Tag Archives: Fashion Blogger

Lile Aux Ashby @ Digital Fashion Week 2013

Digital Fashion Week 2013 came hot on the wheels behind Fide FW 2013.

I had to pleasure to attend Lile Aux Ashby’s SS 2014’s showcase
on the invitation of Glenn of The Dapper Boys (@theDapperBoys)! Thanks Glenn! 😉

Photos taken from Lile Aux Ashby Facebook!

Lile Aux Ashby @ Digital Fashion Week 2013 Lile Aux Ashby @ Digital Fashion Week 2013

It’s all a girl can dream of for a technicoloured, printed summer wardrobe collection.
Shop away for their collection on ASOS marketplace here.

I love these orange prints on this purse and jacket and these blue prints on the purse and dress!

Lile Aux Ashby @ Digital Fashion Week 2013With the fabulous boys Lucas (@niftylucas), Glenn and lovely ladies Jen and Emmy!
My ootd in Primark leather jacket and GoJane graffiti print dress.

Enabalista LOTD

On the face that night for a mod grunge look with cat liner & pink pout.  Feat. my trusty/holy grail Maybelline eyeliner & also their fuchsia flash colorsensational lip colour.
I might have also discovered a new angle for selfies, heh,

Watch a short InstaVideo here.


Nanis x Goldheart Dancing in the Rain Collection @ JewelFest 2013

JewelFest 2013 took place during the same period as Fide Fashion Week.
Here are some photos and a video I took when I was there at the media preview! 🙂

Nanis is an Italian jewellery brand by founder and designer Laura Bicego.
The brand represents creativity and versatility
which is undoubtedly expressed by how the jewellery pieces can be worn in several ways!
When it comes to just how many ways a piece of pendant can be worn, the sky’s the limit.

For their expansion in Singapore, Nanis teamed up with Goldheart Singapore
for a special line “Dancing in the Rain” which is as beautiful as it is poetic.
I’ll let the photos do the talking. 😉

Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013 Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Nanis’ spokesperson, who in a private conversation later explained to me that
Nanis is the name of a beautiful girl who brought joy and smiles to the founder Bicego.
What a beautiful name and story!Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

That’s the charming creative designer and founder Laura Bicego.

The demonstration of “Dancing in the rain” begins!

Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

The necklace can be worn in two layers or…Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Worn in one later with part of it dangling down the back.Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

View from the side.
Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013 Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

The necklace can be worn as a chocker and with a bracelet. For a casual look with a denim top.Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

The same chocker necklace can be lengthened by attaching another necklace..
And for a more glamourous dinner night look!Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

The same necklace can also be worn as a longer necklace.Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Or lengthened completely and attached to a fabric piece and worn down the chest.Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

More beautiful pieces, this bracelet is made of precious gems and gold pieces, each handcrafted in Italy.
Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

This is a green pendent with rain drop effects organically and handcrafted.Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

A Nanis ring and also a pendent, with rain drop effects, in peach / beige.
Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Here’s Rana of BonjourSingapore who’s also the managing editor of Marie France digital magazine. Smiling as Laura adjusts the bracelet to a necklace for her. Watch the video I took below! 😉

Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Another versatile piece of accesory which can be worn as a ring or pendent or attached to a bracelet as well!
Nanis x Goldheart JewelFest 2013

Another pendent, here worn as a bracelet but can also be worn as a necklace.

The Nanis brand is a beautiful and versatile jewellery brand that brings out a woman’s confidence and creativity.
This demonstration left all of us present with a sense of wonder and playfulness,
that fashion and beauty is unlimited when we put our creative juices to use.

Visit Goldheart Jellewery stores in town to get a piece of Nanis for yourself
and let the inner creative spirit in your shine through! 😉

Follow them for their updates!:
Goldheart on Facebook
Nanis on Facebook

2013-10-17 14.53.28

We also met up with Sharlinn of Sharart Jewellery line while we were at JewelFest!
Check out her site here and Facebook page. And also follow her on Instagram @sharartdesign.


