Tag Archives: How to Shop Online Safely

Tips to Avoid Online Shopping Fraud

Article provided by TrustedCompany.com and edited by me.

2014-05-04 16.51.06

Photo of SUPERSPACE, photos and launch review coming up next.
Not a very relevant photo as they don’t have an online shop, still it’s a nicer photo than the one I got, so I’m using this. 😛

How many times do you shop online in a year? It is fast, convenient and sometimes cheaper than buying offline. Through shopping online you can get wonderful discounts and you have access to purchase from any part of the world. Nowadays there are only few things that you cannot buy online.

As great as the pleasure of having everything delivered in front of your door, so will the pain be when you realize you’ve become a victim of online shopping fraud. Simple steps will help you to buy fashion, beauty or any other items safely!

Have a look at the following six easy steps:

1. Stay safe on Public WIFI.

It is very common to go to a cafe and connect to the internet, but public WIFI can be quite dangerous, since everyone has access to it, it is easy to get your personal details, like pin number, ID, etc. This situation is not very safe because you never know who can take it. (Ena notes: You may see more tips on how to stay safe on public wifi here and here.)

2. Check reviews.

Many online fashion shoppers like you and me usually give feedback about the different online shops. This is perfect to know different opinions before purchasing, thanks to review platforms like TrustedCompany.com where you can write reviews for free, read other opinions and get to know the online shop before buying. 🙂

3. Check terms and conditions.

Don’t buy any fashion item that you cannot change in case it is not your size or if the quality is not as good as you’ve expected. You must have the opportunity to return your order if you don ́t like it. Returning orders should be as simple as possible, too.

4. Avoid too good to be real deals.

No company offer huge promotions, free giveaways or huge discounts. Be aware of such big discounts and do not trust it because unfortunately no one gives something for free.

5. Check out the website.

Take a look at the URL before purchasing, be sure that the page where you are buying is the same from the beginning on. If it is not the same, you should not continue with the process, as if you do so, you might end up as a victim of online fraud.

6. Check your bank account.

Ask your bank to inform you about all the transactions in your account. In case anything happens you can control bank transfers and solve the problem as soon as possible.

Everyone loves to shop online, but nobody wants to be a victim of cyber criminals, so enjoy online shopping in a safety way, now you have the keys to do it!



Thanks to TrustedCompany.com for preparing this very helpful article for me and my readers!

Thank you for reading. 😉



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