Book Recommendation | How to Sell and Market Your Way Out of This Recession and Get Your Business Buzzing Like Never Before (even Though Your Customers Don’t Want to Know!)

There are a few reasons why I picked up the book by Bate.

The first of which is that the bright fluorescent orange colour caught my attention as I browsed at the Marketing books department in the local library.

The second, of course is that I am about to enter the real estate industry and I wanted to arm myself with useful sales knowledge in a downturn economy. Despite a super lengthy title, which by the way is one of those big no-no rules for a book title because too long people cannot remember and recommend, I was keen to browse through it as it made me interested to see what the author has to say.

Check out the screen shots of the contents page I took from Amazon’s website. You can check out some of the pages of the book here.

What is superb about the book is that Bate is very detailed about what you should say to your clients / business prospects. He even writes the actual questions you can ask your clients to improve your business. It’s a business manual and that’s what makes it awesome. See what I mean for yourself here, another screenshot from Amazon:

Talking about awesome, it reminds me of one of my favourite lines from the book and it goes,

“Simply decide to be awesome. They will be after you. You can name your price.” – Nicholas Bate

And I believe that’s how Bate lives his life and writes his book that’s why it’s awesome and that’s why if you are business owner or you are a sales person, you should pick up the book!

Another tip I love, okay, last one because if not you’ve got no impetus to go read the book for yourself. Under the Negotiation chapter, he says, which I paraphrase, “Give small and always make sure you get some back in return.” So that it’s a win-win! Smart eh?

You can buy the book on Amazon here.

Let me tell you something amazing that happened recently after I read Bate’s book. Please be forewarned that there is some serious gushing ahead. So it goes, because I was so impressed by Bate’s writing, I decided to quote him on my Twitter to share with my followers, which is the line that goes “Simply decide to be awesome. They will be after you. You can name your price.” and it turns out that Bate himself came across my tweet and emailed me to offer to send me a couple of his books. I was so pleasantly surprised to receive his email that I felt like I struck lottery. Then I realized, I’m more enamored by book authors than celebrities. When I saw many celebrities at Audi Fashion Festival in Singapore, they seemed like pretty faces that stepped out of a screen and I was very calm but when I saw Robert Kiyosaki in real life, and when Nicholas Bate wrote a personal email to me, I felt very excited. HAHA. I’m definitely a geek. 😀

I am looking forward to read more of Nicholas Bate’s books and reviewing them here on my blog!

Let me know if you’ve read Bate’s books or any good sales and marketing books by sharing under comments!


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