P.S. Follow my blog on Facebook if you haven’t! 😉
Enabalista on Facebook

Fide Fashion Week 2013

This is my super belated post on attending Fide Fashion Week
while working with Clozette/GlamAsia.com, almost three months back. 😛
I’ve procrastinated on blogging this because I’ve got a lot of photos from attending 8 out of 11 nights.
Better late then never, so I’ll the the photos do the talking!

2013-10-13 18.25.41

With Mayshella on one of the first few nights of fashion week.
2013-10-13 21.13.57

In a StyleStalker dress, a label from Sydney Australia by designer duo Sue Ann San and Rachel Zeilic.
It’s available in Singapore at Eclecticism + Lauren Jasmine at Wheelock Place #B1-06! 😉
Jia En
In the Aria Dress by Black Halo,
also available in Singapore at Eclecticism + Lauren Jasmine at Wheelock Place #B1-06.:)
This photo posted on my Instagram was also featured on Black Halo’s Facebook page here.
2013-10-13 11.45.522013-10-13 11.34.54
Had the privilege to interview Mr and Mrs Towako, the founders behind Felice Towako Cosme, for GlamAsia.com. 🙂

2013-10-13 01.12.00

Their Towako Mist and FTC UV Perfect Cream.
The mist can be used / applied even above make up, best for OLs who are exposed to aircon all day long, to keep their skin moist and supple. The FTC UV is perfect for my arms which I try to apply every day before heading out. It protects my skin from the sun and has a sweet grape scent which I love!2013-10-12 13.41.51
Also had the privilege to interview Japanese  haute couture fashion designer designer Yoshiki Hishinuma.
I love how his designs are so ethereal and out of this world! Check out the photos from the runway here.

Photos of Sebastian Gunawan, Indonesian Haute Couturier’s backstage fitting process!

2013-10-14 11.50.11-1
Beautifully embroidered and embellished shoes.2013-10-14 11.56.59 2013-10-14 12.17.31 2013-10-14 12.17.44-1 2013-10-14 12.22.29-1 2013-10-14 13.19.46

With local top model and friend, Ying Ying who’s toweringggg over me. HEH.
2013-10-14 13.37.12

With the incredibly talented yet humble designer himself!

On Day 6, the inauguration of the Asian Haute Couture Federation.

2013-10-14 17.47.02Utt, ex-MTV DJ looking as suave as ever.

2013-10-14 18.45.55
Michael Cinco iconic lace dresses.2013-10-14 19.15.20

Korean designer Lie Sang Bong and US TV style maven, Jeannie Mai!2013-10-14 20.12.38-1

With fashion blogger, Willabelle Ong.

2013-10-14 20.17.58

Dinner was a lovely candle lit affair.2013-10-15 11.20.22

Designer duo Vatit Itthi known for their modern and elegant designs,
spent 10 years in Chicago and is now based in their home country Thailand. See their runway collection here.
2013-10-15 12.53.42

With Michael Cinco, acclaimed Filipino fashion designer
who was invited to America’s Next Top Model to be a guest designer and judge on two occasions!
See his collection here.2013-10-15 14.52.44

With iconic Chinese haute couturier Guo Pei! We were blown away by her elaborate concepts and designs!2013-10-15 20.23.58

With Jed

2013-10-15 20.24.12

With Adrian Jiun2013-10-16 09.05.42

with Christabelle 😀
2013-10-16 18.44.51

With teachers & students from Atelier Chardon Savard. 🙂

2013-10-16 19.35.23

With local DJ Yasminne! 🙂2013-10-16 19.52.19

With Rana, blogger of Bonjour Singapore and current editor of Marie-France Singapore. 🙂2013-10-16 21.23.23

With friends Clarabelle, Christabelle, Kelvin & Nigel.

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Clarabelle, Christabelle & I 🙂2013-10-17 01.49.32 2013-10-17 01.49.35

With Beatrice:)

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Jean Paul Cauvin the COO of Julien Fournier Haute Couture house speaking on the history of Haute Couture.

