I didn’t fully upload the images I collected over the last month and more, I’ll upload them with those in the month of July. I’m also lazy to caption them one by one so I’ll just do a collective credit. In no order, the images above are taken from: LaModeOutre, Passivedreams, Altamira, NYmag’s The Cut, Xiaxue, Style Bubble, MDS, The Selby, friends’ Facebook.
What do you think about June’s cut of visual inspiration? It’s got a strong summery feel isn’t it? You’ll also see a lot of rocker chic inspired images for my 21st birthday party! 🙂 You’ll also find quite a bit of photos on Korean celebrities in recent korean dramas that I am watching, like ‘Lie To Me’ and ‘Best Love’. :p
Amongst the fashion photos you’ll also see photos of my ex church cell group leader, Matthew’s wedding! He held a church wedding in Singapore and had a beach wedding in M’sia, where his wife, Janice is from. All the best to Matt and Janice! 🙂
This is already a curated, selection of images of many that I see for the whole month but I think that maybe I should be even more specific and selective. I think it would be a lot more useful to be specific so it helps people who are conducting research online. But I really do like all of these images one way or another! It kind of make sense to keep them as keeping an eye on what’s trendy and fashionable. But I don’t know if you all appreciate them… Or am I only satisfying my own vanity in uploading these pretty images on my blog and no one actually appreciates them? :/
I have at least 7 blog post ideas, related to internship, spring/summer fashion highlights, book reviews but I don’t have time/have not planned when I will write them because I usually write my blog posts with spontaneity.
Yea. I am going to rethink how I do this monthly visual inspiration post. Any ideas, anyone? 🙂 Even if it’s to placate me… I wish more people would comment/leave love notes for me here. 😛