Last August Clinique launched their meaningful Face Forward campaign encouraging women to make a promise for their future self, via social media. Here’s mine, writing to my future 30 year old self:
Dear Ena, how is life like at 30? Honestly it feels weird speaking to you, my older self. I trust that you’re now older and wiser. Hopefully you’re more passionate than ever; living life to the fullest, whether you’re still in working in the property industry and blogging. I hope you’re still rooted in Christ and enjoying His love and grace each day. May your life be a testament to His glory and goodness. I also hope that you have a better understanding of the value and preciousness of time and that you’ve mastered being in control of time. I believe that as I continue to be grounded, faithful and industrious, I’ll have the confidence to face you in 5 years time. X Ena
In addition to the Face Forward campaign launch, Clinique also launched their Smart Eye Serum, mascara and liner and a few Clozette ambassadors and I were invited down for the launch at Sephora at ION.
A few of the mug shots taken of the guests, spot me! 😛
Some swatches of the Clinique’s Pop lip colour.
Clinique’s Smart Custom Repair Eye Treatment: Our smart eye treatment targets repair as needed, where needed. Custom repair is how one formula can visibly brighten, contour and firm, plump or repair the look of crow’s feet. Use twice a day.With Clozette ambassadors at the event!
Photos and products from the event. Unfortunately I did not like both the chubby mascara and liquid eyelining pen as I found the chubby mascara hard to handle with the chubby body and the eyelining pen smudges. Have yet to review the eye serum, will put it to the test and review on my IG @ena_teo, follow me if you haven’t! 😉 Was also gifted the Clinique’s 3 step skin care for taking part in the #FaceForward social media campaign. I have oily + normal combi skin and I was matched with the type 3 for the 3 step skin care, consisting of soap, lotion and gel. Heard really good reviews of the dramatically different moisturizing gel, shall also review on my IG after testing it.
Thank you Clinique SG and Clozette for the media invitation and product gifts!
This is a pretty late entry (I will try to blog more promptly in future), but back in early Sep, 5th of September to be exact, I accompanied a friend with Sephora’s White Card (VIP member card) and went down for Sephora’s new store launch at Suntec City Mall. 🙂
I’ll let the photos do the talking and end off with a review of Sephora’s Suntec City Mall outlet launch event, also named “Beauty Night Out”. If you’ve read a post I wrote previously on “My Business Ideas“, in it I wrote that I’d love to have a beauty (makeup and skincare line) some day, so attending these events are not only great for my current job networking but also research for the future, heh. 🙂
Pardon the blurriness, not easy taking a clear shot with one hand. That was a goodie bag (box to be exact) tag for guests to claim at the end of the event. I forgot to take a snap of the box, but I will review a part of the box, to be explained later.Several makeover booths by various brands stocked at Sephora. Each with obvious branding, this being Lancome. Surprisingly, there were not many queuing, I guess most came with made up faces!I have no idea what brand Lady Jayne is. I will google and share with you my findings. I am proud to say that I am proud of my google skills. Haha. #random
Ahh.. It is a hair accessories and styling brand from Australia. For more about them, check out their website They have a SG Facebook page here.
Makeup booths at a glance, Benefit, Makeupforever and Clinique. And ostensibly bigger crowd here, but what you can’t see from this angle are the Ciate nail booths before the makeup booths.I think these were my favourite part of the entire pampering offers! Ciate is an exquisite nail polish brand with quirky nail ideas like Caviar manicure and chalkboard polishes, for example. As a beauty user, I tend to trust and buy a brand after testing, so this in my opinion is great for guests. However, I was not in the mood that day to actually test them, as I didn’t want to squeeze with the crowd. :/
Because I think you’d appreciate me sharing with you images of Ciate Caviar Manicure and chalkboard polishes, in case you have not seen them before!:
Don’t ask me why they needed to put the tiny balls on the lips when it’s only meant for the nails.So pretty isn’t it? 🙂
You can buy it on Amazon here at USD$25. (You’re most welcome.)
You can get the white one here and black one here, on Amazon.
Those cute little black ribbons just kills it doesn’t it? Makes these cute little bottles so charming! I am a sucker for ribbons, totally.