1383544_679858658706173_1014298327_nWith Alexandra, the lovely lady and fashion writer for NY Times. 🙂
I’m in a Talulah dress, available on InvertedEdge.com. 😉
2013-10-17 17.44.56

A badly lit photos, but with a few of my favourite tutors! From L-R, Gilles, Circe, Ann & Lionel. 🙂2013-10-19 19.46.52

On the last night, in a dress by Talulah, available on InvertedEdge.com2013-10-19 22.03.14

2013-10-19 22.03.23-2

With Smita, current editor of GlamAsia.com. 🙂
Follow her latest fashion, beauty & travel updates on her instagram @smitadesouza 😉
1375872_10151767614964121_1255482787_nWith a the lovely PR team who made FIDE a success,
Cindy, Jansen and Lionel on the far right,
along with Smita (in pink) and Alexandra. 🙂

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2013-10-20 00.20.20

With Felicia, kissing Fide Fashion Week 2013 goodbye with a kiss! :*

Read about my interviews with Julien Fournie and Love, Bonito girls.
Also check out Smita & I’s interview with Inverted Edge on their blog, the Thread! 😉

It would be tough to top another bigger fashion week in Singapore next year! 😛


Enabalista featured in HotelClub’s The Best Singapore Lifestyle Blogs of 2013!

 Thanks to HotelClub for featuring my blog Enabalista as one of the Best Singapore Lifestyle Blogs of 2013! It is my honour and privilege to be mentioned next to fellow bloggers like MsGlitzy (whom I am a fan and longtime reader of) and Felicia Neo! Couldn’t have done it without the support of my readers, many of whom are my family and friends.  Thus I dedicate this milestone to all of my dear readers! I also want to thank God for this award because it’s a great blessing to be picked out of many lifestyle bloggers in Singapore. 🙂 

Enabalista HotelClub Best Lifestyle Blog 2013

This is an excerpt from the HotelClub featured article!:


Who?: Ena Teo, Enabalista

Why?: An honest and open account of young Singaporean life

Follow: @ena_teo


Real estate agent by day, lifestyle blogger by night, Ena began blogging at just 13 years of age, and in the ensuing years has honed her writing to a finely tuned craft. Her site, Enabalista.com, covers her own experiences of living in Singapore, ranging from the extremely personal (see her posts about her graduation and her business ideas) to working, shopping, dining and going out. We were particularly taken by her willingness to share and engage with her followers, as well as her knowledge of all that Singapore has to offer!

“The Singaporean lifestyle is fast-paced and mostly work-driven. However, increasingly, Singaporeans are also learning how to enjoy life through fine cuisine, fashion and beauty. As a local Singaporean, I love to share with friends and readers my take on fashion, beauty and food that I encounter in my life. It brings me joy when I meet fellow like-minded readers all over the world who enjoy reading about what I blog!”



Read the article and find out the Best Singapore Lifestyle Blogs of 2013 here!

Thanks again to HotelClub for the award and I look forward to another great year for Enabalista in 2014! 😀

Red dress kinda day ;)

Been quite excited over this red dress and the sunglasses since receiving it from Choies.com in the mail! Was expecting the red colour to be brighter but after wearing and see the photos, the deep red colour is growing on me as well. Perfect for a formal day wear as well as for dinners!




Took these photos at my current company office’s balcony which you can tell is rather obviously neglected in terms of paint work. But after some fotorus & vsco filters it looks like I’m somewhere in HK highlands having a holiday. Well, no picture that a filter can’t fix and a holiday abroad somewhere cold… I could do with that right now. >_<

Get them here! 😉 –> Red DressVintage inspired Sunglasses | Shoes from Charles & Keith


Enabalista x Cyber Monday OASAP Coupon Giveaway [Closed]

Thanks to all for sharing and taking part in this contest!
Although the contest did not hit 50 shares, the folks at Oasap.com have kindly agreed to select one winner nonetheless! Thanks Oasap for your generosity! 😀
Loredana Battista has been chosen to be the winner!
Congrats Loredana!

