rare and exquisite item, you may email me at enabalista @ gmail.com (no gaps). πŸ™‚

Crow Bowl Auction2014-04-10 08.58.06_new Crow Bowl Auction2014-04-10 08.58.15_new Crow Bowl Auction2014-04-10 09.00.37_new

My sisters and I visited Doong Ji at Katong for dinner.
Doong Ji Korean Review2014-04-17 00.01.07_new Doong Ji Korean Review2014-04-17 00.01.12_new

My eldest sis and I particularly loveee the mashed egg and potato side dish, featured on the bottom most right corner. Awesome dish there, guys.
Doong Ji Korean Review2014-04-17 00.01.16_new

We had Octopus and Meat Stew for $29, fit for 3-4. We could not finish it between the 3 of us. Absolutely worth it.Doong Ji Korean Review2014-04-17 00.01.04_new

How the dish looks like after it’s all cooked.

Visit them at:

222 E Coast Rd, Singapore 428919
6345 4264

For desserts we proceeded to Nine Thirty.

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A slice of heaven, that’s what it is. Layered chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream. BEST EVAR GUYS. Lots of yumsss.
Nine Thirty Review2014-04-16 21.20.15_new

I believe this to be the most expensive chocolate milk there. It deserves a precious photo such as this, with my second sister modeling. I do believe you’re paying more for the circular bottle than for the milk as well. It’s $7-8 for a bottle, if you were wondering.

Visit them at:


Nine Thirty Review2014-04-16 21.49.49_new

On the way home, we met my bestie YL on the bus! :*Ena April Recap 20142014-04-17 19.12.24_new

Spot the cat.Whole9Yards logo Enabalista

Was invited down for Whole9Yards styling event at Tangs by my Lasalle college classmate, Pris (we’ve all graduated, in case you’re wondering).
Whole9Yards Styling Event Enabalista 3

Lovely presentation.Whole9Yards Enabalista

With Shi Hui, Mayshella, Belle, Pris, Rachel and our tutor Anne Laure~

Whole9Yard Styling Tangs Enabalista2014-04-17 19.42.42_new

One of the designers Daniel Heawen introducing the collection.Whole9Yard Styling Tangs Enabalista2014-04-17 19.48.26_new

Ever lovely stylist Lionnel showing us how to style with the collection.Whole9Yard Styling Tangs Enabalista2014-04-17 19.59.24_new Whole9Yard Styling Tangs Enabalista2014-04-17 20.32.53_new

Selfie in the fitting room~Whole9Yard Styling Tangs Enabalista2014-04-17 20.36.01_new

I love the structures and really fab materials used in the collection.
Whole9Yards Styling Event Enabalista

Some of the guests for the evening~

Image credits to Whole9Yard FB. Check them out of FB here. πŸ™‚

Winning 20482014-04-19 17.24.49_new

Yes guys, I got to 2048. πŸ˜€

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My second sis and I had NeNe chicken from Bedok Mall. The last I checked today (in August) it’s no longer there. πŸ™ Nothing is quite like it, although 4 Fingers come close, it’s probably as delicious but the flavour isn’t the same. We had spicy and garlic if I didn’t recall wrongly.

Was invited down for Bill Ang and Friend’s concert at Lowercase. Attended the 1st one last November and was glad to be down again, HOW TIME FLIES GUYS. >.<

2014-04-01 15.47.21 Bill Ang Friends Concert April 20142014-04-19 19.52.54_new

You can’t tell here, but I was wearing a cropped top and I was too shy to wear it without my denim jacket. >.<#Bill Ang Friends Concert April 20142014-04-19 20.38.04_new

Bill looking as suave as ever. Rocking white/red/whatever hair colour he ever has. And a manskirt! πŸ™‚Ena April Recap 20142014-04-15 02.03.50_new

Grammatically incorrect; it’s supposed to be You’re amazing. But how lovely is this galaxy inspired background!Β How uncanny it is that Spotify is playing Bruno Mars’ Just The Way You Are at the very moment I am captioning this image. We always need a timely reminder to know that someone will always find us amazing and we don’t ever need to change a thing. It’s true. You just gotta believe it. πŸ˜‰

Ena April Recap 20142014-04-15 03.36.48_new
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Took me forever and a day to get down to buying a new pair of kicks which got me running for a while… and I stopped again. πŸ˜› Time to put on the running shoes again! Maybe time for me to get some new running gear/sports wear. πŸ˜› I want those abs! HAHA.Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Honestly took me a while to figure how to photograph my badass metal rings. YES, that’s the real reason for the victory sign finger. LOL. #vainpot #blogger Rings from Louvisa. πŸ™‚

Went down to ME @ OUE because a friend was spinning/DJing there.
Jacq Birthday ME OUE2014-04-27 20.40.22_new

With lovely girls Jacq & Char.Jacq Birthday ME OUE2014-04-27 20.40.25_new

Jacq Birthday ME OUE2014-04-27 20.40.32_new Jacq Birthday ME OUE2014-04-27 20.40.39_new

Great company & view! Couldn’t have asked for a better night.

Enabalista Sun Blocks2014-04-30 00.41.05_newThere was a day in April when I wanted to post this particular photo up on Instagram, but I just couldn’t. It’s one of those weird unexplainable technology/Instagram faux pax and so this photo never made it to my Instagram. It’s basically a photo of all the sunblocks I have. 10. I believe I have more than 10 now as of August. πŸ˜› A beauty blogger never says no to more beauty products, esp. Sunblocks! Haha.

Alright! That pretty much sums up my exciting April with a lot of food and friends. Ena will never say no to food and friends. πŸ˜›

Leave me your questions, comments or love notes, if any~ πŸ˜€