Nope, those obviously weren’t my hands. But proof that the booth though well equipped with sample / tester bottles, had too little space than demand required.A nifty frangrance bar offering engraving services for guests who purchase fragrances on that day. I think that’s a pretty neat service and will KIV this thoughtful service for a gift idea someday.My second favourite part of the event, ICE CREAM. I die. The ice cream wasn’t perfect, I had mango flavour which was so-so, but any event that has free ice cream immediately scores high on my books. I won’t deny that I have a sweet tooth.Ok, I will admit, I did not quite get this. It says “Get Nailed” but it’s a legit alcohol serving bar! So I was expecting it to be a real nails pampering bar, but I think they meant more like get nailed/drunk. Sorry I am not fancy enough to get it the first time (if that’s what they meant). Haha! Wasn’t in the mood for wine that day (next day Friday still have to get to work) so too bad!Sephora invited several local TV and theatre celebs down as well as a what seems like tertiary cheerleading group down for a performance followed by rah-rah entry to the store’s grand launch.Sorry again for this being blur, as a result of me being highly amused and equally shy to be walking down the red carpet while flanked by cheerleaders cheering and smiling on like we were runners onwards the last lap towards the finishing line!And a finally clear shot of the store front. The huge Sephora eye palette like wall/stand is where they stored all the goodie boxes for guest to redeem before leaving.
My thoughts:
The Good
It’s always nice to start off with what was good, or great. I thought the free makeovers and nail booths were very generous indeed. I liked that the venue was spacious while still feeling cosy and the handful of local celebs and another handful of famous/semi-famous (depends on how you look at it, if you know them they’re famous but if you don’t then they are not) bloggers like LadyIronChef and Melody Yap and many more makes one feel good to hobb nobb with an exclusive crowd. I also had my star moment, meeting Oon Shu Ann of Tried and Tested on and I wanted to take a picture with her but also shy and afraid I’d disturb her. (So unlike me, I know.) I liked the free flow of sweet bites and drinks. And the atmosphere of the event was very appropriate for an opening, understandably very enthusiastic with a host and video crew to engage the crowd’s interest throughout the night’s event. The goodie box, without a comparison, was not bad with several tester size products. I took an Urban Decay pouch and passed my colleagues the rest. I will try to review the tester products! 🙂 The photo-booth was really cute, if not for the fact that I wasn’t dressed for the occasion (I woke up that morning and forgot I had to attend the event) I would most certainly have posed gamely for it.
The Not so sure
I can’t say that I enjoyed the rousing cheer leading performance and the lead into the new store. It felt like it was a civilized version of a Lion Dance that got me very amused. I am not sure what stores usually do for openings, but I do think a local band performance with cute male and female models/talents flanking the grand opening entry will be more palatable for me.
For those of you who don’t know what a Lion Dance is, you may check and watch the above video to acquaint yourself with something quintessentially Asian, and perhaps soon to be dying traditional and cultural form of dance.
The Bad
As a VIP card holder’s invited guest, my friend (the card holder) and I were disappointed that we were given a goodie box, without a bag to bring home while we saw the media folks bring home what seemed like a very generous bag 4 times the size of what we had. As a marketer by day, it is a lesson I will learn for any brand/s I may manage now or in the future. I think VIP guests (and their friends who are likely to convert to VIP guests as well) are a big deal to any brand and they should not have to feel slighted at any event. Perhaps the organizer should take note to separate the guests and media event, so the former won’t have to feel slighted by the latter. Also, please, provide a bag for your guests so they won’t have to go to another store and be offered by the store with their bag. Which is what happened, my friend went to Royce to get chocolates and the nice store lady offered us their paper bags.
Additional Thoughts
I generally like Sephora’s clean and sleek image with a black and white colour theme so that all the pretty beauty and skincare products will stand out against their simple scheme. However at times, it can be intimidating when the space is empty (i.e. no one is around) and I will tend to want to exit as fast as I can as I don’t feel comfortable just browsing casually. I also understand that it’s Sephora’s branding policy to keep their brand element consistent, but I can’t help but feel, am I the only one that gets bored of brands that look the same every where? I much prefer H&M’s concept, to jazz things up a little with each venue, so no two shops look identical. What do you think? 🙂
More about Sephora, from Insing: With more than 750 stores worldwide, Sephora is a chain beauty product store that carries over 250 brands of items including makeup, fragrance, hair products, skin products and more. They also carry their own private label lines that feature beauty tools, travel kits, bath products, make up and much more.
This is not a Sponsored Review.
If you’re from Sephora or a beauty brand and would like to invite me to your upcoming beauty event, simply drop me your invite at I look forward to your invite! 🙂