Thanks to OASAP, I’m holding another giveaway, this time it’s the Cyber Monday coupon giveaway!

Enabalista x Oasap Giveaway

Good news is, EVERYONE gets a 30% OFF coupon code for shopping on OASAP.com! Whee!
Shop at OASAP.COM during Christmas 2013, get 30% OFF for 20000+ women fashion items with coupon code: NUSZ48CD, and there will be special offer for some products UP TO 70% OFF from BLACK FRIDAY to CYBER MONDAY! PLUS shipping is free ok! 😀

DISCLAIMER: If you do use the 30% discount code, I will get a 2% credit of your total bill to my account which I can then use to buy OASAP products. Thank you in advance! (๑>ᴗ<๑)

BUT WAIT, that’s not’s it!
Take part in this giveaway and One winner will receive $50 coupons and
the second winner will get $30 coupons for purchasing any wish items on www.oasap.com!
Please note, this giveaway will only be activated if there are at least 50 participants! So please share the 30% coupon code & the giveaway! 🙂

JOIN the Enabalista x Cyber Monday coupon giveaway, follow these steps:
Go to my Enabalista Facebook here, find the post pinned to the top that looks like this:
Screen shot 2013-11-30 at PM 03.11.27

1. Share the pinned FB post (see above) on your FB profile page
2. Register on www.oasap.com (Some of you might have registered before already!)
3. Comment** with your favorite apparel/accessory pinned on http://www.pinterest.com/OasapOfficial/
4. Follow my blog page Enabalista on Facebook here
5. Follow one of following OASAP pages:
Giveaway is held for 7 days, beginning 30 Nov to 7 Dec 2013!
Winner will be announced here and on Facebook 7 Dec evening about 10pm.
See Terms & Conditions below.

**An example comment should be:
” Hi Ena, I’ve shared the post on my FB,
I’ve registered on OASAP using email <sample@xmail.com>
this is my favourite apparel! >> http://www.pinterest.com/pin/316096467567562368/
and I’ve followed both Enabalista and Oasap on Facebook!”

One winner will receive $50 coupons and the second winner will get $30 coupons for purchasing any wish items on www.oasap.com!
Please note, this giveaway will only be activated if there are at least 50 participants! So please share the 30% coupon code & the giveaway! 🙂

Now now, if you’ve not already clicked away to OASAP.com site in my links above,
check out my top picks from their BLACK FRIDAY selection! 😉

Ena’s favourite pick for OASAP BLACK FRIDAY

Enabalista OASAP Giveaway

1. Leather Paneled Oversized Turn Down Coat US$77.54 here

ENABALISTA OASAP GIVEAWAY patent-leather-front-ankle-boots

2. Patent Leather Front Ankle Boots US$48.92 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway

3. Distinct Teardrop Necklace $13.96 here

Enabalista x Oasap Giveaway

4. Lovely Plaid A Line Dress US$29.93 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway
5. Icecream (more like cupcakes) Graphic Sweatshirt US$22.35 here.

Enabalista Oasap Giveaway

6. Floral Embriodered High Low Chiffon Blouse US$25.13 here

My first pick is above US$50, the rest are below $50 and picks 3-6 are all below $30!
So if you win the voucher giveaway you have plenty of affordable fashion choices to pick from! 😉

Happy Shopping & Good Luck!



Giveaway terms & condition:
Participant should be comfortable with providing his/her name, shipping address and phone number
which is required for Oasap.com to ship and deliver the item to you.
Winner will be picked randomly by me, all decisions made by me are final.
If a winner does not respond or remains uncontactable within 5 business days of notification,
winner’s prize will be forfeited and given to the next member in line.
I reserve the right to amend the contest rules without prior notification.

