Tag Archives: ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge

NEW ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Bloggers’ Event & Review

Hi guys! 😀

A while ago I attended ZA’s Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Bloggers’ Event
and here’s snippets of how it went! 😉

ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 2 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 3 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 4 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 5 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 6 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 7 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 8 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 9 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista 10 ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge Enabalista

The entire hall was decked out in varying hues of pink with black accents,
with lots of “Fun Facts” about lips
and booth activities/games for us bloggers to take part in, including match the cards and
“My Lip Personality”!

Speaking of which, my reading is as such:

“Bow-shape lips”
You are an expressive, seductive person who likes to fly with her own wings.
You pursue the things you love fearlessly and speak your mind..

Love Life
You need someone who stimulates you both mentally and physically.

Hayden Panettiere, Reese Witherspoon

About 80% true. 😉

On my lips: a light coat of ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge in RS481, Deep Pink.


Go sexy with pink or demure with beige? 😉



8 New Shades that flatters Asian undertones 

My Review of the NEW ZA Rich-Glam Liquid Rouge

I personally find the new liquid rouge a very unique blend of lipgloss and lipstick.
Imagine your favourite lipstick, now in liquid consistency.
It is unexpectedly non sticky, unlike how some lip gloss is and it has pretty decent staying power,
up to half a day, like the regular lipsticks.
It’s formulation is inspired by ladies who desire the shine of lip gloss with the pigmentation of lipsticks! 😉

At $18.90 a pop, in stores from 30 Jan 2014.
ZA can be bought at most Watsons stores island wide in Singapore. 😉

