Back in early May, V and I were selling Taiwanese Rice Biscuits in Singapore Expo. From it, I gleaned some lessons about life and work. Before I commence on them, some pictures from our working days!
I am not promoting the brand or the rice biscuits on my blog, but the above picture shows how the biscuit machine looks like, the various flavours and how a regular biscuit looks like. It’s an interesting soft yet crunchy texture. For more information, visit the brand’s Facebook page here.
I never knew $1 coins came in $40 rolls… (:
Some pictures we took on the job… Most of my friends have a trigger happy habit, lol.
Lessons from Rice Biscuit Selling Stint:
Life is like a biscuit making machine, just as no two biscuits comes out alike, each individual is created differently, each one is unique.
This photo shows how the biscuit come in irregular sizes! The smaller ones are rejected, thrown away.
The process we take in life is also different. Even though I try my best to pack equal sizes of 7-8 (7 is the standard number) biscuits into each pack, to make a regular pack but sometimes the pack will inevitable contain smaller sized biscuits and some thicker or bigger biscuits. This is due to my point above, no two biscuits are created equal. Therefore, sometimes life gives you a better pack than others and sometimes life gives you the lesser pack.
Use good ingredients and customers will come back for more.
There were a handful of customers that came to buy 3 packs and one lady even bought 15 packs at one shot to keep and give away. If you provide products of quality, customers will no doubt come back for more.
Friendly neighbors make work more enjoyable and rewarding.
Almost everyday, V and I will get free food from our friendly neighboring aunty promoters. This is because we make friends with them, sometimes we give away those odd sizes biscuits (rejected sizes but still edible) and they will give us their food in return. Friendly neighbors make our working environment more enjoyable and rewarding. Most of them will also buy a pack or two to bring home.
A friendly and encouraging boss spurs and motivates productivity.
We were very blessed to meet with a good boss. He made work enjoyable despite the long hours. After the job, I recommended my friends to work for him and after our job stints, we even met up with him for a meal. (:
This was on of the slower – moving days so we were happy to hit $300 from selling the biscuits. (:
It’s interesting how a 10 day biscuit selling stint can teach / remind me of life lessons isn’t it?