Tag Archives: blogger

Enabalista | 2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 32,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 12 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Chat Masala Indian Cuisine Singapore Review


A while back, my dear friend Smita brought me to Chat Masala,
a mid fine dining restaurant that serves up Indian cuisine that has been rated 4.2/5 on their Google+ page.
Pretty good ratings I’d say. Was my experience as good or better?
Read on! 😉

Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Seekh Kebab

First up, we had Seekh Kebab. I love this! It’s like tandoori chicken but even better, softer.Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Ladies Finger

We also had ladies fingers. Two type were mixed in it, one crunchier, the other softer.
We definitely enjoyed this as well!

Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Chicken Chattinad

Chicken Chattinad. Spicy Indian chicken curry. It was spicy!
We couldn’t finish this because it was quite a big share for two of us and a bit too spicy for me. But delicious. 🙂
Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Chapatti and Naan

Chapati and Butter Naan! Smita had the Chapati and I had the Naan. I enjoyed the Naan.Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Chaas/Muru

Chaas/Muru. Chaas is what the north indians call this drink, Muru the south indian.
Essentially it’s like an smoothie drink with jelly mixed it.
It has a unique mix of sweet and savory tastes, which was surprisingly pleasant. Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Chaas/Muru

Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review Lassi Enabalista Masala Chat Singapore Review I love Seekh Kebab

Smita didn’t want a photo together. ;( So it’s just me and the lovely Seekh Kebab! 🙂

I’d definitely re-order the Seekh Kebab and Butter Naan the next time I’m back.
And try other dishes there. All in all, I’d give it a 4/5 in terms of good food, portions, ambience.
$$$: ~ $20-30 per person.

158 Upper East Coast Rd Singapore 455254
Call: 6876 0570

Let me know how you find the restaurant if you make it down! 😉


Reflections for 2013 | What’s life, if it’s not experienced?

What's life, if it's not experienced?

As the year 2013 draws to a close, like many of my friends who’ve already done so, I’d also like to pen, or type in this case, some of the more striking lessons and thoughts I’ve learnt from the year past.

1. Forgive 

A lesson that I’ve been reminded in the final month of the year. I shared with a few friends that I find it hard to forgive a friend/person when the other party doesn’t apologize and/or ask me for forgiveness. It would be too obnoxious to go up to them and go “It’s ok that you didn’t ask for forgiveness, but I forgive you.” As I thought about the friends that I needed to forgive, I realize that as much as I felt that they wronged me or took me for granted, perhaps they didn’t know that I was mad at them. And if that’s true, then perhaps I’ve also unintentionally wronged or took some friends for granted and needed to seek forgiveness from them. That thought’s a humbling one. With this thought, leads to another – that if we care enough for a friend, we won’t let misunderstandings come in our way. We’ll find a time for a HTHT, we’ll learn that forgiveness is just part of imperfect human relationships and we’ll find that our relationship/s emerges stronger through the tough times.

2. Focus on what’ve we’ve got, not what we lack.

On hindsight, I’ve been placed in several situations this year that found me lacking in the resources I need. Resources to organize stuff and such. And through them all, I realize that, by the grace of God, I made it through because I focused on who and what I had on hand, and not on whom and what I lacked. That, is a very important lesson I’m so glad that I’ve experienced without any hiccups. I say this because the reality could have easily seen me in a pity-party crying and wallowing about all the people and things I lack in my life to make it an awesome one. But it would be like missing a yellow colour pencil in a full set of colour pencils and saying that I’ve got no colours in my life. The truth is, life has always been what we make of it. Yes, we can choose to let life make us and define us. BUT, we can also acknowledge everyone that we have, every thing that we’ve been given, put them in a pinata, shake them up, let the confetti burst into the air and celebrate life and all that we’ve got. Because, why not?

3. Love people, not things.

There are many awesome people in my life whom I regularly thank God for, but as I grow older, I’ve come to really appreciate my eldest sister in a new and different light each time I grow to a different stage in life. We tend to share similar items at home like clothes and tech stuff whether we use the same items or we have the similar items. To cut a long story short, I allowed a phone charger cable to take precedence over my sister in my life; and as I reflected about my behaviour I was ashamed that I’ve hurt my sister in doing so. Thankfully I apologized and she also forgave me. It was after this incident that I came to the realization that 1. I must not let things take precedence over people in my life. 2. I must not, in any situation, say words that are unkind that will cause hurt to people I love. Especially if I love them, I must not say words out of spite which I cannot take back.

4. Let the walls down.

I thank God that I’ve had an extremely carefree childhood and teenage years growing up. But it’s almost like when I hit 18 y/o (5 years ago, for those who are clueless, ha) that all the problems started coming in. I know for sure that my walls started building way back in my secondary school days, and then exponentially more through the recent last few years, especially after the rose-tinted effect of my innocent, childhood dayz totally wore off through people I’ve met and through my experiences in life. There’s so so much I can talk about this, how I got in and then finally out of my depression deserves an article on its own, it didn’t happen this year if you’re wondering, it’s mostly stuff that I never talk about here. But what’s important as I reflect on this point, is that I’ve finally learnt that I need to let my walls down. I’ve got to learn to stop hiding behind my safe walls and fortress that I’ve built over the years. It’s not gonna be easy, I’m still afraid to be hurt by people I love, but at least I now know that humans are imperfect; we make mistakes, we hurt and get hurt. No, it’s not ok to be hurt. But just like feet that toughens and grows a thicker skin through walking, weathered feet is better than a spotless one; they’re a sign of a well travelled man. After all, what’s life, if it’s not experienced? What’s a book, if the pages are not filled in with words? I’m not asking for people to come love me and then hurt me, since now I’m wiser. But I’m saying that I’m better prepared to experience the highs of life, along with the downs. 🙂

5. Don’t let disappointments get you down. Fight it with all you’ve got. Know that everyone struggles, but you can emerge victorious.

There’s a certain struggle that I’ve been fighting with for the longest time. The point being, I struggle with a false sense of justified in-action because of certain disappointments, albeit unaddressed and repeated, that I allow to get to me. I was going to say that I don’t know why I let the disappointments get to me, but then I know that’s not true. It got to me simply because I gave up trying to fight it. I’ve got to learn to accept and let go of disappointments, even unaddressed ones, in order to move on in my life. I’ve let them bog me down for far too long. It’s really time that I overcome this seemingly silly struggle and with hope I pray that God will allow me to, in 2014!

