Tag Archives: Ena Vlogs

Ena Vlogs #2… Results of Poll & Updates… Subscribe for updates! :)


Ena Vlogs return… after I have decided to KIV (keep in view, for the uninitiated) #AskEna segment until people actually ask me questions. HA.

Ena Vlogs #2

So what am I so disappointed about? Watch my vlog to fun outtttt 🙂

Anyway I hope you can tell I am having fun with this whole vlogging thing and let’s see what I can do / the possibilities I can explore with vlogging! Gotta be more creative, right? ^^

And yes, I am a LIKER. so when I have to restraint things I like on FB, I am sad. 😛

COMMENT guys and girls!!! Cause I love reading your comments! 😀

