Tag Archives: China

Ena’s Hong Kong Day 3 & 4, visiting Lane Crawford and G.O.D studio

Day 3

Mouse over the photos on your desktop to view my captions! Not sure how it works out on mobile, in case you’re reading from your mobile. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ferry Ride, Lunch at Tim Ho Wan and HK Design Center

Shanghai Tang Maison Tour

Temple Street

Day 4

Breakfast and Lane Crawford Department and Office Tour

G.O.D Design Studio


Something different from how I usually update my travel photos! How do you find it?

Not sure if I like this way more or the usual one…


Till the next post~



Fashion Food Fun Ena’s Hong Kong Day 2


Today I’m back with HK Day 2 round of photos. I’ve decided I won’t be editing them into a scrapbook format because that’s taking up too much time and I have too many photos to update hahaha. ^^v

Here we go~!

Ena HK2 1

Selcas with bestie Bini early in the morn’

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One-shot at the floor lobby~

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One more infront of an art gallery opposite our hotel. ๐Ÿ™‚

We walk pass a rather small and cosy but vibrant local market on the way to the train station…

Ena HK2 5 Market

Ena HK2 5 Market2Ena HK2 5 Market3

And a very lovely floral shop…! ^^
Ena HK2 6 Roses

I love roses~~ Red and pink roses. Look at ’em so pretty!
Ena HK2 6 Roses2 Ena HK2 6 Roses3

We also walk pass a local square where elderly gather to read the mornin’ papers.ย Ena HK2 7

A shot of the local breakfast place where we had most (2/3) of our local HK breakfast!
Ena HK2 8 Breakfast

Ena HK2 8 Breakfast2

My tutor, classmates and their funny poses, kekeke.

Ena HK2 9

I love how weirdly colourful put-together advertising bills are on the streets… Peculiarly making up a certain kind of HK design aesthetics!

Ena HK2 2

With lovely Sharlene, while we were travelin’

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This was en route to Shim Sha Tsui (unsure if I spelt it right) to the fabric market! The HKers seem to keep their floor cleanin’ a very formal affair! ๐Ÿ™‚

Ena HK2 11

We came across this building… that looked like it has a mask of pins and needles.

And we met a super cute puppy while passing by a convenient store!

Ena HK2 12 Puppy

Ena HK2 12 Puppy2

The owner gladly posed for a pic with the cute puppy. Ok maybe it’s not a puppy but an adorable grown up cute dog.

Ena HK2 13

And our three crazy Indonesian representatives in their highly expressive poses! ^^ย Kekeke. L-R: Sifra, Shella and Sharlene.

Now for photos of HK’s fabric market, where there’s rows and rows on end of fabric samples free for buyers’ a taking home to consider and deliberate to make calls back for orders! Most of them ship internationally!

Ena HK2 14

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market

I love tweed fabrics. They come in many colours!

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market2

Check out those lovely rose designed fur fabrics! So prettyyy and warm looking. ^^

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market3

A lot more fur… Those on the bottom right look like wolf/animal inspired!

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market4

Cool visually striking graphic fabric.

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market5 Fur

Animal lovers beware… This looks like a real fox/animal skin with the nose intact. >_<#

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market6

China porcelain inspired fabric…ย Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market7

3D inspired graphic fabric…

More graphic fabric…

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market8

Ena HK2 15 Fabric Market9

Then we had a bear-dog sighting! Look at them crossing the street!Ena HK2 16 Dog Ena HK2 16 Dog2 Ena HK2 16 Dog3

Ena HK2 16 Dog4

Finally managed to get a shot of him looking towards our direction… I wondered where it stayed, considering HK houses are really small…

Ena HK2 17 Fabric Market

Another unique fabric… this one’s like a beewax/organic inspired lace fabric.

Ena HK2 17 Fabric Market2

One last shot of a typical HK fabric market street. ๐Ÿ™‚

Then my tutors brought a few of us to visit Hong Kong Poly Uni, before that we had lunch!

This was at Misocool at a mall conveniently located right at the exit of a train station. I forgot which station now. Oops!
Ena HK2 18 Lunch Misocool Ena HK2 18 Lunch Misocool2ย I can’t be sure if I was really hungry or this was really good cause I MEGA LOVED THIS MEAL. If I didn’t remember wrongly, it’s tomato beef soup with salmon flavored rice. It is so awesome I am salivating just as I ย am typing this. :'( Anyway you can eat the rice alone or together with the tomato soup! The rice is cooked/baked to be a little crispy on the outside, very awesome!

Then we made our way to HKPU, it’s one of the top University in HK.

