Tag Archives: Mary Kay Singapore

Mary Kay Smokey Eye Makeup Workshop

Hi Loveiies! <3 <3 <3

I hope you’re having a blast of a Saturday!

As you should know by now, April & May has been really busy and here I am still blogging about all the events and workshops I’ve attended! 😀

On the same day that I attended the Cervical Cancer awareness talk for bloggers, the very morning I attended Mary Kay’s Smokey Eye makeup workshop with my friend. Christabelle & friends!

As usual, photos time!
2014-04-12 11.51.01

Here Julianna the make up trainer is demonstrating how it’s done. 🙂

2014-04-12 12.05.00

My bare face and testing out the Time-wise eye serum skincare before putting on the make up. 2014-04-12 12.41.09

Almost done~2014-04-12 12.41.47

So pretty eh! 2014-04-12 12.42.54

The smokey eye palette.2014-04-12 12.57.22

I was using Star Lash eyelashes!2014-04-12 13.16.31

Here’s my full look!  Using the Mary Kay smokey eye (above) palette for my eyes, bb cream(korean formulation) & lipstick. Using Starlash lashes, available online here.2014-04-12 14.00.30

Together with Christabelle. <32014-04-12 14.00.33 2014-04-12 14.00.37 2014-04-13 13.55.02

With all the beautiful ladies & trainers Julianna and Mary Kay consultatant Wendy!2014-04-24 12.55.13

I bought this botanical effects scrub cause I enjoyed it so much during the last session, and gifted it to my mum for Mother’s Day! 🙂

For enquiries for Mary Kay’s workshops, contact Wendy Yip at 9638 1039.

Thanks to Wendy for the invite!

Thank you for reading~



P.S. Please vote for me for Kose Sekkisei Cinderella Contest on the site here (http://sg.sekkisei-cinderella.com/finalist/ena.html)! <3
If you’re a fan of Kose Singapore FB, you have to unlike and like them for the vote button to pop up again!

Current Kose Giveaway
For a period of 2 weeks from 1-15 June 2014:
1. Vote for me on the site here (http://sg.sekkisei-cinderella.com/finalist/ena.html)
2. Like and Share this giveaway http://bit.ly/EnaKoseFBGiveaway on Facebook. (Make sure its public so I can see you’ve shared.)
3. Submit your details on this google form:bit.ly/EnaKose
to stand a chance to win a set of Kosé Sekkisei products including Clear Whitening Mask ($35) and Sun Protect Essence Milk ($46), total worth $81.
T&C applies, refer to end of post here.