Tag Archives: Natalie Tran

Ena Loves to Travel (Experience Asia Hilton Hotel & CNNGo Contest Entry)


How’s your September coming along? Can you believe that it’s the LAST WEEK of September already? *shudders* Time reallyyyy flies in September! Personally I had this revelation recently that September is like the busiest month of the year for everyone when all the action of work/school/life is in motion and everyone’s just packed with stuff to do! Do you feel the same way too? If not, which is the busiest month for you and why? Let me know in the comment box! (:

So my school’s 1st quarter just wrapped up and I’m supposedly enjoying my 1 week break this week except that there’s actually tons of research and organizational work I have to do for school! HAHA. So alas, not much of a break for me!

Anyway I’ve side-tracked enough because as you can read from the title above, I took part in a contest organized by Hilton Hotel and CNNGo!

Do you like the video? I thought it was quite good (HAHAHA no shame for me) except that I had this constant frown on my face. HAHA. Because I filmed it a few times and I exceeded the 30 seconds mark and I  think I was worried I’d exceed the 30 seconds mark again! LOL.

I filmed it almost 3 weeks ago but I was too busy and neglected to post it up here and garner votes. (T-T)”‘ My video has 2 likes (I have no idea who these lovely people are, and THANK YOU).

I hope to be able to go on future travel trips and film more videos while traveling to share the experiences with you!

A few examples of cool travel vloggers are Justin on his journey with Heineken, watch the preview of his 5 parts journey from Mongolia to Bangkok supposedly (I say supposedly because I highly doubt it) paid in Heineken beer:

And the inspirational Natalie Tran with Lonely Planet in Singapore here:

She travels to many more places, you can watch them on Youtube. I love that she imbues her unique humour to her travel vlogs as well. 😀

I know I have been saying I will update my post on IT bags 2012 since like forever but I promise the next post is it! HAHA. I even have a schedule/list written! I have also attended a few art and fashion events recently (previews available on my Instagram/Twitter) so do watch this space (subscribe if you haven’t) for more exciting updates soon!

Alrighty, that’s all for now!

L.o.L, <3