Tag Archives: Friendship

Bev’s 21st Cray Cray Birthday

Ena Bev Bday Cover

Back in October, my cray cray classmates and I went to celebrate Bev’s 21st birthday!

Here are the photos of what went down… x) Photos taken from Bev, Belle and also some by myself. πŸ™‚

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Bev the birthday girl smiling for the camera. πŸ˜€

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The lovely lemon flavored, Tiffany inspired cake from The Pines.
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Individual shot with the birthday girl πŸ™‚
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Everyone in!
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Just us cray cray girls from BAFMIN5B :B
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Cray cray girls + BFs.Β Ena Bev Bday9Formal shot. πŸ™‚
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Getting crazy…
Ena Bev Bday16
Going crazy πŸ˜€
Ena Bev Birthday1
Ena Bev Birthday2
Ena Bev Birthday1
With Shella ^^
Ena Bev Bday5
With Rach and Pris!^^
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With the funny one, Belle~!
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All Charlie Chaplin. :B
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Gang-nam Power to us cray cray girls! πŸ™‚
Less than half a year to go before we all graduate!Β :’)
Here’s to more parties with these fab girls.

Fab Feb

The week after CNY, my cell group and I head to Sentosa for an outing! Organized by Xue, we headed for Luge and Skyride. It was Russ’s last outing with us before he flew to Aussie for school.

Us before the Luge rides in our helmets and during the Skyrides! (:

Random pics with the girls at school!

With B for tea at ION during class breaks… Capturing her in her poses!

With the girls in the meeting room, where B and I booked tickets for our trip to Korea NEXT WEEK!!! πŸ˜€

With the girls on V’s jeep. Paiseh I know the yellow cartoon background v unbefitting of the cool car and girls but.. cute what right!

With the lovely V. I cheat, our faces are post-processed on my phone and thus we look fair like fairies. HAHA. Next time I share my secret to good skin and pretty pictures ok?!

More selcas with V, on the ride back to school from lunch!

Undeniably school has been major fun with the girls. <3

This week has been fantastic, God’s grace been so abundant. Firstly B and I managed to book tickets to Korea despite the rule that we were supposed to book 21 days in advance. Secondly after 1 long and stressful week I finally manage to confirm model and timing for Trans. Lab shoot. It’s been majorly postponed as somethings are not within my control. The stress’s not over yet but I’ll do what I need/can and trust God for the growth and blessings.

Today’s the only weekday I got back home before the sun’s out and it felt surreal. I appreciate my busy schedule, it’s a blessing to be able to have a fulfilling life. It felt real good to crash on my bed for a 3 hour nap after the long week.

Had the pleasure to assist Lucinda in her solo exhibition on Wednesday, will post some pictures soon! Next week will be major fun. Loads to work to clear before I head for the hols!!! But oh what fun! πŸ˜€


CNY 2012!

How was your CNY? I’ve been wanting to blog about mine… but kept neglecting to. :/

I felt this year’s CNY was less exciting. In terms of visiting family and friends. But I greatly enjoyed visitations with my church friends! (:

No pre-CNY reunion dinner is complete without steamboat! This one was particularly good, thanks to my mum!

Multi-coloured nails to usher in the new year… Against my desk while I was working on school’s CPJ – creative process journal.

First day of CNY, with friends in church. Here with Estella!

2nd day of CNY my family and I visited my grandma’s place, here seen with my aunt and her children and my sister.

Met up with friends Ian, Martin, Dafril and Joshua over at Shane’s place. We had loads of fun playing Xbox, till we had no time for movie! hahaha. ^^

At Amy’s place, her fairly newly adopted handsome son, Muffy!

That’s all for this year’s CNY…

Loads of pics to upload for Feb… went to Luge with churchies and random selcas with my girls in school. πŸ˜›


Pictures | Rockin’ 21st Party!

Hello ~!

As promised, here’s the collection of photos from my recent 21st Birthday party! πŸ™‚

There’s something I’ve been holding in a long time and I haven’t told anyone in particular about it. I won’t be naming names so here goes the story. About 1 year plus ago I was asked to be a friend’s date for an army ball. I wasn’t very close to the friend but I agreed. Then about 4 months ago I came to know that the friend’s gay. I don’t condemn gays and I have gay friends. It’s just that I feel… used. Because we’re not very close, when he came out (on fb, friends told me about it), he didn’t tell me about it and we also didn’t talk about it because although I’m pretty open about such things, it can be pretty awkward and I won’t initiate to talk about it. But I would have really appreciated it if he had told me then, before the ball that he’s gay and he needed a date. But then again, maybe he wasn’t clear about his orientation then. And I guess I just have no guts to talk to him about it now. Oh wells. That’s why I’m talking about it here.

Ok but why I mentioned this is because it made me feel like TIME PASSES SO QUICKLY!!! In this one year, that friend came out, posted a lot of photos of him and his other (I assume) gay friends on fb. And like I just feel that in one year so much can happen! Β It really did seem just like yesterday that I celebrated my birthday last year.Β But like for me I feel like my one year didn’t have many things happening. It felt pretty stagnant, and that’s sad.

My last day of internship ends tmr!!! I bought presents for my colleagues – Merci chocolates, Cadbury Old Gold Liqueur flavoured chocolates, Alicafe premium gold coffee and Dilmah gourmet tea ! I <3 Coffee, tea and chocolates and they make excellent gifts! Going to wrap them now and go to sleep. πŸ˜€


I’m 21!