6. Choose wisely, that which defines you.

I was going to say, don’t let others or situations define you. And I wanted to say, define yourself. But what I really mean to say is, take control of what defines you and know that it is your conscious decision that allows people and situations to define you. As a Christian, I choose to allow biblical values to define my way of life/lifestyle. I allow the family I am from and the values that I’ve been brought up with, to define me. I choose to define my skills and knowledge based on the schools, courses, teachers and peers I’ve met. I choose to define myself as a Christian, daughter, sister, real estate agent, blogger, confident, empowered young woman and the list goes on. People in life will expect and try to define you. But you don’t necessarily need to allow them to. Not even if they are simply older and wiser. Because only you will know what it is that you want for yourself in life (unless you don’t, and if that’s the case I would say, you need to find and know yourself first). I would suggest taking others’ advise into consideration, as reference; but ultimately your life is yours to live, and live it the way you deem fit. It would be a waste of one’s life trying to fulfill the potential of another’s dream instead of exploring one’s true ambitions.

7. Be the real you, and be ready for Change.

In continuation from the point above, we have the choice and the power to decide for ourselves, who we are. And I hope that you will take the courage to face up to who you really are. Acknowledge your weaknesses, embrace your fears and failures, know that it is all your imperfections that make up the beautiful you. The world will rather have the real you than a second grade copy of another person. In the same way, know that you are the best version of who you are and can be, no one else can come close. We are indeed all different and unique, wonderfully and fearfully created by God. Know that people will judge you for who you are, and they will judge you for who you’re not. No matter what you say, or not say, what you do or not do, people will judge. So, why not speak up, laugh out loud, smile widely, love deeply and simply be unabashedly you. That said, know that Change isn’t an option, but that Change is a part of life. We are all bound to change. We will grow older, yet not all will necessarily grow wiser. Only the brave will acknowledge that Change is necessary for improvement to a person’s spirit and soul. We would be fools to do the same things repeatedly and expect different results. Therefore to experience growth and maturity, we have to Change for the better. Start exercising to get healthy, start thinking positive to be happy. Everyday is another day to be a better version of who we are.

8. Live in the moment. 

Don’t wait for the next time to pause and admire the morning glory on the fences, smile at your neighbours, greet the good-looking colleague in another department, introduce yourself to the fellow bus passenger on bus 28 whom you’ve met for the 2nd time in the month or tell your mum/dad/bro/sis that you love them and mean it. Always remember that life is vulnerable as much as it is precious. Death to illnesses and disasters are real. It is an assumption that we will always have tomorrow. Don’t assume. We may only have today. If you’ve never tried, just for one day, live it as though it were your last. What will your last words be to each person that you’ll meet? Will you do anything differently? If so, why wait till you’re dying to live truly? I always find most chinese funerals to be such an ostentatious affair of wasted affections. We can’t be sure that the dead will appreciate the dirges and euglogies offered. Why not pay your respects to people you love and celebrate the goodness of their lives while they’re living? Why not gather the people you love and remind them you love them, often? Live, in the moment.

9. Dream big, set realistic goals and never stop moving.

I’ve always been big with dreams. My ambitions are so big, they go beyond the shores of Singapore. Because, while others may see my dreams and scoff, I’d go, why not? Dreaming is never an issue, but setting, planning and achieving the goals are the real gritty stuff we hate to handle. The secret, I’m still learning, is to never stop moving. If you don’t hit your goals, it’s not a problem, cause if you’re always taking steps towards your dreams, you can be assured that you’re one step closer to your dream.

This list has turned out to be thrice longer than what I’ve expected. Up ahead, I plan to write down a list of things I’d like to openly announce to achieve in my life, on my blog and I hope that that will give me more confidence and spur me to get them done!


What’s your 2013 learnings? Let me know in the comments below!


#LaterPost | Hunger Games Movie Date With My Sisters!

A super belated repost from my instagram @ena_teo.

Hunger Games 2 Enabalista Review

Monday night’s dinner & movie date w my sisters. Been craving mash potato dish for a while and it was nice to indulge in a Popeyes meal. I enjoyed watching #HungerGames2 but only found out both sisters didn’t watch the first one during the movie. Had to softly whisper the context to them. Pls do watch the first one first as it’s necessary to fully appreciate the second one. Planning to get my hands on the books to find out what happens for part 3. Can’t wait for another year! I like that the heroine, Katniss has her own doubts and fears but is still a symbol of hope for the people, making her a believable and relatable character.

Copper Red Hair Dye @ XpectStudio Review

In the following 3 days,  I’ll be posting several reviews and photos of events in 2013 so I won’t have to bring them over to the new year! :’D

My elder sis won a hair dye voucher worth $100 and she passed it to me for use since she doesn’t dye her hair.

So I paid additional $51 to get my hair dyed!

The results? I loved it! It’s actually been about 2 months, since I dyed it in early November. (I know, I am a huge procrastinator in blogging :P). It’s originally copper red colour but now it’s only copper.

Ena Review Xpect Hair Studio @ Orchard International Building

That’s the head stylist on the left, Kazu!Ena Review Xpect Hair Studio @ Orchard International BuildingEna Review Xpect Hair Studio @ Orchard International BuildingI love how my newly dyed hair (then) made me look like an anime character, heh.

All in all, I found the services very good and the prices reasonable! If you want to get your long hair (like mine) dyed, I totally recommend it.

For  10% off their hair colouring services, quote “Jia En” And look for hair stylist Kazu! xpectstudio, Orchard International Building #01-09/10 Tel: +65 6735 9932

xx Ena

Enabalista x Cyber Monday OASAP Coupon Giveaway [Closed]

Thanks to all for sharing and taking part in this contest!
Although the contest did not hit 50 shares, the folks at Oasap.com have kindly agreed to select one winner nonetheless! Thanks Oasap for your generosity! 😀
Loredana Battista has been chosen to be the winner!
Congrats Loredana!

Thanks to OASAP, I’m holding another giveaway, this time it’s the Cyber Monday coupon giveaway!

Enabalista x Oasap Giveaway

Good news is, EVERYONE gets a 30% OFF coupon code for shopping on OASAP.com! Whee!
Shop at OASAP.COM during Christmas 2013, get 30% OFF for 20000+ women fashion items with coupon code: NUSZ48CD, and there will be special offer for some products UP TO 70% OFF from BLACK FRIDAY to CYBER MONDAY! PLUS shipping is free ok! 😀

DISCLAIMER: If you do use the 30% discount code, I will get a 2% credit of your total bill to my account which I can then use to buy OASAP products. Thank you in advance! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

BUT WAIT, that’s not’s it!
Take part in this giveaway and One winner will receive $50 coupons and
the second winner will get $30 coupons for purchasing any wish items on www.oasap.com!
Please note, this giveaway will only be activated if there are at least 50 participants! So please share the 30% coupon code & the giveaway! 🙂

JOIN the Enabalista x Cyber Monday coupon giveaway, follow these steps:
Go to my Enabalista Facebook here, find the post pinned to the top that looks like this:
Screen shot 2013-11-30 at PM 03.11.27

1. Share the pinned FB post (see above) on your FB profile page
2. Register on www.oasap.com (Some of you might have registered before already!)
3. Comment** with your favorite apparel/accessory pinned on http://www.pinterest.com/OasapOfficial/
4. Follow my blog page Enabalista on Facebook here
5. Follow one of following OASAP pages:
Giveaway is held for 7 days, beginning 30 Nov to 7 Dec 2013!
Winner will be announced here and on Facebook 7 Dec evening about 10pm.
See Terms & Conditions below.

