Hi Loves!
A while back, I had the chance to have my hand in dessert art making under the demonstration and teaching of pastry chef Jasmin at Stellar at 1 Altitude located at One Raffles Place. It was such a pleasure and enjoyable experience to make the beautiful and delicious desserts and to be able to taste them later! We had fun making or designing rather, a platter of desserts, two of which featuring Stellar’s best loved desserts Creme Brulee and Fireball – these are sooo good. The Creme Brulee is coated with a layer of crispy caramel and is soft inside. The Fireball is presented with a coat of fire and is a ball of chocolate goodness! Check out the photos of the demonstration followed by our own creations below~
Always love the beautiful city scene from the top of One Raffles Place!
Notes to bring home for the dessert making process.
Most parts of the dessert platter was pre-made, we learnt how to design them on the platter and complete with finish touches.
Head chef of Stellar at 1-Altitude popped by to say hi.
Just some of the tools, ingredients we used and our drinks.
Chef Jasmin showing us how she designs the plate with edible gold liquid.
And her very artistically designed and plated desserts. Completely looks like a calligraphy artwork! Chef Jasmin must be very good at calligraphy.
Love the beautiful night scene in the background as Chef works on the dessert art.
The complete look.
It’s not going to be easy to duplicate this edible art piece!
We try…. hahahah.
It was amazing and fun to play and paint with the edible gold liquid.
We also had fun putting the edible flowers on the dessert.
Our table’s completed platter. Not bad right? 😉
One more city scape for the night.
After the fire diminishes, you get a molten chocolate ball which is oh so good.
Thank you Chef Jasmin, Stellar at 1-Altitude & Heat branding PR for having me at the dessert making class!
Visit Stellar at 1-Altitude:
1 Raffles Place, Level 62, Singapore 048616