Tag Archives: Browtisan Eyebrow Embroidery Blogger Review

Browtisan Creative Eyebrow Embroidery Review

Hi Loves~

A while back, I popped by Browtisan’s Pop Up Booth at ION Orchard Atrium for a quick Browtisan Creative Eyebrow Embroidery session. Eyebrow artisan and Browtisan founder Coco designed and did a Gradient Eyebrow Embroidery for me and I love it!!! Check out what went down in the photos below! 😉
browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0001Browtisan’s Pop Up Booth at ION Orchard Atrium browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0000Applied on anaesthetic cream before the embroidery session.

browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-pics-enabalista_0001 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-pics-enabalista_0000Check out the awards they’ve won!

And the embroidery session began after Coco drew on the eyebrows for me using pencil first~

browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0002 Even her eyebrow pencil drawing looks good on it’s own!browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0003 She started with my right eyebrow…browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0004 Coco at work. 🙂browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0005 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0006 As you can see, the gradient technique is dotting instead of drawing lines. It’s catered for me especially to cover up a scar across my left eyebrow, where the line eyebrow embroidery technique doesn’t last.browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0007 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0008 The colour gradually darkens as she’s working on it.

I was given an after embroidery care package, which as definitely levelled up since my first embroidery session with them in March 2015! It’s SO PRETTY NOW!browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0009 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0010 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0011 browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0012 So so thoughtful. <3browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-enabalista_0013 This is a balm that helps speed up recovery.browtisan-creative-eyebrow-embroidery-review-pics-enabalista_0003

How my eyebrows looks after the session~

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Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset

Thank you Browtisan & Yi Yun for inviting me down for the the ION Orchard Pop Up and Coco for my beautiful new brows! <3

If you’re wondering, the entire session is painless especially since they apply on anaesthetic cream first. I love how beautiful, feminine, demure and on trend the eyebrow embroidery design and I’ve gotten so much compliments from family and friends, I highly recommend Browtisan not only for their beautiful designs but also for their top notch, professional and friendly service!

Visit their website for more information and follow them on  Facebook for their updates and promotions! 😉



My Eyebrow Embroidery Touch Up @ Browtisan

Hi Loves!

I got my very first eyebrow embroidery done at Browtisan earlier this year and I love it! A pair of well designed eyebrows has helped to define and enhance my overall facial look and I’ve been so happy and grateful for it. I’m also completely at ease whenever I visit Browtisan because I trust their skills and expertise. So a while back I went for my second touch up session and here’s how it went!

Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 007Browtisan is located at Delfi Orchard, 402 Orchard Road, #03-17.Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 003Love the cute princess Cinderella style cup that the tea comes in! <3Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 006Congratulations to Browtisan for winning Women’s Weekly Spa Awards 2015 for the best eyelash extensions! In case you’ve missed it, you can also read my review of their eyelash extension service here.

Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 005Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 004Here’s my “naked” eyebrows, my left eyebrow has a scar and unlike the rest of the normal brow area, the previous embroidery/ink on the scar has faded off.Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 002Here’s having the anaesthetic cream applied before the eyebrow embroidery touch up session.Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 001With the beautiful and friendly lady boss Coco after the touch up session! <3Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 008Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 009How my freshly touched up eyebrows look like, it’s slightly darker than usual for the first few days. Plus, the touch up has covered my scar area perfectly! <3Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 011Browtisan Eyebrow Embriodery Touch Up Ena Blog Review 010And here’s how they look like after a while!

Thanks Browtisan for having me!
Book your appointment with Browtisan via their hotline 6235 2355, they’re conveniently located in Delfi Orchard, 402 Orchard Road, #03-17.



Definitive Yet Feminine Eyebrow Embroidery with Browtisan


Hi Loves!

If our eyes are the windows to our soul, then I suppose our eyebrows are the window frames to our soul! I don’t know about you, but ever since I’ve started putting on makeup and drawing on my eyebrows, I can’t help but notice people’s eyebrows when I meet them. I always appreciate a thick yet defined set of eyebrows, and personally don’t fancy messy, unruly eyebrows or thin and sparse eyebrows with no defined shape.

