Tag Archives: chez vous hair singapore

Fresh L.A. Look with Chez Vous Hair


Hi Loves!

A while back I headed back to Chez Vous for a new look, I didn’t have any particular look in mind and just trusted hair stylist Jamie to do what she’s good at. 😉 She told me that I’d look good with blond highlights, so I just went ahead with it! Very adventurous, I know. I very surprised by the look at first because I wasn’t used to the blond / ash highlights. But majority of my friends remarked that its a fresh new look and that they like this look… I sorta feel like Elsa (more specifically should be the younger sister Anna, hahaha) from the Disney animated movie, Frozen. I think that with this look, I feel like an L.A. girl, if I may say so myself, LOL.

Check out my “new” look
(well, not so new anymore since I take forever to post it up, lol):

2015-02-24 17.26.05

Under the shade: ash highlights and brown base.2015-02-24 19.42.48

Back lit: Colour of hair becomes a lot lighter.

And a quick video ~

A few more pics:

2015-02-26 20.12.57

My pink hair from the last dye is still visible~ #unicornhair
2015-02-26 17.30.52

Visit Chez Vous Hair
391 Orchard Road, Ngee Ann City, #05-05
By Appointment only, call: 6732 9388 for your reservation!

Thank you Jamie, Royson, Eugene & Chez Vous for this fresh colour & cut on me! 🙂