Oasap.com Fashion x Enabalista Giveaway! [Closed]

Thanks to all who has taken part!
After a random selection, Chia Wan Ting has been picked as the lucky winner! 😉
Congratulations Chia Wan Ting!

As I’ve mentioned on my Enabalista FB page recently,
I’m collaborating with Oasap.com,
one of my online fashion store partners
(see the banners of fashion partners I support on the right panel of my blog)
to conduct a giveaway for my followers! 

Ena Teo Oasap Contrast Collar Embriodered Dress 1Oasap.com has a fab variety of clothing in great quality which I can attest to.
Thanks to them, I also got lots of compliments when I wore this dress. ^^
Read my review here.

Coinciding with the FALL season,
stand a chance to be the
1 lucky winner & owner of 1 of the featured sweaters!:

1.  V Neck Cutout Back Sweater (Burgundy).
Also available in Beige, Lavender and Navy. See here.Oasap Enabalista Giveaway

2. Union Jack Style Loose Sweater
See here.

3.  Leaves Graphic High-Low Blouse (Black)
Also available in blue.
See here.

Oasap x Enabalista Giveaway

4.  Contrast Zigzag Print Long Sleeve Cardigan (Blue)
Also available in Cream.
See here.
Oasap.com x Enabalista Giveaway

5. Contrast Cross Striped Sweater (Apricot)
Also available in Navy & Red.
See here.
Oasap x Enabalista Giveaway

To take part, simply:

1. Register on Oasap.com >> https://www.oasap.com/signup
2. Follow all 3 of my accounts on >>
Facebook  – www.facebook.com/enabalista
Instagram – @ena_teo
Twitter – @ena_teo
3. Follow one of following OASAP pages >>
Oasap Facebook
Instagram – @Oasap_Official
Twitter – @Oasap
Oasap Pinterest
Oasap Polyvore

4. Leave a comment on this blog post below with:
which sweater you want to win,
your email address which you signed up for Oasap.com,
Facebook, Instagram & Twitter usernames,
& which Oasap page/s you followed! 🙂

Oasap Giveaway Enabalista
Increase your chances of winning by going to Enabalista FB page here
share this blog post’s link (+1 chance) &
comment on the FB post(the one I’ve pinned, image above) and tag a friend’s name (+1 chance)!
Every  name will stand you 1 more chance, so 2 names = 2 chances, 3 names = 3 chances, etc! 😀

This giveaway starts today, 3 November 7pm and ends next Sunday 10 November 7pm!

This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY! 😀

The Winner’s name will be announced here and on my Enabalista Facebook page! 😉

Let the giveaway begin!

Giveaway terms & condition:
Participant should be comfortable with providing his/her name, shipping address and phone number
which is required for Oasap.com to ship and deliver the item to you.
Winner will be picked randomly by me, all decisions made by me are final.
If a winner does not respond or remains uncontactable within 5 business days of notification,
winner’s prize will be forfeited and given to the next member in line.
I reserve the right to amend the contest rules without prior notification.

#Ootd Casual Purple |EDD

Taking part in Kukolina’s Saturday outfit posts so here’s mine for today!

Wearing a loose causal purple top from Shana, denim shorts and purple beaded necklace from Diva accessories. Coloured leopard Shades from Primark.

thanks to my sister for taking the pic for me and this is me before going out .. Sans makeup as I usually don’t wear makeup on weekends! 🙂


Taking part in this photo blogging is a lot of fun!