**An example comment should be:
” Hi Ena, I’ve shared the post on my FB,
I’ve registered on OASAP using email <sample@xmail.com>
this is my favourite apparel! >> http://www.pinterest.com/pin/316096467567562368/
and I’ve followed both Enabalista and Oasap on Facebook!”

One winner will receive $50 coupons and the second winner will get $30 coupons for purchasing any wish items on www.oasap.com!
Please note, this giveaway will only be activated if there are at least 50 participants! So please share the 30% coupon code & the giveaway! 🙂

Now now, if you’ve not already clicked away to OASAP.com site in my links above,
check out my top picks from their BLACK FRIDAY selection! 😉

Ena’s favourite pick for OASAP BLACK FRIDAY

Enabalista OASAP Giveaway

1. Leather Paneled Oversized Turn Down Coat US$77.54 here

ENABALISTA OASAP GIVEAWAY patent-leather-front-ankle-boots

2. Patent Leather Front Ankle Boots US$48.92 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway

3. Distinct Teardrop Necklace $13.96 here

Enabalista x Oasap Giveaway

4. Lovely Plaid A Line Dress US$29.93 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway
5. Icecream (more like cupcakes) Graphic Sweatshirt US$22.35 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway

6. Floral Embriodered High Low Chiffon Blouse US$25.13 here

My first pick is above US$50, the rest are below $50 and picks 3-6 are all below $30!
So if you win the voucher giveaway you have plenty of affordable fashion choices to pick from! 😉

Happy Shopping & Good Luck!



Giveaway terms & condition:
Participant should be comfortable with providing his/her name, shipping address and phone number
which is required for Oasap.com to ship and deliver the item to you.
Winner will be picked randomly by me, all decisions made by me are final.
If a winner does not respond or remains uncontactable within 5 business days of notification,
winner’s prize will be forfeited and given to the next member in line.
I reserve the right to amend the contest rules without prior notification.

Collections Cosmetics Pop Diva Workshop

A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend Collections Cosmetics bloggers event! 😀

Introducing Collections Cosmetics which is a UK brand that is newly launched in Singapore!

Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva (SG Version)

Pop Diva Inspired Collection Cosmetics Singapore Model

The event is a Pop Diva inspired event where we attended a short introduction by the Make Up Room make up artists followed by a session where we apply the make up and then took photos which is on their

2013-11-07 20.09.15

2013-11-07 20.12.04

Classic Pop Diva Inspiration Board, Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe.


Picking up tips from the pro!

Defining the eyes by lining them…

Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista

With beauty bloggers Patricia of The Sweetest Sins blog and Jerlene of MusicalHouses blog!

Collection Cosmetics Singapore Ena Teo

Here’s my modern interpretation of a Pop Diva look! 😉
It’s also on Collection Cosmetics SG page. 😀

In this look, I’m featuring purple, silver and dark grey eyeshadows using their Smokey Eyes palette & Trio Purple eyeshadow palette, Lasting Colour Lipstick in Sugar Plum, Cover & Go Foundation Duo, Lasting Perfection Concealer & a generous double layer of eyelashes, heh! 😛

Overall, I am impressed with the quality of the make up for its price tag! The Cover & Go Foundation Duo, Lasting Perfection Concealer had great coverage that was creamy without being sticky/oily. The eye palettes and lip colours were rich in their pigments. Overall, two thumbs up and I’m sure to purchase some of their products when the new lines are out, since they have kindly gifted a set for this collection! 🙂

Smokey Eyes_pack open and closed in foreground_on white

Collection Cosmetics Smokey Eyes palette, retails at $19.90.

Trios 07_on black

Work the Colour 07, retails at $14.90

Plum Perfection

Volume Sensation Lipstick, retails at $9.90.
No image for the one I used in the photo, Lasting Colour Lipstick, Sugar Plum retails at $12.50 each.

03-Fair-Light-Cover and Go_CMYK

Cover & Go Foundation Duo in Fair, retails at $16.90 each.

3 Medium

Lasting Perfection Concealer in medium, retails at $14.90 each.

Collection Cosmetics is available at selected Watsons stores, BHG and the newly renovated BHG Bugis.

Check out more photos! 😀

Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista

My usual made up face, just eyeshadow and light lipstick/balm.

Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista

Post make over under orange lighting. 😉

Took a few more selfies back home:

Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista Collection Cosmetics Pop Diva Ena Enabalista

YES the eye lashes were really long and thick! 😛

Visit Collection Cosmetic SG Facebook page for updates and more! 😉


Thanks Collection Cosmetics for having me! 😉

Sothys Lifeline (Fil de Vie) Energizing Day & Night Creme Review

Recently I was invited by Sothys to attend their media launch of their latest Lifeline (Fil de Vie) Energizing Treatment,
and their Energizing Day & Night Creme of the same line.

Sothys Lifeline Energizing Line event

Before I go on about this line, let me share with you more about Sothys.
Sothys is a global leader in professional skincare innovation. Founded in Paris in 1946, they have delivered integrated and targeted solutions that cover a complete range of care, from face to sun treatments.
What’s interesting is that Sothys is not available above the counter in Singapore and they are exclusively available through Spas, Salons and more recently through the Singapore Airlines. Now that’s exclusivity!

The key ingredient in the Lifeline (Fil de Vie) Energizing series is Siberian Ginseng which is touted the root of youth.

Sothys Lifeline Energizing Line event

Sothys assures that:

with the Lifeline (Fil de Vie) Energizing Programme, your skin’s energy reserves will be recharged and regenerated, revealing luminious and glowing skin at every age.

As I have combination skin type that is usually dry on the surface but oily beneath the surface skin’s layer, I usually only use moisturizing lotion that is moisture based in the day and evening. Thus I did not review this creme personally but passed them over to my mum to use!

I asked my mum how she found the creme after using for 2 weeks and
she says she likes it as it not only moisturizes her skin but also had a brightening effect.
Thus her skin has become less dull after usage.
Thus this is recommended especially for older women looking for a moisturizing creme. 😉

I like how they’ve packaged their day creme, simply and with class.

