Tag Archives: thoughtbuzz

ThoughtBuzz; Your Social Media Intelligence Platform

Hi Loves!

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Today I’d like to introduce ThoughtBuzz, a social media intelligence platform where you can log in and access a single view dashboard to see and compare fan growth, engagement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube simultaneously.Thoughtbuzz Social Media Intelligence Blogger Review Enabalista 007

If you’re a digital influencer or an online marketing executive, you can use this to understand which social platform is working best for which campaigns.

Take a look at what Thoughtbuzz is capable of:

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Here’s summary of my Instagram profile and the Top 2 Posts by Engagement on my Instagram.

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The Interaction Rate by Hour – so I know when is the best time for me to post to get the most views and interaction, which is lunch time at 1-2pm, 4pm or 7pm onwards. Thoughtbuzz Social Media Intelligence Blogger Review Enabalista 004

Interaction Rate by Weekday – Saturdays to Tuesdays in the past week have gained the most interaction.

Now onto interesting insights for my Enabalista Facebook page.Thoughtbuzz Social Media Intelligence Blogger Review Enabalista 006

Here are my top 5 fans based on interactions – likes and comments.
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Here are the insights for which of my recent posts have garnered the most engagements – this will help me see what type of posts garner more likes and comments. Although I can see this information on my Facebook page insights as well, Thoughtbuzz is great because it congregates my other social media accounts all on one convenient platform and dashboard. 🙂

Why don’t you give it a try too?

Thoughtbuzz Social Media Intelligence Blogger Review Enabalista 008Simply sign up on their Thoughtbuzz website here and follow their Facebook for updates on Social Media intelligence!

Thank you Thoughtbuzz and TIN for providing a single platform to analyze my social media accounts!