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 1

We beelined our way to the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, where we met Chanel, the marketing executive lady who brought us around on a tour.ย Ena HK2 19 HKPU 2

The laboratory where they conduct research on threads and fabrics…Students having their lab sessions inside.Ena HK2 19 HKPU 3 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 4 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 5

This is the view of a Zaha Hadid designed new design school wing of HKPU. I am a personal fan of Zaha Hadid and though I would like to argue that countries should support their local designer/artists/architect, I still think it would be uber cool to be studying in a Hadid designed building…

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 6

More views of the school…Ena HK2 19 HKPU 7 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 8

We enter the Fashion and Textiles Resource Centre which if ย I did not remember wrongly, ย it is 2 levels deep.

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 9

A fabric art work at the entrance of the library…

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 10

Students studying/lounging in the library.

Then we walk pass the Intimate Apparels Institute Hall of Fame where award winning works are hung up along the gallery walk way. Love the neon and multi coloured design! ^^

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 11

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Then we visit more laboratories filled with industry standard machineries. These ones are fabric weaving machines… While we don’t have technical courses in Singapore, HKPU offers technical courses for their students so when they graduate, they would be working in fabric or garment making factories.ย Ena HK2 19 HKPU 13 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 14

Now for some more interesting photos of fabric moodboards and trend boards…Ena HK2 19 HKPU 19Ena HK2 19 HKPU 20Ena HK2 19 HKPU 21Ena HK2 19 HKPU 15

Ena HK2 19 HKPU 16

These fabric samples here are samples of what can be made from the CAD machine, where you input a design and the machine knits out these samples, whole! Amazing, I tell you.

Following the tour, we ended with a 3D, yes 3D I kid you not, show reel of their latest fashion graduate’s show case. It was honestly the most outstanding and jaw dropping fashion showcase I have ever seen, not so much for the design but the presentation of it. Not that the designs were not spectacular, but the presentation blew me away.

A few touristy shots around the campus.. here with some flowers blooming, kekeke.
Ena HK2 19 HKPU 22 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 23 Ena HK2 19 HKPU 24

We had a free night, so Bini and I went touring around our hotel area… Hollywood road is famous for antiques and we did see a handful of antique stores and items…

Ena HK2 20 Antiques

We chanced a upon a lovely store named Pantry Magic selling designer home wares… coincidentally they also have a branch in Singapore, along Club Street. ๐Ÿ™‚Ena HK2 21 Pantry Magic

Ena HK2 21 Streets

An artsy shot, hehehe, of the HK tram on HK street. ^^v

Ena HK2 21 Streets2

And another, because this is my blog and cause’ I can, haha. ๐Ÿ˜›

Ena HK2 22 Chen Hao

Look who we met~!!! Chen Hao! Famous HK actor. HEHEHE.ย Ena HK2 22 Chen Hao2

So happy to see him… Haha!

We came across a mini mall near our hotel.. Not too sure what it’s called but it had a lot of nice setting to cam-spam with. hehe ^^

Ena HK2 23 NutcrackerWith lovely nutcracker…
Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth

And a British telephone booth! O-hai~! ^^

Ok, now that I came back from London recently, and I did not take pics with London Telephone booth, this photo is proving a little funny. Anyway, the reason we find a lot of Britain inspired aspects in HK is because HK was colonized by the British until their unity with China back in 1997, so HK feels very much like an extension of Britain, albeit in a chinese populated place.

Moreeee UK in HK Telephone Booth pics, kekeke.

Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth2 Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth3 Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth4 Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth5

I am talking to no-one in particular…
Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth6

Yes it’s nice to play pretend for the photos.. just like we were young and we play pretend cooking and playing house all the time… ^^

Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth7

Bestie and her victory sign in the booth~ ^^vEna HK2 23 Telephone Booth8 Ena HK2 23 Telephone Booth10

For dinner, we all arrived at Chilli Fagara, touted to be one of HK’s best spicy boutique restaurants.

Address: Shop E, No. 45-53, Graham Street

Take note that it is near the Soho area, as there is another Graham street near Central HK.

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara

This is the meat in lettuce wrap dish. Very yummy.

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara2

This is their recommended dish, the Chilli Fagara Chicken dish. Super spicy but oh-so-good! It’s crispy fried chicken prepared with a lot of chilli fargara – the huge chilli flakes you see above. It’s so spicy but deliciously crispy that though your tongue is burning you keep picking up another piece for more!

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara3 Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara4

Here’s 2 shots of us crazy Chilli Fagarettes~ we went crazy battling with chilli. ^^v

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara5

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara7

And two shots of our meek Crispy Duckettes as they resigned to eating Crispy Duck and posing with it. kekeke. ^^

The restaurant is designed to be very dark and oriental inspired.. Check out some props:

Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara 12Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara8 Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara9 Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara10 Ena HK2 24 Chilli Fagara11

And they won a Trip Advisor cert! I approve! ๐Ÿ™‚

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk

A long flight of elevator up the Soho area…

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk2

One of the real classy looking restaurant around the Soho area. It is so named Soho as a lot of expatriates and wealthy tourists frequent the area for dinner and after dinner drinks in the night and boutiques opened in the day.