Sothys Energizing Creme Review Enabalista Sothys Energizing Creme Review EnabalistaSothys Energizing Creme Review Enabalista

And I was also 1 of the 5 lucky winner at the media launch lucky draw to receive the EOps NoiseZero Sports+ ear phone!

Sothys Lifeline Energizing Line Event Blogger Ena Teo of Enabalista with Ms Cheryl Lee GM of Sothys Singapore & Malaysia

With the glamorous Ms Cheryl Lee, the GM of Sothys Singapore & Malaysia.

More of how the earphones look like:1385442_648591608504978_1631670540_n

My earphones along with the lovely Winter Time scarf found in all the media gift bags. What a sweet gift!
And I am so blessed to have won the lucky draw! 🙂Sothys Lifeline Energizing Line event gifts

Thanks Sothys Singapore for the invite & the earphones!
Visit their Facebook page here for their latest updates. 😉

CoCo Ichibanya Curry House @ Star Vista | Food Review

Recently I was invited down for an intimate food tasting session at
CocoICHIBANYA Curry House at Star Vista!

I was delighted to be invited for this food tasting session
because I am a fan of Japanese curry rice
which is flavourful and yet not too spicy
and I’ve previously dined at CocoICHIBANYA outlet at 313Somerset!

Star Vista is conveniently located close to Buona Vista MRT station
with sheltered walk way all the way till the mall.

Let’s take a look at what’s on the menu shall we? 😉
CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewAs you can see on the menu above,
First you select the curry dish from the various selection available,
then you select the quantity of rice,
choose the spice level,
& lastly add toppings if you’d like! 😉

By asking for less rice, there’s a $1 deduction!
Best for ladies who wants to enjoy Jap curry rice
without busting their waistline
& extra savings, woohoo~!

For the spice levels, level 0 is standard.
We also tried level 1 and 3.
More on the various levels in a bit!

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewHere’s another pic of the toppings available on the menu,
such as cheese, kimchee (!) & mushroom.

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review Here’s our lovely host Lucas ordering delicious Japanese curry dishes for us. \(^▽^)/

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review
With my sister, Jia Hui. (^▽^)

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewOur salad greens that came with our mains.

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewLucas’ salmon croquette with cheese
less rice
& spice level 3!

We had the a taste of the curry and it had a  stronger pepper/spice taste,
definitely recommended for those who’d like their curry that pack a punch! 😉
CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewOur pork cutlet curry rice
less rice
spice level 0.

The cutlet was fried to a golden perfection,
but it was a pity that it slightly on the overcooked side
and a tad too tough for our taste.
We gave our feedback to the staff and hopefully it won’t be too tough for others in the future!

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review Our omelette rice aka Omu rice with mushroom & cheese toppings
with less rice
spice level 0 standard.

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewWe ordered chicken karaage to add to this dish~

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review As mentioned, I am a fan of Japanese rice
and I am also a BIG fan of omu-rice!

The combination of eggs, mushroom and cheese with the curry was yummy!
I liked that the mushroom tasted fresh and flavorful in diced pieces
& the chicken karaage was also perfect!

I probably had too much of goodness in my belly that day.
So this has got to be my FAVE dish of the day.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewWe also tried beef curry, on Lucas’ recommendaiton
with extra spinach topping that added a sweetness to the dish
with spice level 1
My sister noted that this dish had a stronger tumeric taste to it!
Definitely recommended combination for people who like beef and spinach. 😉

We also ordered a strawberry yougurt smoothie
which was sweet & refreshing!
Def’ a hit with folks who love strawberry + yougurt. 😉

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista Review With my sis & Lucas!
Follow us on Instagram, @jiahui2289, @ena_teo & @niftylucas. 😉

Check out CoCo Ichibanya Curry House Facebook page here.

CoCo Ichibanya Curry Outlets in Singapore
‘cos you do wanna eat their curry rice right?

Star Vista outlet
The Star Vista, 1 Vista Exchange Green, #02-06, Dover, 138617

313 @ Somerset outlet
#B3-25, 313@Somerset, 313 Orchard Road

Their latest outlet at Bugis+!
#01-10, Bugis+, 201 Victoria Street

~$11-15 person not inclusive of drinks

Did you know, CoCo Ichibanya is also the largest curry chain in the world in term of the number of branches?
There are about 1,268 branches (and counting!) w(°o°)w
around the world in countries such as US, Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand!

So for all my non Singaporean reader friends, you can also taste this delicious Japanese curry
if you’re visiting one of the above countries!

CocoICHIBANYA Star Vista Enabalista ReviewA selfie picture I posted on Instagram after the lunch and
I commented that my face was bloated
probably because I pinned my hair back
but also probably because of too much delicious jap curry rice!

Check out my instagram @ena_teo for more of my updates~!

Till the next post,

Oh, Graduation!

Graduation ceremony was about a month back,
but been too busy with Fide Fashion Weeks and work in general,
so here are the pics,
better late than never!

Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

On my way to the venue, at expo. Fringe all pinned up, prepped for the mortar board. Wearing Urban Decay’s makeup fix spray for the first time and it worked wonderfully well. Also sporting one of my current fave lip colour, Maybelline’s Coloursensational in Fuschia Flash. I got the lippy when I was in UK and I think they rebranded it as Bold and Matte series in Singapore. I had on a coat of nude colour as the base so that the colour will stand out better and last longer. 🙂
Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

First time in a mortarboard! Definitely a milestone in life.
Ena's Graduation

With cutie Shella.

Ena's Graduation

O hai.

Ena's Graduation

It’s me again!
Personally I feel that these western graduation gowns were made to fit the western physical frames better and generally just overwhelm the more petite asian frames. Thank God for heels so that I can bask in my Harry Potter moment, heh.Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

With Adeline, from Kizuna trip, who is blessed with long legs! See how it looks like the gown’s made for tall frames like hers? 😉Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

With Shi !Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

w Sifra and Ashley! Not quite sure why Sifra and I have a shocked expression, LOL.
Ena's Graduation Ena's Graduation

With Des, also from Kizuna trip, who was part of the duo who designed the collaterals and paraphernalia for Graduation! So proud of him!Ena's Graduation Ena's GraduationEna's Graduation Ena's Graduation

Ena's Graduation

With bestie, Bini! :*
We’ve been through 3 years of Lasalle together and
we always talk about how we want our future to be like and
so many dreams and ambitions we want to accomplish.
We’ll continue to hold each other accountable to our dreams and
become the capable women that we aspire to be! <3Ena's GraduationWith Christabelle who is always a ball of fun and never fails to bring the entire room laughter! 
Ena's Graduation

w Ade, Alex and Shao Jie, graduating Kizuna peeps!
It’s amazing how months ago we were all huddling in the cold of Japan and
in a blink of an eye, we’ve graduated!
Ena's Graduation Ena's GraduationA piece of gold paper slot in between each of the graduands’ booklet, folded to be released at the end of the ceremony.
It symbolizes how we’re now ready to take flight.

