Tag Archives: Cathay Motions Picture Award 2015 Results

Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Award Ceremony

Hi Loves~

Back in July, I was invited to attend Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 private screening and award ceremony and it was a pleasure to watch the screening of all the 15 finalists’ works.

Cathay Motion Picture Awards is an annual short film competition created to fulfil Cathay Organisation’s commitment towards the development of Singapore’s film industry. Utilising its assets in cinema exhibition as the platform for aspiring filmmakers to showcase their talent, Cathay pioneers the path as the first and only movie exhibitor in Singapore to organise a short film competition. The winners have very attractive prizes. For results and videos, visit CMPA website here.

Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 001 Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 006 The lovely hosts of the evening.Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 002 Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 003 Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 004 Cathay Motion Pictures Award 2015 Results 005Congrats to all the winners!

Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 1.45.28 am Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 1.45.36 amIt’s a tough job being the judges because a lot of the finalists are really good. My favourite short film was Zoe (super cool effects, btw), which unfortunately didn’t win the top 4 prizes. :/ All these contestants are crazy resourceful and talented, because they only had 2 days to script, produce & film and submit a video after the theme is released, so some of the directors double up as actor/actress – awesome or what right?!

Thank you Cathay Singapore for having me at the awards ceremony!

Ending of the post with a few shots with the lovely red telephone booths at Plaza Singapura… Thanks to Kenny of Kennybite Productions for these shots.

Plaza Singapura Red Telephone Booths 002 Plaza Singapura Red Telephone Booths 001

