Tag Archives: Musical

Backstage with the Addams Family musical cast! :)

Hello hello beautiful!

I hope you had a fruitful week?

Today I’m posting photos from my backstage tour after watching the musical The Addams Family with my sister! πŸ™‚


Complimentary 2nd row seats, such a blessing! πŸ™‚


Here’s some Uncle Fester cookies and Wednesday cupcakes for sale outside the hall!


Before the show started, the invited bloggers and guest had a really quick 5 min photo-taking session with the cast! πŸ™‚ Spot famous local blogger Qiu Qiu of Budget Barbie fame right smack in the middle front row with the dyed hair ends! πŸ™‚Β 944505_10151711339055829_1661651939_n

Here’s a shot of me and the beautiful stage setting after the show ended.Β 942710_10151711336920829_2064818634_n

And then we proceeded backstage where groups of bloggers and guest got paired with the cast for a up close and personal tour! Here’s the actor for Lurch! He was super cute in the musical as a “silent” actor speaking in gibberish and mad waving hands. There was this scene where he bursts into a song and it was amazing too! <3


Close up of the stage!1005197_10151711337145829_614969174_n

Close-r up of the buildings! Blair the actress playing the role of Alice who brought us on the tour told us that the scene of New York was true to life and she can recognize the street where she lives in and even pointed to us the exact spot! Amazing details!581420_10151711337505829_1286379954_n

Blair and I πŸ™‚968990_10151711337395829_734724756_n

Another one πŸ™‚Β 1005441_10151711338080829_1935670188_n

Here with Amanda Burton who acted with Grandma! And this is her really cool moving table of potions and what nots!Β 968990_10151711337575829_976613648_n

Here’s the torture wall where Pugsley enjoys his morning torture ritual administered by Wednesday, the setting of the act where Wednesday sings the lovely song “Pulled”.Β 995747_10151711337635829_1968774386_n

Here’s the white ball which stands in for the moon which Uncle Fester is in love with! Blair told us how in one show the moon burst and was completely deflated! Fortunately the team managed to fix it in time for the next show. πŸ™‚ I was amazed at how the ball wasΒ maneuveredΒ and now seeing the stick from the back makes perfect sense. That’s why I love backstage tours! πŸ™‚Β 943629_10151711338645829_2125671054_n

The torture seat owned by Mr Addams! In the show, the lever when pulled down will release a chopper up from the seat! Scary, creepy and amazing. πŸ˜›


Here I am, sadly imprisoned behind the Addam gate, which opens to the burial place of the Addams ancestors in the musical.Β 1009793_10151711339205829_36535064_n

My sister and I had great fun at the musical and backstage tour! Thanks to Resorts World Sentosa for inviting us!

Follow RWS’s Facebook page here for exciting updates! They are having their yearly Halloween special at USS soon, so keep a look out for that! πŸ™‚

If you catch this post in time, The Addams Family musical ends today, 28 July Sunday! The last I checked, seats are still available for their matinee show but sold out for their last show in the evening! Book your tickets here!

That’s all for now!

Be Beautiful, Inside & Out!



Catch The Cranky & Kooky Addams Family @ RWS only showing till the 28th July!

Sponsored review

Opening Act “When You’re an Addams”

This morning I went down to Resort World Sentosa for The Addams Family media call as a blogger. It’s my first time attending a media call as a blogger and I was so happy and thrilled to watch the cast present 3 items and to get to interview the cast after! πŸ˜€

I present to you video excerpts of the first 2 items presented!

Item 1: Opening Act “When You’re An Addams”

Item 2: “Pulled” It features the adorable Addam Siblings Wednesday & Pugsley during their morning torture ritual which Pugsley enjoys and how it is changing because Wednesday is falling in love! Very cute and funny!

Excerpt of Interview with Lurch. I found it immensely amusing because he’s just mumbling / speaking gibberish! Which is also very cute!

A little more about the Addams Family musical, it is based on the bizzare and beloved family of characters created by legendary cartoonist Charles Addams. It began performances in March 2010 in America and ran through December 2011, immediately became one of Broadway’s biggest hits.

“Classic, full tilt, fast paced, old fashioned musical comedy!”- Chris Jones of The Chicago Tribune

I am enthralled by the performances put up by the cast today! The introduction booklet featuring the cast and crew shows a very impressive cast with a lot of credits, like almost every individual has more than 3 shows worth of stage experience so you know it’s really a top notched cast. I can’t wait to watch the full musical coming Saturday afternoon with my sister!

With the Addams Siblings! ^^

Interview with the Addams Siblings, Pugsley & Wednesday

Actor Jeremy Todd Shinder as Pugsley Addams
Actress Jennifer Fogarty (JF) as Wednesday Addams

Question for Jeremy Todd Shinder (JTS) as Pugsley:
Ena: Do you require any special diet for your role as Pugsley Addams?
JTS: No, I just eat and stay the way I am. I’ve been told I can put on more weight as the character of Pugsley is a heavy boy but I like the way I am now and intend to remain like that.
(Ena: I have a strong feeling that we’ll be seeing JTS grow up to be a tall young man, we’ll see, if he does continue on in his career in Broadway/acting!)
JF: It’s important that the cast is chosen and picked for how they are even before the musical, so Jeremy doesn’t have to put on or lose additional weight.

Question for Jennifer Fogarty:
Ena: Is there anything you wish to do or look forward to during your free time in Singapore?
JF: Oh yes! I’ve already explored Universal Studios and Sentosa with the tour team and I’m looking forward to visit Chinatown.
Ena: You should also visit Marina Bay Gardens & the Supertrees!
JF: Yeah and those! Basically looking forward to explore beyond the 4 train stations in Sentosa! *wide smile*

During the interview, we also found out that Jeremy Todd Shinder is only 11! How very talented he is for his young age and fortunate to be able to tour internationally as an actor! πŸ™‚

Jennifer Fogarty is 26 years old but she definitely looks much younger, like a fresh graduate! I think partly it is because of her petite frame and big beautiful eyes and her wide smile. πŸ™‚
Her eyes and face reminds me of Emma Stone. πŸ™‚

The Addams Family cast will be heading towards Guangzhou after their Singapore leg. Wishing them all the best!

The Addams Family musical started on July 9 and runs till 28 July 2013. So grab your tickets from Sistic while seats lasts! πŸ™‚

Many thanks to Resort World Sentosa for the invitation to the media call and tickets for the show! πŸ™‚

Let me know if you plan to catch the show and how you find it after you do!
