Celebrating 4 Years of Enabalista

Hi Loves!

How’s your week coming along? 🙂
My Monday totally felt like a “weekend coma”; post hectic weekend coma. >_< Last week was a really long week with planning and executing my blog Enabalista’s 4th Anniversary giveaways, blogging appointments as well as work packed back to back. So I felt so lethargic at work on Monday… But then I was totally excited to meet up with my girlies at work for dinner at Saveur heheh.

Before it gets too late, I’d like to share my thoughts on reaching Enabalista’s 4th Anniversary! ^^,

On my Instagram last Thursday, which is also the very date of my very first post on this blog (30th Oct), I posted a series of #TBT photos that encapsulates 4 of my passions and popular topics on my blog:

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I started off this blog to share photos and thoughts of fashion shows that I attended when I was a fashion student. I had the chance to attend many local fashion shows while assisting backstage and also as my BFF, Bini’s guest for the premium shows such as Chanel.

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Not long after, I also started to review beauty products, starting off with skincare and a ton of lip care products. In the course of 4 years, I’ve had the pleasure to review many brands, as seen in the photo and also recommended many of them to you my readers, as well as family and friends.

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If you’ve been following my blog long enough, you’ll also know that I love to travel and to blog about my travels. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to travel far for 2014, apart from Malaysia and even for those short trips I also haven’t had the time to post up photos. >_< If you’re new to my blog, I hope you’ll enjoy reading about my trips to Seoul, HK, Japan & London. 🙂

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As a true Singaporean, I’m a big fan of fine cuisine! I love to enjoy good food and I love to share where all these delicious food are on my blog here.

USS Halloween Horror Night #HHN4 Blog Review 008

USS Halloween Horror Night Review

My Blogging Philosophy
With 4 years of blogging, I’ve come to realize that my blogging philosophy is sharing about my positive experiences, whether it’s about the 4 topics above or beyond. I relish in new, exciting & enjoyable experiences. Personally I feel that the best gift one can give & receive is spending time together and what better way is there to do than to enjoy a good experience together? 🙂

Additionally, I like to think that my posts are “edu-taining”- educational and entertaining at the same time! My wish is that when readers come to my blog, they’ll soak up new knowledge about fashion, beauty, travel & food while also really enjoy my reviews and photos. Basically every blog post is crafted according to how I would enjoy reading it as a reader! 😉


Etude House Wisma Flagship Store Opening

Did I start out my blog 4 years ago thinking it’d reach where it is today?
Absolutely not. As I mentioned above, I started out blogging to post information and photos that I was passionate about. On hindsight, these information that I have are also exclusive, so blogging is really a great way to share these exciting information and meet bloggers and readers alike who are equally passionate about these topics as I am. It was only in mid-end 2011 that I started to blog quite industriously and was posting up more content in terms of events that I attended and beauty products I’ve tried.

Best Singapore Lifestyle Blog 2013
Then December 2013 came around and I still remember that I was at my church’s 50th anniversary camp at Malacca when I was in the hotel room I shared with my friend Talia and reading the email from HotelClub.com that they have selected me to be one of the “Best Singapore Lifestyle Blog 2013“. I was super stoked and I was incredibly happy, excited and thankful to be recognized for this blog that I’ve been passionately maintaining.

Screen Shot 2014-11-04 at 4.05.15 pmKose Cinderella Finalists & Tricia Ong

Then Jan 2014 came around and I started to receive an influx of invitations from brands for events and reviews. Two very exciting things also happened for me in mid 2014, I took part in Kose Cinderella contest and OMY Best Beauty Blogs contest, one after the other. Although I didn’t win either one of it, I’m still very thankful for my family and friends who have shown so much support for me and through these contests I’ve also got to know the lovely ladies who took part in the contests and these connections are truly invaluable.

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Singapore’s Lifestyle Blog
2014 also marks the year where I clearly defined that I wanted my blog to be recognized as a lifestyle blog. I am passionate about things beyond just 1 topic, and I don’t want to limit myself to be only blogging about one topic. So sometime around January this year, I set a goal that I wanted my blog to be known and ranked top as “Singapore’s Lifestyle Blog/Blogger” on Google. Lo & behold, after about 100 posts in 2014 alone, my dream came true in October this year and I was very thankful when a PR contact introduced me as “Singapore’s leading lifestyle blogger”. I don’t know if I am able to maintain my blog’s Google ranking, or how long I can maintain it for, but I know that if more readers enjoy reading what I blog about, then the easier it would be to sustain the ranking. 🙂

The future ahead
Like 4 years ago, I’m not sure where my blog will be headed to in another 4 years. But I do know for sure that I’ll continue to be passionately sharing about my positive experiences for Fashion, Beauty, Travel & Food. Currently there are 2 things that I wish to accomplish: 1. Publish a book about Lifestyle; an editorial summary of topics similar to my blog 2. Produce a series of diary/organizers. However right now I have too much on my plate for work and blogging that I am KIV-ing these goals that I wish to achieve until the time is right. If you’re reading this and would like to partner me to accomplish these goals, email me and we’ll see how we can set things in motion. 🙂

Last but definitely not the least, I want to thank God for His providence and guidance for my life and blog and my family and friends for their support and encouragement. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, my dear readers and friends for reading my blog. 🙂

If you haven’t, be sure to check out these 4 awesome giveaways that I am currently running on my IG, FB & Clozette:

*UPDATED with winners*

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Etude House My Castle Hand Creams Blog Post
Giveaway on Instagram
Giveaway on Facebook

IG: @style_byjane
FB: Caren Foo

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L’Oreal Paris Giveaway Blog Post
Giveaway on Instagram
Giveaway on Facebook

IG: @jensdazzvoq & @minkclara
FB: Huiibin Dumbyou

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Clozette LE Disney Makeup Sets Giveaway Blog Post
Giveaway on Clozette
Giveaway on Instagram
Giveaway on Facebook

Clozette: ChristabellePQZ & Amandansl22
IG: @misspinky24
FB: Jolvin Zhang

2014-11-01 19.08.27

Elizabeth Arden All Day Chic Holiday Color Collection Giveaway Blog Post
Giveaway on Instagram
Giveaway on Facebook

IG: @mybeautyroad
FB: Amelia Tan

Good luck!

Lotsa Love, xx



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