Let me know if you want to join us too!^^

I am adding these links from Eszter of Kukolina’s blog,:

Eszter’s entry: http://kukolina.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-week-3-show-that-titi-outfit-of-the-day/comment-page-1/#comment-746
B from http://fantasyholidays.wordpress.com/
Tams from http://nakedbeautyblog.com/?p=1255
Casey from http://veggiesandglitter.com/
Tisha from http://dailyeasyrecipes.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-week-3-eating/
Vilma from  http://freebutfun.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/challenge-food-and-outfit/
Áse from  http://aspoonfulofstyle.co.uk/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-ootd-and-eating/
Fanni from  http://theblackberryboys.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-week-3-eating/
Grace from http://czechtheflip.com/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-eating/#comment-3691
Ena from  http://enabalista.com/2013/09/28/ootd-casual-purple-edd/
Beth from http://byrnesbeth.wordpress.com/
Sarah from http://journey2dfuture.wordpress.com/2013/09/28/weekend-photo-challenge-week-3-eating/


Ena’s Outfit | Oasap Classic Embroidered Dress

{ Sponsored Post }

Hi guys!  。(⌒∇⌒。)

This week I got my dress which I ordered from Oasap, a very lovely contrast collar and embroidered dress!

So I wore it to work…

Here’s my makeup look of the day aka #lotd:

Ena Teo Makeup LOTDI matched my eyeshadow colour with the dress, with blue and black at the winged tip portion with black eye liner. It’s my current eye makeup style, a mix of eyeshadow and eyeliner that wings outwards. 🙂 Applied a generous amount of blusher that I promise does not look that much in real life. And pink lipsticks. Just happened that today all make up mentioned are Estee Lauder except eyeliner is Maybelline’s Impact Express Eyeliner, which is my favourite of all, my holy grail make up item. Still have not finished all the Estee Lauder products I got from last year! No idea how some girls keep buying when I can never finish mine, lol. Not that I am complaining. the only beauty products I can finish are eyeliner, make up remover and skin care products like sunblock. 🙂 I also have on Estee Lauder brow pencil in dark brown, though you can’t really tell since my fringe is covering my brows.

More pics!:

Ena Teo Oasap Contrast Collar Embriodered Dress 1

Taken during lunch time! Just right outside my office building, which explains why it looks SO bright here cause it was! 😛 Matched it with my Charles & Keith heels which are my new favourite shoes! 😀 They go with almost everything and are the most comfy heels I have. <3 <3 <3 Also seen, carrying my Kenzo green pouch from the SS13 Tiger Collection. I don’t think I’ve posted a pic on that before.. But the season’s already over. Lol.

Pinterest Ena Teo Oasap Contrast Collar Embriodered Dress 1

Ena Teo Oasap Contrast Collar Embriodered Dress 3A close up of the embroidered detailing on the dress. It has a great finish, no frill ends! Accessorized with my star & wing ring and black strap watch from Fossil Relic.

My review: 

Design & Quality: 4.5/5 I picked this dress because it’s simple, classic and I just love the touch of gold and baroque leaves design! It’s a dress that’s great for work, formal lunch and dinners and even dates! 🙂 I am super glad to report that the quality is great! It has an inner soft lining so the dress is comfortable on the skin. Finishing is flawless. Fit is great. In fact when I wore it to office, two of my colleagues commented on it, saying it was nice. 🙂 Only downside is that the material though perfect for air-con office, it isn’t suitable for Singapore on super hot sunny days, so don’t wear this for a day out, lol. But will be great for rainy weather!

Price: 4/5 At original price US$39.90, I think it could be cheaper(no need for them to pay rental and it was a light package to deliver), since it’s an online purchase, and the folks at Oasap must have read my mind because they are now offering this beautiful dress at… US$33.92! 🙂

Shipping: 2.5/5 I thought the shipping took rather long. I ordered on 2 September but only received it this Monday, 16 September after two whole weeks. However the upside is that it came in mint condition, in fact wrapped in 3 plastic layers which made me wonder if it was necessary, I feel bad for all this packaging waste. But I’m not complaining.

If you like the dress, you can buy it >> here.

Or check out their: new arrivals, bestsellers or sale up to 70% off!

Other items I love!

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This über cute rabbit print cardigan. U.P US$39.90, now selling at US$27.93 here.

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Puppy love bag aka Cute Dog Head Shape Shoulder bag, $52 here.

Alrighty, that’s all for now~
