Hi Lovelies! <3
How do you fight stress?
Recently at work my director and I were handling a challenging client.
It was so dramatic, we had so many ups and downs within a weekend, at first she wanted this, later she wanted that.
It was so stressful.
I remember it being on a Monday and usually Monday is quite a relaxing day for real estate work. But boy, that was quite an unforgettable Monday and I had to deploy all my stress-relieving methods!
I’m not gonna be stingy and I’ll share with you 3 usual ways + 1 new way that I fight stress:
1. Drink Tea
Credits here.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of green tea and that I drink it almost on a nightly basis and I’ve long extol its benefits for detox, weight-loss (fat burning) & improving good health in general. Additionally, green tea has a soothing effect on me.
However when I am really stressed, one tea flavour works wonders for me:
Chamomile & Lavender Tea
This stuff, it’s awesome possum. I can’t describe the taste to you, both Chamonile & Lavender has relaxing effects on the body with an almost instant effect.
Definitely an excellent stress reliever! <3
2. Eat Chocolates
Giotto Chocolates Hazelnut are awesome. Giotto Chocolates Almond, the bomb.
It’s widely known that chocolates releases endorphines, which is the same chemical that makes one happy.
Chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural hormones produced by the brain, that generates feelings of pleasure and promotes a sense of well being. Chocolate may also make a person feel better by directly interacting with the brain. One of the ingredients in chocolate is tryptophan, an essential amino acid needed by the brain to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a mood-modulating neurotransmitter, the brain’s “happy chemical.” High levels of serotonin can give rise to feelings of happiness. Credits here.
I don’t need to explain further, chocolates makes you happier, so you can battle stress with a smile! 🙂
3. Pray
Prayer does the work that our hands cannot do. When I’m stressed and I know that there’s nothing I can do about it, I just pray and release the worries and stress to God. It lifts my burdens and makes me infinitely better. :’)
Last but not the least.
4.Take STRESStabs

The care package comes with Centrum’s StressTabs, nutrition support in times of stress, each tab comes with Vitamin B that helps maximize energy. Bottles for women comes with Iron while bottles for men comes with Zinc. Plus an Energy Booster drink by #MasonBottle, a yummy concoction of passion fruit & carrot & 2 cute windmill flowers!
Whenever I feel stressed, I take this after my meal and it gives me that burst of energy likened to a cup of coffee!
Before receiving this care pack from Watsons and Centrum, I didn’t know of STRESStabs. So I was very keen to introduce it to my eldest sister who works as a lawyer (high stress job). So when I was telling her, she told me a lot of her lawyer friends takes this and recommended it and she personally takes this in replacement of her vitamin C tabs when she’s stressed cause in addition to Vitamin C, this has Vitamin B that releases energy. 😉
And as you would know, being a real estate agent can be a high stress job especially at times when it’s closing deals/sales. So one of my colleague was stressed and I told him to take one pill at work…
And he closed the deal! Awesome eh? Not saying that the pill will guarantee sales closings… 😛
Thanks Watsons and Centrum for the care package!
Thank you for reading! <3