Tag Archives: LINE app

Chat away with super cute LINE SG50 stickers!

Hi Loves!

Another #throwback post today! So I was invited for LINE’s SG50 sticker set launch party a few months back and it was really cute fun hanging with LINE mascots Brown (brown bear) & Cony (white rabbit) and with my lovely blogger friend Sydney!

In case you have no idea what LINE is, it’s a messaging app from Korea and they legit have the cutest stickers. Of course they have a close competitor Kakao Talk and in the past I actually had both but now I only have LINE and not because I’m chatting up any cute Oppas or Dongsengs or Ullsangs but because I love playing LINE apps. #TrueStory Although now the only game I’m still playing is Tsum Tsum and even that I have stopped for a few months and only logged in a few days ago and SUPER SAD that they reformatted (probably because of my Iphone OS upgrade?!) and I LOST all my previously acquired Tsum Tsums and levels. T_T

Anyways… What I am trying to say is… If you have not downloaded LINE and LINE’s Tsum Tsum you should try it out… but if you’re hooked/addicted, pls do not blame it on me. πŸ˜›

Coming back to the post at hand, the launch event was held sometime in May at Fullerton Bay Hotel, I LOVE. SO PRETTY. #PossibleWeddingSpot #StillSingleWhoAmIKidding #WhereIsTheLoveOfMyLife Β And well, you’ll see the super local and kind of cute sticker set below, which I think is limited edition and I don’t see them available on the LINE app anyway, SORRY GUYS. But there are tons of NEW, cute and free stickers to download now! πŸ™‚
LINE SG 50 Stickers 001 LINE SG 50 Stickers 002 LINE SG 50 Stickers 003 LINE SG 50 Stickers 004 LINE SG 50 Stickers 005 This Sally the LINE Duck balloon is INCREDIBLE. It’s still very much “alive” and full in my bedroom as I am typing this despite the months. I love it too much to throw it away. I have a soft spot for ducks, seriously.LINE SG 50 Stickers 006With sweetie pie Sydney.
LINE SG 50 Stickers 008 LINE SG 50 Stickers 009 LINE SG 50 Stickers 010

Sorry guys it’s only available until Sep 2015. I am a terrible, procrastinating blogger. THAT IS WHY you should follow me on IG @ena_teo where I am much more updated. Not instant (not always) but much more updated. Yes.Β LINE SG 50 Stickers 007And all the cute-sy collectibles!

Thank you WOM PR and LINE SG for having me!

