#LaterPost | Pink Party Bash!

About a month ago in November, I joined my ex-colleagues in Clozette/GlamAsia
to check out the Pink Party Bash!
It was one of the last projects that I was managing before I left,
so it was good to see it come to fruition. 😀

Here’s at the bash venue, St James Power House station… My pink outfit of the day!

2013-11-17 14.12.40 Pink Party Bash 2013 Pink Party Bash 2013

The highlight of the day was to see the models of the mix media nail art competition groups
who have prepared two months for this day!

Team 1 with Valerie Lim as model with a Alice in Wonderland theme:

Pink Party Bash 2013

Team 2 with a garden fairy theme:Pink Party Bash 2013

Theme 3 with a Protect the Earth from pollution message:

Pink Party Bash 2013

The 2nd team won and it must have been a tough decision as all of them did so well!
Go search #PinkPartyBash on Instagram for all the awesome pictures for that day! 😉

Here with my lovelies of the day, Cassandra a super creative nail artist who has all these pretty nail art designs! (She’s also a Clozette Ambassador, see her Clozette profile and blog),
Cherie (@cheriexsh) and Azleena (@azzychubby)!
You can thank me later for helping you make it easy to stalk them on Instagram. 😉

Pink Party Bash 2013 Pink Party Bash 2013

One of the best part of the day was that we got to enjoy gelish nail services at $20 instead of the usual $50
and all the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Foundation Singapore! 🙂

Thanks to The Pink Room academy for organizing and Clozette for inviting!



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