Hi Loves!
A while back Clozette hosted a tea party for Clozette ambassadors and it was a good time meeting and catching up with fellow Clozette ambassadors. If you haven’t read my previous posts about Clozette, just know that I will visit the site almost daily to see a consolidated updates by fellow fashion and beauty enthusiasts – I am currently following about 100 fashion and beauty influencers, mostly Clozette Ambassadors and Star Clozetters in Singapore and Asia who have fabulous updates. The tea party was a blast and time flies when you’re having fun. We had a delicious array of finger food and tea in a cafe decked out in cute Alice in Wonderland theme and lots of cute pink balloons! We made pink ribbons to raise awareness for Breast Cancer Awareness for the month of October and we also filmed a video to share our love for Clozette. After the event, Vinna, Fenny & I took time to take ootd shots at places nearby. Saturdays should be like this!
With Vinna, Kathleen and Fenny
Gifts in the goodie bag from the tea party.
Thank you Clozette for hosting us!