Tag Archives: clinique smart eye serum

Face Forward with Clinique’s Smart Eye Serum and 3 Step Skin Care

Last August Clinique launched their meaningful Face Forward campaign encouraging women to make a promise for their future self, via social media.
CLINIQUE FACE FORWARD _0000Here’s mine, writing to my future 30 year old self:

Dear Ena, how is life like at 30? Honestly it feels weird speaking to you, my older self. I trust that you’re now older and wiser. Hopefully you’re more passionate than ever; living life to the fullest, whether you’re still in working in the property industry and blogging. I hope you’re still rooted in Christ and enjoying His love and grace each day. May your life be a testament to His glory and goodness. I also hope that you have a better understanding of the value and preciousness of time and that you’ve mastered being in control of time. I believe that as I continue to be grounded, faithful and industrious, I’ll have the confidence to face you in 5 years time. X Ena

In addition to the Face Forward campaign launch, Clinique also launched their Smart Eye Serum, mascara and liner and a few Clozette ambassadors and I were invited down for the launch at Sephora at ION.

CLINIQUE FACE FORWARD _0002A few of the mug shots taken of the guests, spot me! 😛

CLINIQUE FACE FORWARD _0001Some swatches of the Clinique’s Pop lip colour.

Clinique’s Smart Custom Repair Eye Treatment: Our smart eye treatment targets repair as needed, where needed.  Custom repair is how one formula can visibly brighten, contour and firm, plump or repair the look of crow’s feet.  Use twice a day.CLINIQUE FACE FORWARD _0005With Clozette ambassadors at the event!

CLINIQUE FACE FORWARD _0006Photos and products from the event. Unfortunately I did not like both the chubby mascara and liquid eyelining pen as I found the chubby mascara hard to handle with the chubby body and the eyelining pen smudges. Have yet to review the eye serum, will put it to the test and review on my IG @ena_teo, follow me if you haven’t! 😉
CLINIQUE 3 STEPS_0000Was also gifted the Clinique’s 3 step skin care for taking part in the #FaceForward social media campaign. I have oily + normal combi skin and I was matched with the type 3 for the 3 step skin care, consisting of soap, lotion and gel. Heard really good reviews of the dramatically different moisturizing gel, shall also review on my IG after testing it.

Thank you Clinique SG and Clozette for the media invitation and product gifts!