Ena's Graduation
Probably only in LASALLE where you get dance faculty graduands pirouetting on stage when collecting their certs
and a STOMP performance by juniors at the end of it.
Ena's Graduation
With PriyaEna's Graduation

Our sweet and super patient finance tutor Lawrence who says he never misses a graduation to see his students graduate,
which is his source of pride and joy.

Ena's Graduation

With tutors Lawrence, GIlles and Ginette!

Ena's Graduation

With our class girls and Circe!
Ena's Graduation

Our studio / business management tutor, Gilles!
Thanks for being ever patient with us and giving us unending advice and guidance.
Ena's Graduation
And Circe! <3
For HK trip which was definitely an eye opener for us,
for teaching us how to deal with drama in our lives with a good laugh,
for your generosity, your love for art and believe in feminine power whilst staying as a beautiful woman and wife,
thank you.:)Ena's Graduation

With Pris, who is a wonderful dear, despite dramas and the years in school, remains as sweet as ever.
Stay that way and never let anyone steal your spirit. <3
Ena's Graduation

With Shi again!
It’s always a joy to do grp work w her cause she’s super conscientious
and parties are always fun with her!
Her bf took this pic for us, might not be long before we attend someone’s banquet? 😛
Ena's Graduation

WIth Mum and Pop
Always grateful to them for being cool parents in supporting me to go Arts college and study Fashion
Even tho it’s pretty rad even for my generation.
Mostly for believing in me and giving me the right biblical values in life.
I thank God for my family everyday.
My sissys were at work so they missed my graduation, I still love you guys ya!
Thanks for doting on your youngest sis and I will be happy to be forever your younger/est sis. 🙂

Graduation day was definitely one of the happiest day of my life,
equal parts thankful and happy to have gone through a rigorous study
and emerged not only with a cert that’s accredited by Goldsmith uni
but also a stronger person in my mind and spirit
with a clearer vision of lives and life
and with many friendships which will surely stay with me in this lifetime

Most of all,
Thank you God.

Matsuri Day Beauty Workshop featuring Majolica Majorca, Senka & Ma Cherie


Today I’ll be blogging about my experience at Matsuri Day Beauty Workshop about 2 weeks ago. 🙂

Matsuri means Festival in Japanese. I am not quite sure which festival we were meant to be celebrating, but I think it should be the Mid-Autumn Festival or Lantern Festival which was just recently passed!

Once again, I’ll let the photos do the talking. 🙂

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Shiseido
The workshop was held at Shiseido’s office and conference hall.
Matsuri Beauty Workshop Hummingbird Palette
The little hummingbook III and a set of nail polish looking bottles which are actually blush tints! >_<

So I took these photos before the workshop started proper, and I thought those bottles were nail polish. When the time came for us to test and apply the products, I used them on my finger, only to realize they don’t dry up but rather they become a powder-like layer over my names! The girls on the same table and I have a good  laugh over it. 😛

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Hummingbird Palette 2
This is how the little Hummingbird III Palette look on the inside. It has a 3 light eyeshadow pots and 1 lip gloss pot.

The light pink is the eyeshadow base followed by two eyeshadow colours in gold and pink which you can decide to use them individually or together. I don’t like that the eyeshadow and lip gloss pots were placed together as the eyeshadow powder will contaminate the lip gloss pot. I also don’t like the lip gloss colour as it didn’t seem to go with the other colours. But what I do love, is the pretty and unique packaging…

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Hummingbird Palette 3
The palette with musical score which I believe to be accurate. Would be interesting to play it out on the piano!
Matsuri Beauty Workshop Senka
Senka Product Table

The workshop started first with Senka product introduction followed by testing/application. According to the trainer whose name is Louis, Senka means expert or specialist in Japanese and essentially the brand is known to be focus on R&D to produce the best skincare products for Asian skin. Hence they have good quality products without much fan-fare on the packaging.

I won’t go much into details about the products except for the Senka Perfect Watery Oil, which is known to be a makeup remover that also helps to remove and minimize blackheads!

Perfect Watery Oil Senka

Louis was raving about how effective it was and that he used it and it works. So I even asked him if it is non-comodegenic (non acne causing) and he said it is! Out of all the products, it’s one that I’d like to try and thankfully they handed us a sample bottle to try! So I’ll likely try and put up a review after I’ve used it. ^^ Meanwhile, you can check out QiuQiu’s sponsored review on their makeup removers here.

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Majolica Makeup 2013

After the Senka introduction portion, we had our hands on session with Majolica Majorca makeup! I tweeted after the session how I love this brand for its fantasy concept… It’s so beautiful lah! *^^* They remind me of Anna Sui, except with a stronger concept with more story telling. 🙂 Check out their website and watch the video on the site! You can follow their FB page here. This season’s story is reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland with a strong baroque styling. Not exactly the most original concept, but still interesting and captivating!

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Majolica Makeup

My favourite items out of the tray of testers/samples will definitely be the Skin Lingerie Pore Cream with its BB cream like effect and it acts much like a lightweight primer and the golden brown eyeliner, which I also have one at home. I bought it at Watsons sometime last year when I was hunting for a brown liquid liner and the lady recommended me it. It doesn’t have the best of mechanism as it requires one to shake and dispense on a brush tip, but when I mastered it, the effect and colour is most lovely. 🙂 Matsuri Beauty Workshop Majolica Tints

Saying Hi again to the deceptive blush tints, nail polish wanna-bes! 😛

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Ma Cherie

The last segment of the workshop was Ma Cherie, it means my dear in french. Looking at the branding and design it looks just like a French pastry store logo doesn’t it? I guess Ma Cherie wishes its customers to feel sweet and happy when using their products!

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Hair Demo

Louis the skincare and hair trainer showing how to work a Ma Cherie product. I think this was a hair curl setting spray.

Matsuri Beauty Workshop Ena and Friends

Taking a photo for memories with the ladies on our table! Wei ling, Huihong, Winnie & Huili! 🙂

My review! 

