Tag Archives: Chocolate

B’s La Luxe Vita Birthday

Bini La Luxe Vita


This year, my best friend in Lasalle, Bini threw a luxe party at Marina Bay Sand’s Ku de ta, treating a cozy group of her closest friends to dinner and after dinner drinks! πŸ™‚

I count myself very blessed to have B as my best friend, having gone through most parts of Lasalle together and many similar friendship related mis-experiences/dramas that I’m sure in time to come, we will look back in laughter and hopefully fondness as well.

Check out Bini’s blog here.

I’ll now let the photos do the talking! (:

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Ku de ta has a mix japanese and western fusion cuisine.

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It was really dim inside, very atmospheric, heh.

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Tasty mixed sushi & sashimi appetizer.

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Foie gras! πŸ˜€

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Was busy indulging in the other dishes so I didn’t take photos of them! This was the final dessert.

A mixed platter of chcolates, cream, cake, sweet pineapple puree and savory sauce.

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Then the restaurant served up a cake for B! πŸ™‚

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Photos taken outside Ku te da restaurant. πŸ™‚

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Then we went out to the bar side and we celebrated with a double tiered cake prepared by Bini’s bf, served up by the Ku de ta staff. Check out the cake, from 1 Caramel @ Rochester.

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With fireworks! Heh.

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Happy birthday girl blows out the candles in excitement. ^^

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Taking her birthday wishes very seriously! πŸ™‚

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Face of satisfaction! πŸ™‚
2012-10-30 00.29.10
Posted this series of images on my instagram @ena_teo, after using filter from Poco app. πŸ™‚
Bini's La Luxe Life Bday1
Bini's La Luxe Life Bday2
The beautiful scenery from atop Marina Bay Sands.
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Next to the infinity pool
Following a series of photos by Arjohn, one of Bini’s close and talented graphic designer friend. πŸ™‚
With the group!
Girls only.
Arjohn’s requested photo with the ladies, lol.
T’was was a beautiful night!
Till the next post,

Gifts from Korea & more!

Hello All!Β I would like to specially say hi to my new subscribers & thank you for subscribing! It’s very encouraging to have new subscribers and I plan to continue to boost the content of my blog as well as the frequency of my posts. Very exciting times ahead indeed.

A quick update, life’s been good, praise God! πŸ™‚

My sister’s been back home from her Korean internship, although for a short 10 days and she’s leaving tomorrow already! Oh how fast time flies!

She bought back a dozens of snacks, drinks and a birthday necklace for me. So here are the pretty pictures! πŸ˜€

A pretty Hello Kitty Necklace~ I have not worn it yet. Slightly over-blingz for me, but it’s really cute. ^-^Β I really like the packaging, it’s very beautiful and makes the gift feel precious.

Now for korean snack goodness~ Have not actually tried most of them. But they look oh-so-pretty & deliciously packed!

Korean Starbucks rice chips with citron-pear jam!

L-GA Blueberry chocolates, Lotte Ghana chocolate sponge cake with chocolate filling, covered with chocolate, Lotte Margaret soft biscuit. I just realized that the Lotte Ghana is kind of a racist product name… But I tell you, it tastes heavenly! If you are a chocolate and sponge cake lover, you will love this!

Market O Choco cracker. My sister says this is really really good. That the biscuit is slightly fermented and she loves it. Quite excited to try this! ^^,Market O Real Brownies has such a pretty, updated vintage packaging! And the individually wrapped brownies sachets look even lovelier! It’s interesting that they added the ‘real’ in the product name. What does it mean exactly? Could it mean ‘original’ recipe or ‘handmade’? It can be misleading. Do you think it makes a difference to you, as a buyer of the product? πŸ˜‰

Japanese Green Tea Kit Kat is particularly raved about. My sister likes it and some friends of mine also love it! If Kit Kat has a ‘Singapore’ flavour, what do you think it would be? Durian? πŸ˜›

Orion Natural Chicle chewing gum. I didn’t take this cause I’m not a fan of chewing gum (I get easily tired of chewing). But check it out, the packaging is cute with polar bears and it’s bigger than the usual mint box sizes we have in Singapore.Lastly, check out this cute CJ Quail egg packaging! My sister likes this so much, she has two packs and she’s bringing both back to London! I’m not a huge fan of quail’s egg, but if my sister likes it so much, it must be really good! πŸ™‚



Recently I found out about online store G-market. My best friend and neighbour, Ying Ling once told me about it before but I never did checked it out as it seemed quite complicated and daunted. (New user barriers) However one day I decided to check it out and boy, was I delighted!

The stuff there are really cheap. I found a dress I bought from an online blog sold there but at a lower price! I recently bought 3 dresses, will upload my reviews when they arrive. πŸ™‚

So today I received 2 cute cable wire holders which I bought last week and I would like to share my reviews with you! πŸ˜‰
I bought for myself a really cute pink girl cable wire holder and I would recommend you buying if you want one as it’s just really cheap at $1.90 (free shipping). You can check out more cable holders and buy themΒ here.

I bought this giraffe cable holder for my sister as a gift. It’s only $1.60. However the first image of the giraffe holder on the site is yellow and I presumed I would get the yellow one. So if you want the yellow one, you have to specify to the seller when buying. You can get it here!

As mentioned, I’m planning for a series of posts coming ahead, so stay tuned! πŸ˜‰