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How I usually draw my eye brows on… 🙂

You might not know this, but I got an injury that cut through my left eyebrow when I was 15, while foolishly “free-cycling” (read: cycling with my hands off the handle bars) while going down a slope. And for that silliness bravado, I have a broken badass left eyebrow, like yunno, the kind Korean actor Key has as well:

Key Eyebrows

Well, I’m not Key or a guy for that matter and scars don’t look half as cool on me as it does on him. I prefer to have full and feminine brows! In addition to the eyebrow scars, I also generally have quite sparse eyebrows… So much so that towards the end of the brows, they’re almost missing. Like this:2015-01-08 15.24.34


 So a while back, I popped by Browtisan’s again (See my first post on eyelash extension here) for an eyebrow embroidery session. And here’s how it went!

First of all, Coco and I had a chat, she wanted to know what image I wanted and she also gave her expertise as to what eyebrows would suit me. I told her that I like the current thick and straight Korean eyebrow trend and have been sporting it for a while now. Like this:


You can even check out a tutorial on how to get this Korean thick eyebrows here.

She then advised me to get a more feminine set of brows without the edge that I usually draw in for my mid brows. Something like this which looks more feminine:

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Instead of this which is more harsh:


So after the little chat, she proceeded to draw on the eyebrows which she designed for me and asked me if I was happy with it. I love the new set of eyebrows she designed for me and then we proceeded to the next step, which is to apply anaesthetic cream before the embroidery:

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Then the embroidery session took place. If you’re worried about the pain like I am, don’t be. I have very little tolerance for pain and it didn’t hurt due to the anaesthetic cream. For the most part of the session, it feels like a pin is scratching against your skin. When it did start to hurt towards the end of the embroidery after the effect of the cream is starting is wear off, I told Coco about the pain and she proceeded to apply more anaesthetic cream before resuming again. 🙂 Then there’s application of colouring to darken the embroidered brows:2015-01-08 17.15.56


Who looks cuter, crayon Shin Chan aka 蜡笔小新 or me? 😛

The results of Coco’s embroidery are super impressive, incredibly life like!:2015-01-09 17.00.04

2015-01-09 17.00.03

Watch the video and check out how 3D and awesome it looks!:

After the embroidery session, I had to apply a gel on for the next 5 days and also prevent my eyebrows from getting wet when I shower. This is so that the embroidered eyebrow lines won’t get infection and also last longer. Also given is a helpful After Care Tips to follow up on:2015-01-09 00.17.39 This is how it looks like with the sticker film on my eyebrows before shower:2015-01-09 00.27.15

How my brows look like in the first 5 days with the gel on, which totally reminded me of Spring Summer 2013 Wet Hair runway fashion trend, albeit on the eyebrows, haha. Who knows, maybe that’s gonna be Spring Summer 2016 Wet Eyebrows look eh? 😉

2015-01-09 17.52.12

Rag & Bone, Spring Summer 2013 Wet Hair Trend:53a09a0584d8d_-_cos-01-rag-and-bone-spring-2013-de

And here’s how I’ve been sporting my new, definitive yet feminine and, if I may say so myself, all around lovely new eyebrows, much thanks to Coco from Browtisan!

Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 12.19.06 am Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 12.19.28 am

If you want to have definitive and feminine eyebrows, book your appointment with Browtisan via their hotline 6235 2355, they’re conveniently located in Delfi Orchard, 402 Orchard Road, #03-17.

While Coco’s design and embroidery fees will be higher, you can trust her staff which are trained by her to deliver the same service and results. You can also request for her to design the brows and then let her staff to do the embroidery. 🙂

Thanks to Coco from Browtisan and Nikki from AT Marketing Consultancy for making this session and review possible.

I’ll update again after my touch up session, and also with my newer/current hair colour! 😀