Out of all the workshops/events I’ve attended thus far, this has got to be one of the most light-hearted and enjoyable event, much credit due to Louis’ good humour and entertaining demonstrations! It was also really nice meeting new friends who are also makeup lovers! Thus the time during the session just flew past. 😀

It’s surprising to me that Shiseido would invite 30 female guests down for a free workshop and offer so many of its products for free testing. But I reckon it works out for them if after the session 1/2 of us or more would actually buy their products after testing and potentially become loyal users. This is especially so if there are also existing and similar Japanese brands such as Hada Labo skincare and Liese haircare in the market who are stiff competitors. Also, I got a chance to attend the workshop by taking part in Majolica Majorca’s Facebook contest and was 1 of the 10 winners. So it’s also a strategy of giving back to the fans, thereby reinforcing brand loyalty. 🙂

I don’t love every single item that I tried on that day, there were definitely some hits and misses. But for what it’s worth, it made me fall in love with the Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie Pore Cream and want to try the Senka Perfect Watery Oil! That’s a pretty good desired effect from a participant, I reckon!

Oh, as a note to self,  it might also be a good idea to bring a small set of usual makeup so in case there aren’t some holy grail makeup items to achieve my desire effect, such as my eye makeup, at least I would have backup… I didn’t that day and took the longest time using Majolica Majorca’s makeup (which are not close substitute to my usual ones) to draw my eye makeup. >-<

So with a face full of makeup (which is rare for me, since I usually don’t put full on foundation) I decided I’d snap more photos!

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup

After the Nth time to get a good angle.

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup2

Still a bit dark.

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup3

Changed a spot to get the light on my face. 🙂

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup4

Anotther one. Panda eyes, Duck smile!

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup5

Retarded smile! 😛 Angles are so important for face selfies, really!

Ena reviews Majolica Majorca Makeup6

Gotta love my tiny eyes and funny faces! ^^

And yes, I’ve probably worn the exact outfit and necklace combination more than thrice. What do it, it’s nice like that right? 😛



Blogging for a Living by Grace Tan Book & Workshop Review


I first found out about Grace Tan’s new book Blogging for a Living when my aunt shared with me her Facebook post about it, along with an exclusive offer for a free 2 hour blogging workshop for the first 20 that purchased the book from her.

After reading the Facebook post, I promptly paid (Ibank) her for the book and signed up for the course mainly because it is one of my dream to be a book author (along with many of my other life ambitions, heh!) and as a fellow Singaporean blogger, I wanted to support her and also read what she has to say about Blogging. The workshop was simply a bonus and I am really glad I signed up, turned up and met her in person (see her post hereb.). More about that later, I will review the book first followed by the workshop! 🙂

Blogging for a Living by award winning Singaporean blogger Grace Tan

I will not divulge all the tips and tricks that Grace shares in the book, so that you will pay a small cost of ~$22 (slightly more with gst) at major book stores (see below for listings) and support our local author! 🙂

But I will share some parts from the book which I found to be very interesting for me, and hopefully also interest you to get the book. 🙂

Grace Tan’s Tips for blogging success (Summary):

1. Discover your passion. Blog about what you are passionate about so that it does not feel like ‘work’ and will be sustainable in the long run.

Ena: I can’t agree more with her, the reason why I am able to sustain this blog is because I love what I do here. Whether it’s a beauty product review, fashion apparel outfit of the day or restaurant/food places recommendation, I blog about them simply because I enjoy doing so and sharing about them on my blog to my friends and readers!

2. Do something different. Focus on your strengths and who you really are and convey that through your blog. Grace is famous for interviewing entrepreneurs, celebrities and millionaires for her blog. So find a way to make yourself and your blog memorable.

Ena: This is a point that I am still working on, I don’t think I have a very strong unique selling point (USP) that distinguishes me from other Singaporean lifestyle blogger. But I do think right now that my blog name – Ena Teo – is quite unique. I hope in time, people can begin to remember my name, face, blog name and for writing articulate, in-depth and honest reviews about fashion,  beauty and more. 😉

3. Emulate your way to success. In short, what you want to know about blogging, you can figure out from studying other, more established blogs.

Ena: This is a point that I’ve applied many a times on my own blog. Whenever I am in doubt, I’d reference other blogs and essentially, my blog is a result of my version of the best features that I liked on a few of my favourite blogs. 🙂

Another excerpt from the book, from an interview she had with Silver Ang:
“Also don’t start a blog because you think it will earn you good money. It is a lot of hard work if you don’t enjoy blogging. You want good money? Go into the banking and financing industry. And don’t think that that’s going to be easy either.”

Ena: As a part-time blogger, I can assure you that blogging is not an easy feat. Don’t expect money to drop your way just by writing and posting photos on your blog, that is if you even do that consistently. Just like any other task in life, you reap what you sow. A blogger has to be consistent and diligent in creating good content in order to reap rewards, whether in kind such as products, services or even cash. At this moment, I don’t make a single cent off my blog and in fact I’ve put in some money into this blog, to pay for my own domain. But I’ve reaped rewards in sponsored products sent for reviews, invitation to events and most rewardingly, a community of WordPress bloggers and friends I’ve made through this blog. 🙂

One last excerpt from chapter 9 “Different ways to monetize your blog in Singapore”:

Write a book. If you have the expertise, you can also write a book and get it published, or sell it online as an e-book; it is a great way to earn passive income off your work!

Ena: As an aspiring book author, I have some ideas on what I’d like to write about, mainly about topics such as fashion and beauty which are of keen interest to me. But it’s been simply a “dream” I’ve yet to put any action to. So meeting Grace in person is an inspiration, to know that someone has done it before me and as Singapore entreprener Adam Khoo would say, “If I can do it, so can you!” Although in this case, it would be, “If Grace can do it, so can you!”. This is a principle I’ve always adopted in life – if I want to achieve something, I’d look to someone who has done it before, and be convinced that if someone has done it before me, surely I can as well! 🙂

Overall book review: 5/5

I’d give this book a 5/5 for it’s content, delivery and layout. For what it’s worth ($22), Grace has shared so many helpful tips in the book that even with many years of blogging, I still found more than 50% of the content to be new and inspiring. It definitely helped that she has interviewed 7 other Singaporean bloggers (Patrick Liew, Celestine Chew, Silver Ang, Alvin Lin, Renee Lorentzen, Daniel Ang & Melissa Koh) who generously shared their experiences about blogging. I love Grace’s writing in the sense that it reads pretty much like how she’d speak to you in person, like a friend. No boring corporate speech but very friendly and engaging. Lastly, the layout was very easy on the eye and there would be lightbulb graphics to emphasize on certain topics of issue of note. If I were a complete newbie to blogging, I might even add a star * to 5/5 because she even has screenshots to detail step by step how to create a blog. That’s a lot of effort for your convenience. Overall, this book is definitely value for money, although I think if there was a special discount for students, it would be even better. As $22 isn’t a lot for me as a working adult but it would be for a student. 😛

Do go by her blog to check out a Book Hunt giveaway with total $1000 worth of SK-II products. 7 winners will be chosen with at least $100 product each! >>http://workingwithgrace.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/book-hunt-for-s1000-sk-ii-products/ Contest ends 12 October, so gotta hurry! For list of places to buy her book, see below. 🙂

Now onto the 2 hour free workshop I attend along with 5 other bloggers!

