By now you should probably be aware of the haze situation that Singapore is in, with smog that comes from forest fires in Indonesia, as Indonesians choose to clear their forests by burning.
Yesterday it reached unhealthy levels of PSI (stands for Pollutant Standards Index) 155 at about 2pm.
Today the haze PSI stands at 115.
I know it’s really bad when I couldn’t sleep late Sunday night because I felt like I was choking instead of breathing and had to turn on the air conditioner.
I know it’s really bad when my family and I choose not to open our house windows because we didn’t want to let the smoke outdoors pollute our home indoor.
I know it’s really bad when I went out Monday evening (last night) and thought if there was any day I were to wear a mask out, it’s not because of H5N7 (new strain of avian flu) but because the haze is getting that bad.
I know it’s really bad because people are starting to curse on Facebook.
You get my drift.
So enough for how bad the haze!
Since the last weekend, I’ve been seeing some really creative and funny ways my friends / subscriptions have reacted on social media! So partly inspired by them, I’ll be sharing 3 Ways to smile at the haze. 😀
1. It’s time you can take memorable smokey and cinematic photos around Singapore, without actually having to lug a smoke-machine around because it’s actually there, and free! We know Singaporeans love a good freebie! 😀
Examples of creative smokey and cinematic photos around Singapore:
Okay, this is probably a photoshopped picture and not actually in Singapore, but it’s a creative inspiration! credits: igsg instagram
I didn’t get the #TVD (The Vampire Diaries) reference, but a quick google reveals that Mystic Falls is a place featured in the TVD drama series. Told you the haze makes cinematic photos right? ^^ Credits: jovial_jj instagram
2. Imagine you’re in a scene of Harry Potter / Your favourite movie scene which includes some copious amount of smoke. 🙂
Harry Potter, Smokey, Movie Scene! Image credit: here
3. Last but not the least, make all the Haze jokes while it lasts!
Hehehe HEYZ! 😛 Credits: Sudy on Twitter
LOTS of creativity on SGAG’s FB!
Hope you’ve found a reason to smile at the haze now! ^^
x Ena
P.S. Let me know in the comments, on twitter or FB if you’ve got any Haze jokes to share! 😉
Hello Hazel! ^^ glad the post made you laugh! 😛