Hello guys & girls! I’m officially legal! Not that there’s anything I’m dead eager to do with my officially legal age… To me, being 21 is just another number! In fact I think being 20 is a bigger milestone for me, or rather was a bigger milestone because at 20, I was no longer a “teen” ! LOL. Ok, now I’m an adult! And I’m not exactly looking forward to it cause it entails tons of responsibilities! *Shudders*

It’s actually really late now, so here’s just a preview of the photos from my pre-birthday party on Friday! I’ll upload the rest with captions another time soon! I think I’ll also be uploading photos of my Batam trip with friends although the photos aren’t glam but it was a pretty fun trip with the great and fun company! πŸ™‚

Here’s me with the cake my friends bought/surprised me with at TCC! πŸ™‚

With the awesome bunch of girls! We go way back from secondary school! How time flies!!!With the boys all looking cool in black & white! m/
And me posing with a hand drawing Yiting drew for me! πŸ˜‰ Btw I was wearing a bandana that was the party favour! Cool huh! πŸ˜€

I really enjoyed the dinner at TCC cause the food was good. πŸ™‚ However I was pretty disappointed with the Ying & Yang bar because there was a miscommunication with my reservation. I reserved for 20 but ended up with 6?! >: ( Thankfully they managed to resolved it but it was unfortunate that we went after a rain so it was pretty hot and humid at the alfresco rooftop bar. Thankfully I asked the girls to retire to the room first cause the rain came pouring down while I was settling the bill and while the boys waited with me… Settling the bill was… another nightmare cause it was super crowded, plus confusion from the rain and I didn’t transfer enough cash into my current account (from my savings account, gasp!) so I had to ask a friend to foot half of it first, lol! All in all I don’t think the bar was a good idea although the drinks (and arguably, service) were pretty good. But the crowd was mainly caucasians and the music was mehhh.

The Club Hotel was pretty good though! My friends were pretty impressed with the place, especially with the decor and the white carpet (a lot more so than I was, haha) so it’s a place I’d go back, for a cosy night with fewer people/head count. πŸ™‚

All in all I think the party was a success, I enjoyed the parts of spontaneity, like the surprise cake for me at TCC but unfortunately my friends and I were mostly tired/exhausted from work/internship/army/uni-camps that we just didn’t have the stamina nor mood to last through the night. That made me pretty disappointed and I kicked a small fuss (pseudo mad, saying “like that la, leave early when I booked you 3 weeks in advance” talk) with the boys who had to leave early. (Even though after they left, all we did was just sleep cause really we were too tired, HAHA)

On the whole I’d say I enjoyed the experience and I think it’s a success if my friend enjoyed themselves. Hopefully they weren’t just placating me when they say they did. But truthfully I felt pretty down after the party, partly because of PMS (aka pre-menstrual syndromes) which made me emo (plus bloated which sucked max cause I looked fatter in my birthday photos, sigh). And the whole prep of this birthday party and post party made me sad cause I’d rather not celebrate my birthday because I think the whole point of birthdays is for others to celebrate/kick a big fuss over you. But I guess this time round, I decided to do it mostly for my friends(part get-to-gether, part dressing up in fun) and I think I’d consider it worth while. But I guess it’s fair to say that while I did enjoy myself, and I don’t regret organizing it, I’d still rather if someone else did the whole hoo-ha for me instead.

And I think the thing that made me most upset was this time around, people that I was really close to and mattered a lot to me, just wasn’t around. Maybe it’d be fairer to say that people who are supposedly closer to me, disappointed me. I don’t think it’s unfair for me to expect of certain things. But also with time, I’ve come to accept not to have much expectations so I won’t be disappointed. Honestly, I don’t care much about my birthday, especially this year. I did this 21st birthday really for the heck of it. Ever since I was 19, I don’t really care about my birthday.

Side tracking, this year felt pretty weird, cause I celebrated it on 15 July and 17 July itself I didn’t treat or felt as if it was my birthday, lol. I met up with a group of friends and only 2 out of 6 know it’s my birthday and they didn’t celebrate for/with me. I’d be disappointed 2 years back, but now It’s not that I don’t care, but I accept that certain people/friends are like that.

Ok, the thing is birthday happens to be a good indication of who you’re closer to, who bothers to celebrate with you/facebook/sms you. And although I fully agree that friendship isn’t based on what he/she does on your birthday, it happens to be a pretty good indication for me, between my best friends. And I guess, in this case(s), disappointment isn’t the word. But that the prognosis is simply that we are no longer as close as we use to be and its a little saddening. And the realisation hits me that I’m just not close to any people in particular anymore. Increasingly I keep all my private and not so private thoughts to myself, my blog and my twitter, and that’s sad. Although looking on the bright side, I have also made new friends via my blog and twitter, haha.

So moving on, life’s like that. We move on, we meet new friends. We keep in contact with old friends, we deepen or we could burn old ties. It all depends, but all I can say is that it takes two to clap and though I admit I can be pretty cold and aloof, many times it also happens to the the people I meet, the friends I make that made me this way. Oof!

I sure am not as optimistic as I was before, but it isn’t to say that I’d remain this way. I’ve had a negative outlook for a long time and I’d like a positive change right about now. I’ve shared a lot more than I intended and it’s time for me to go sleep!

Let another week of work begin and then 1 week of real holiday then school! Ah! I just can’t believe time flies so quickly!