 Grace Tan Blogging Workshop Review 22nd Sept 2013

From left to right: Joanna, Nasri, Carol, Leesa, Grace, Myself and Steven.

Overall workshop review: 4/5

I’ve got to say, my favourite part of attending the session was definitely meeting Grace in person. She is simply one of the most down to earth and honest person I know. She simply speaks her mind, gives excellent advice based on her real life experiences.

To be more specific, her advice for getting more traffic to one’s blog is to make opportunities to appear in mainstream media, such as Television (although, who still watches that? :P), newspapers and radio stations. This will greatly increase a blogger’s credibility and awareness. Perhaps it’s not simply about appearing in the media, but to also own the bragging rights to have appeared on the media, as a badge on your blog and book. 😉

Another practical tip she gave on how to be a better blogger is to commit to blogging consistently at least once a week. This is something I have a lot of problems with because I have no obligation to blog, and thus it makes it difficult for me to make a commitment:P However I do see the potential that my blog has, to grow to be a platform known for good recommendations and in-depth reviews for readers and thus I am definitely inspired from the workshop to take my blogging more seriously! Grace is very driven to make a proper/full time income/living off her blog. She sees how every effort she makes towards her blog as a business strategy and opportunity for income and that, is something that is really not easy for many.

Lastly, I am most inspired about how clear she is about living, that she desires to do the things in life that makes her happy and not to waste any moment of it. If there was only one thing I could take away from the workshop, it would definitely be that I want to be able to make decisions that will guide me to a happy living – whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. The reason why I didn’t give the workshop a perfect score is because the session was a tad too long, would be great if it could have been 1.5 hours instead of 2. 🙂

Here’s my review of the workshop, also seen on Grace’s blog:

Jia En, Digital Marketer and Blogger: “I like that I learnt how to be consistent in blogging by making a commitment – like blogging every Sunday. Thank you Grace, I really appreciate your time and sharing”..

It’s actually longer than that, but I guess you have the full version above already! 🙂

Do check out and like Grace’s Facebook page.



You can purchase the Blogging for a Living book at these places here:

1) MPH

Raffles City: 6336 4232

PARCO Millenia: 6336 4232

Robinson Road: 6222 6423

2) Kinokuniya [website]

Singapore Main Store (Ngee Ann City)
Tel: +65 6737 5021

Liang Court Store
Tel: +65 6337 1300

Bugis Junction Store
Tel: +65 6339 1790

Jurong Store
Tel: +65 6430 0868

3) Times [website]

JCube: 66844150

Jelita: 6466 5702

Tampines 1: 6782 7017

Centrepoint: 6734 9022

Marina Square: 6334 4650

Paragon: 6836 6182

Plaza Singapura: 63368861

4) Popular Bookstores -> Full list of contact numbers HERE


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Ena Recommends Nam Nam Vietnamese Noodle Bar! :)

So on the same night that my friend and I went down for the Sephora Beauty Night out, we had a late dinner after the event at Nam Nam Vietnamese Noodle Bar @ Raffles City Shopping Centre!

Here’s a quick review of our dinner!

Nam Nam Vietnamese Noodle Bar @ Raffles City Shopping Centre
This is the view of the store from where we were seated. I tried my bestest to capture the Nam Nam sign board but the light box made it impossible for my IPhone camera, hahaha.
Nam Nam Vietnamese Noodle Bar @ Raffles City Shopping Centre
I like how quaint the entire decor and vibe of the noodle bar was. Although right smack in the CBD area of Raffles City Shopping mall, one still feels as though she could be right next to the vietnamese road side. And of course, here’s the old school tiny cup that came with the coke can!
Nam Nam Vietnamese Noodle Bar @ Raffles City Shopping Centre
This was my dinner of the night, beef pho and typing this at midnight is making me saliva very badly. I LOVE IT. I am not quite sure if it’s because I was hungry or it was delicious, I believe it is more the later. What I loved about it was definitely the delicious fish sauce flavour and the lime in the soup. The meat was tender and the noodles were cooked perfectly.

I did not manage to take a shot of my friend’s dish which was a stir fry beehoon and I tried a bite and it was DELICIOUS. I did not expect it to be so delicious. So I am going to go back to eat that dish the next time.

Now time for my review!

Taste: 5/5 

As I mentioned, I loved my pho as well as my friend’s stir fry beehoon. The ingredients like meat and noodles were cooked just right and I love the authentic flavours in the dishes!

Price: 3/5

I think at SGD$9/10 per dish it is definitely on the pricey side, for a basement venue at that. But for the taste, I think it is still worth it. For young working adults like myself, we probably will head there once in a while.

Service: 3/5

 I think the service was fast, considering it was 9pm and still packed. But they could do better with more friendly staff as some of them seemed quite shy and not articulate in english. I think language barrier is not that big an issue but rather the friendliness was lacking. Maybe they are worn out from the day.

Decor & Ambience: 3/5 

I love the decor, but the ambience was not great because of the tiny space, guests are seating right next to each other so we could hear the conversations on our side and vice versa. Definitely not the place for meetings or catch ups but if you want to grab a good quick dinner with old friends, yes.

Overall verdict: 3.5 /5

Yes, if you’re a fan of Vietnamese food like me, go for it! But don’t expect the world. Though the taste is great, I would think it’s on the pricey side and expect service and ambience to be like that of the roadside stalls but interestingly situated in a mall basement. 😉

If you want to visit them, here are  the details:

NamNam Noodle Bar
Website: http://namnamnoodlebar.com.sg/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/namnamnoodlebar?fref=ts

Raffles City
Address: 252 North Bridge Road, #B1-46/47, Raffles City Shopping Centre, Singapore 179103
Contact: +65 63360550
Opening Hours: 8am – 9.30pm (last order)

Wheelock Place
Address: 501 Orchard Road #B2-02, Wheelock Place, Singapore 238880
Contact: +65 67351488
Opening Hours: 8am – 9.30pm (last order)



3 things no one told you before graduation


I’ve penned several notes about work post graduation but just have not gotten down to compiling them into a sensible post on the blog until now. I’m wary about posting things too personal on the internet in general, lest I look back in the future and cringe at my past self. A bigger reason is of course I worry, tho I’d like to think them as unfounded, about people reading what I write and judging me for it. Which leads me to digress – why am I, or I believe why are we humans so fearful for others’ judgement on us? It isn’t to say that others’ opinions of us will make us more or less of whom we already are, if that makes sense to you.

