Tag Archives: Camera Apps

Apps Review | My Fav Beauty Camera Apps

Hello my dear readers, if you’ve been following my blog you’d have read that I’ll be sharing about my favourite IPhone beauty apps that I’ve been using and finally it’s here!

Here’s a peek at a screenshot of my Camera Apps folder on my Iphone.

In order of preference, I now reveal my top 3 favourite beauty apps and 1 cute image label app.

1.   POCO美人相机 by POCO.CN

Is my favourite beauty app because of it’s many wonderful functions, read on!


For my non-chinese readers, the chinese characters read Beauty (as in beautiful person) Camera and that’s exactly what it is! (;

POCO美人相机 Loading Page on the Left and Landing Page on the Right

To begin, press the smiling frame with a crescent shape on the Landing Page to access your Cameral Roll or press the Camera button to take a picture:

Select the Smiling Frame or take a picture to begin

I usually choose to access the pictures I’ve taken on my camera roll.

Whitening Effect

After which the app automatically beautify/whitens the picture. See the before and affect effect here:

POCO美人相机 POCO Beauty Camera Whitening Effect

After which you can choose to save the picture by pressing the green characters at the top right hand corner or continue your beautifying journey by pressing the heart which offers several function, the most bottom function being frames.

Great Selection of Frames

POCO美人相机 POCO Beauty Camera App Review Frames 1
POCO美人相机 POCO Beauty Camera App Review Frames 2

Another function that stems from the heart button is Greeting Cards, which is the second button, above the Frames button.

Greeting Cards 

POCO美人相机 POCO Beauty Camera App Review Greeting Card

You can also click on the fourth button to add Decorations, like the purple mask.

The fifth button allows you to add make up, like Falsies! How cool is that huh! Check out my Falsies here:

POCO美人相机 POCO Beauty Camera App Review Post Card Fake Lashes

Multi Photos Function

Instead of going for the smiling frames, select the puzzle to create a Multi-Photo / Frame image.

Now you select the Puzzle.

It will lead you to your Camera Roll where you can select your chosen images.

POCO美人相机 Beauty Camera App Review Multi Photo Function

To Download, Visit:

ITunes App Store > Photo & Video > POCO.CN, POCO美人相机

I can’t seem to find it online, but it works fine on my Mac ITunes as well as on my IPhone.

2. 美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App

Is my second favourite beauty app because of its unique frames and multi-photo function, which POCO beauty app didn’t have originally, until it caught on.

美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App Icon
美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App Review Landing Page

Select the Red Button to beautify your image with Lomo Effects and Frames.

Lomo & Frames

美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App Review Frames Effects

Generally I will first use POCO Beauty App to edit the image before enhancing them on 美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu. I don’t use the Lomo functions often because I personally don’t like the Lomo feel but I use their Frames options very often, especially the glow-ey Frames on the second tab. As you can see from the above right image, I use the “Silver River” effect.

Blur Effect

美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App Blur Effect

I have never used the blur effect before and tried it for the first time for this review. Creates a fake depth of field, pretty good except that the circle for the clear zone is limited.

Camera Effects

美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu App Cam Review Rock & Roll Effect & Vintage Effect

Is a new function they added recently. For phototaking with different effects, select the Orange Button on the Landing Page. This is Rock & Roll Effect & Vintage Effect.

To Download, Visit:

App Store > Photo & Video > Xiamen Meitu Technology Co., Ltd. 美图秀秀


Is a kawaii Japanese inspired app that has super cute stickers and frames for users to create “Neo-print” like images.

DECOPIC App Cover & Landing Page

Lomo & Frames

DECOPIC App Review Lomo & Frames

DECOPIC’s Lomo effects causes image quality to deteriorate, so for that, I use 美图秀秀 Mei Tu Xiu Xiu’s which is better.

Super Cute “Kawaii” Stickers & Frames

DECOPIC App Review Stickers

To Download, Visit:

App Store > Photo & Video > Community Factory Inc. DECOPIC

4. LabelBox

LabelBox App Icon

Lastly, LabelBox for cute labels. Some are free, while others are chargeable. Pretty smart of LabelBox I’d say.

LabelBox App Review
LabelBox App Review

It’s easy to use and there’s a good selection of free labels with pretty fonts that the other apps don’t have, it’s a great app!

To Download, Visit:

App Store > Photo & Video > Stepcase Labelbox

Now that’s my beauty photo “secrets” all revealed! It took me a lot longer than expected to write this review, so I’d appreciate it loads if you like and share if you’ve enjoyed it!