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk3

I couldn’t help but LOL-ed when I saw this…. This really really small tiny apartment quite out of nowhere. Look at the number of people below the apartment, it’s literally just 6-8 people wide! o_O This i guess, is a testament to just how tiny HK apartments can get!

Some of the cute boutiques we passed by that was already closed in the night…

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk4 Ena HK2 25 Night Walk5

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk6

And a very HK road side supper/dessert soup store. Too bad we didn’t get to try it!

Ena HK2 25 Night Walk7

Ending off with a shot of a cute artshop, named Artitude. Very cool indeed. ^^

This ends off my HK Day 2 photo travel log~
I hope you enjoyed it!
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and I’ll answer you~

Let’s begin with Hong Kong!

Hello hello~!

It’s been almost a month since I last posted. ๐Ÿ˜›

So before the days pass to months and months pass to years, I’d better upload my travel photos from HK before they become stale! ๐Ÿ˜›

Together with 2 tutors and 9 other classmates from Lasalle, we went to Hong Kong (HK) for a 4 Days 3 Nights fashion exposure trip, to see their fashion stores, school and design studios.

For this HK trip, I decided to design a Travel Photo Album in vintage style because the photos are almost becoming vintage since I’m taking so long to post them ๐Ÿ˜› and also because there’s a part of the old HK that evokes romantic vintage vibes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Personally I’m not a fan of vintage fashion or design but vintage design is a very rich style, with many fans and resource available online so I had a lot of fun in designing and putting together this album. I hope you will enjoy it! And if you want to know where I got the free design elements from, you may find them at the end of this post. Also, I’ve saved photoshop (PSD) templates of all my pages, so when I’ve figured how to upload them online, I’ll also post it up so it’s free for download and people can edit for their own trips! Cool huh? ^^

Without further ado, here are my photos from HK Day 1~!

Ena HK Travel Log CoverEna HK 1 Ena HK 2 Ena HK 3 Ena HK 4 Ena HK 5 Ena HK 6 Ena HK 7 Ena HK 8 Ena HK 9 Ena HK 10 Ena HK 11 Ena HK 12 Ena HK 13 Ena HK 14 Ena HK 15

How did you find this album? Post your comments below! ^^

That’s all for now, I hope to be able to bring the next installment next week! For the record, there’s 3 more days for HK and 10 for Japan. These 15 pages took me a whole day to edit… So wish me luck! ๐Ÿ˜›



Resource Credits to:

  • MaiaraMay (IGotTheLook on Deviant Art)ย for Photoshop Actions 27. I used action 2 for my photos. You can download the action set here.
  • Leather Textured Paper for my book cover by WebTexture. Available for download here.
  • DesignInstruct.com for Colored Vintage Paper: Texture Pack. Check them out here.
  • Hi-res Grunge Textured Paper used for my pages. Available for download here.
  • Polariod and Paperclips by ~atilazz on Deviantart here.
  • Free fonts: Pacifico and SeasideResortNF both available online.
  • All other design elements ย (e.g ribbons, stamps, etc.)ย not mentioned are found on google images and edited by myself to suit the design.
  • All photos and design credits to me, Ena Teo Jia En. 2013.
  • Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS5.
  • I was listening to this “Relaxing Playlist” on Youtube here while designing this. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Travel Post: I <3 Shenzhen!

This is a long overdue post because uploading the massive amount of photos just puts me off. ๐Ÿ˜›

I had tonsss of fun in Shenzhen, one of the happiest moments in my life. Traveling is always so much fun, just relaxing and enjoying life. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It was a very eventful trip and one that God blessed me richly with. Firstly many thanks to Bini for inviting me to Shenzhen, offering to bring me around and just hang with me and play host! Her family was most hospitable in treating me to spa treatment, massage and buffet! Secondly I was very blessed to coincidentally travel towards Shenzhen with American fashion designers for Timo Weiland, Timo and Alan whom I met at Blueprint earlier. It was good to be traveling with them, into a foreign place for the first time! ๐Ÿ™‚

And then as you can see from the photo slideshow above, it was really 5 days worth of fun shopping, eating, enjoying. What more can a girl ask for in a holiday?!

We discovered that we make great travel buddies and that we’d like to go to Hainan Island beaches next year! We talked about how if I’ll have a boyfriend by then, we can double date on a travel trip. ๐Ÿ˜›