So anyway, lengthy introduction aside, if I have not already bored you away, here goes my list of 3 things no one told you before graduation:

1. Be certain of uncertainty.

You know how in school we always have that next thing to look forward to? The next semester, the next exam, the next academic year, the next grade, etc.

But when you come to the working world you’ll find that things aren’t as clear cut. There isn’t (for most people or for me at least) a certain bar that you need to meet and pass before you rise up and go on to the next stage or level. Sure, some routes are tried and tested, perhaps you have a manager above you and you have an idea of how long you’ve got to work before you’ll rise to his level. But in the world of business (yes, so if you belong to the public sector this might not be that relevant to you), there is no guarantee. In worse case scenarios the company might go down but in the best case scenarios you might be promoted and be placed in higher position/s that comes with responsibilities perhaps more than you can manage.

2.  If you have a choice with whom you can work with, then pick people you’re comfortable with. 

Some of you reading this might go, “Jia En/Ena, isn’t that a “duh/ needless to state opinion” ? Yes, to many it’s common sense, but sometimes in the hustle and bustle and the thick of working life, we forget things. We think that just cause we have goals to meet and benefits to gain from another party, we simply have to suck it up and work with people are simply plain bad. That’s not true.

To elaborate, I’d like to humbly suggest for you to choose to work with accountable and responsible people. If you’re the person in charge, then you’d better be accountable and responsible. Choose to work with people you like and likes you back. I can’t emphasize enough how this mutual good feeling of the other party contributes to the success of a project.

3. Chances are, you’re the only one who feels for your dreams and ambitions and the only one responsible to make them come true.

Yes, keeping in line with the idealistic self in me, and thankfully still am at the young but not so tender age of 23, I still believe in having dreams and ambitions and making them come true.

It’s true. When you’re working for someone else, you’re working and helping them make their dreams come true. Unless your dream is to see the team and company succeed, then it becomes your dream as well.

But what about your dreams and ambitions? The truth is, no one else but you will be responsible for making them come true. If you don’t work on making your dreams come true, chances are, no one else will.

I’ve had a wake up call just recently, on one of the past day this week. I love what I’m doing now but being realistic and wanting to get on faster in the professional life is pointing me to another direction in life that I’ve previously turned down. Anthony Robbins once said, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve gotten.” And thus, to get what you don’t have, you’ll have to do what you’ve never done. And that my friends, is my wake up call. I want so many things in life, and I know that I have the capability to do so, but I need to take that big step and do it.

Cheers, to life, to knowledge and taking action!


My Spooky Chinese 7th Month Encounter! >.<

I associated Chinese with Red Lanterns, yes seriously. Image Source: WuDuMedia

So on Tuesday night while on the way home after my dinner with Sandy, just as we were parting which is close to Katong plaza, the one next to Roxy, in between marine parade road and Katong, I got serious creeps that I have never gotten before because there was a mini (1/2 the size of what you’d see the normal stages) ge tai with a toy puppet show and a cast of elderly behind singing and playing Chinese instruments and of course coordinating the puppets.

As you might know by now, I Rebonded my hair (been announcing it on Twitter and Instagram I think) on Sunday so it’s now silky smooth and bounces off my back when I walk.

So as I walked off from the mini ge tai I couldn’t help but look because the entire crew was playing to – get this – no one at all. It was an empty

Audience, but we local Chinese know its not for the living that they are performing.

And as I turned around, I felt like someone or something was brushing against my back.

Logically it is my hair that is bouncing off my back.

But it couldn’t possibly be that l didn’t notice the sensation from the past two days and this one felt different.


If it isn’t my hair that’s causing the sensation – I DON’T WANT TO KNOW!


So immediately I picked up my pace , and I also held my hair in place and walked quickly to my bus top opposite the place.

And I said a quick prayer. As a Christian, I believe that Jesus who is in me is greater than he who is in the world (or netherworld for that matter). And I immediately felt better.

Texted my tummy Sandy and told her the place gives me the creeps! Told her that I’m also gonna avoid all these stages for the entire month! While waiting for the bus to come it started to drizzle…


Have you ever had any spooky encounters before?


Happy 48th National Day Singapore! :)

Happy 48th Birthday SingaporeToday is my country’s 48th birthday, also known as our National Day!

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all my countrymen and women a blessed National Day and that we will contribute to our beloved Nation’s continued success, peace and security through the ages!

Go… Singapore! 🙂

That’s not all, here are an outfits I’ve specially picked out for this occasion. 😉


Solid Tweed Long Sleeve Cropped Flyaway Jacket by MICHAEL Mi. Buy here.

Neoprene Lampshade Dress by MSGM

Neoprene Lampshade Dress by MSGM. Buy here.

Selma Large TZ Monochrome Satchel by Michael by Michael Kors

Selma Large TZ Monochrome Satchel by Michael by Michael Kors. Buy here.

For a short period of time, my-wardrobe.com is having free shipping!

Free Global shipping and returns – enter code GLOBALSHIP

*Expires 18/08/2013. Free Shipping and returns applies to standard shipping only on full price items. my-wardrobe.com reserves the right to change this promotion. See my-wardrobe for full terms and conditions.

Isn’t that awesome? 🙂

Stay beautiful,





New Job, New Hair ;)


So today I went to dye and trim my hair to prepare for my new job coming Friday!



I did it at a hair salon near my place!

And it is very affordable. The lady boss Ai Ling gave me a discount because it was raining and there weren’t many customers. I only paid $40 for this hair colour $20 for treatment totaling $60! Elsewhere it will cost me $120-200 depending where I go! So because Ai ling’s service is great, I asked her if she would like me to blog about it and give me readers a discount. She readily agreed!

For long hair like mine, hair dye is $60.
Treatment is $20.

So dear friends, you get a 20% discount when you quote “JIA EN” when you go down to Ai Ling’s salon! ^^ So for a $80 hair dye and treatment you only pay $74!

Call Ai Ling at 8218 0996 for appointment.

Address is: Blk 27A Chai Chee Road #01-379 Singapore 461027
opening hours: 9am-7.30pm daily.

Additionally, Ai Ling also offers facial at $28 but $25 for my readers !

I have not reviewed her facial before, but I will and let you all know. But if you are keen, her facial includes:
1. Cleansing
2. Pimple and black head extraction
3. Steaming
4. Mask
5. Massage
6. Eyebrow trimming

She has 22 years of experience in facial and hair beauty and it shows in her hair cut for me!

So I would recommended it to you:)


This is how the shop front looks like! She’s very fast and can service up to 3 customers at once.. I saw how she services one customer in 10 min for a hair cut.

Alrighty, that’s all for now!

Be beautiful inside & out !
