If you’ve been following my updates on social media, you’d know that I’ve gone through multiple hair colours in the last 2 years and most significantly in the last year when I’ve sported light brown with ash highlights, purple (which faded to a blend of blonde & purple hues, mad love) and grey hair colours. Whilst I did not regret the multiple hair colours as they were so much fun and made it easier for others to break the ice and approach me (“Wow, purple hair, so brave!” “Another hair colour?”), my hair was really dry and damaged especially after bleaching for five times to achieve a light grey hair colour. (And to think that I once dreamt of having Platinum blond hair, my hair would be fried!)
So when Chez Vous offered me to try out their latest Trilogy treatment: Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder, I accepted in a heartbeat – God knows my hair needed the hair treatment!
Thanks to Chez Vous Trilogy System: Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder, my dry and damaged hair (left) was restored to a healthier and manageable state (right)!
Just what exactly is Chez Vous’ Trilogy System?
A simple, systematic and sustainable 3-phase approach to achieving beautiful, manageable and healthy-looking hair: Rebuild, Resculpt, Revitalize.
The three Trilogy hair services work synergistically as a complete beauty regimen for the hair, as well as separate, customised treatments for specific hair conditions and lifestyle needs.
And what does Chez Vous Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder entails?
Utilising three state-of-the-art ingredients (bond rebuilder elements, a potent mix of amino acids and anti-breakage actives) in combination with a highly- effective delivery system to penetrate these complexes deep into the hair, this treatment promotes genuine and permanent reconstruction at the cellular level.
The bond rebuilder elements repair broken bonds in the hair shaft that are prevalent in damaged hair so as to strengthen hair from deep within. The amino acids complex then seals the repaired protein bonds in the hair shaft for long- lasting resilience, giving it a distinct edge over other strengthening treatments in the market. Hair is stronger, more resilient and perfectly prepped for the Resculpting Supreme treatment to follow.
In a nutshell, it is basically a hair repair treatment filling dry and damaged hair with nutrients to repair and rebuild broken bonds and strengthen hair from within, so hair becomes stronger and healthier over time.
Check out my hair transformation over the last few months:
Purple hair, this was after 4 times of bleaching to achieve a hair colour light enough for the purple to come through:
Purple hair fades to blonde and purple hues – my favourite hair colour combination by far!:
Thereafter I had bleached my hair one more time to a grand total of 5 times to achieve a light grey hair colour, this was when my hair became really really dry and frizzy and it was very hard to maintain – I had to go through a strict regime of: Shampoo, conditioner, mask, hair moisturizer/essence at night and hair oil in the day just to tame the frizz and keep it manageable! Despite my damaged hair condition, I reallyyy loved the grey hair colour too!
If I washed my hair in the day, this is how frizzy it would become, I had to wash at night, blow dry and sleep overnight to reduce the frizz (but I don’t always wash my hair at night, haha): Really hate and dislike mad frizzy hair!
On mornings after I washed my bleached hair at night – more tame and manageable hair. 😀
This was when I started my journey on Chez Vous Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder, after a coat of dark brown:
After the second session in October 2015:
After the 7th session that ended in November 2015:
Even after a few months later in March 2016, my hair is tame and manageable just like before my crazy hair colours! I can now wash my hair in the day and it is NOT frizzy! Amazing, almost miraculous!
Without a doubt, I highly recommend Chez Vous Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder to anyone who is looking for a legit, effective and long term solution to dry and damaged hair. While it takes a few sessions to see results, each session is less than an hour long and it’s always a comfortable and relaxing experience each time.
Check out the super enlarged scans of my own hair after each Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder treatment:
After the 1st treatment, hair is visibly hollow and with spilt ends:
After the 2nd treatment, hair is less hollow as the treatment is beginning to fill it up, but you can still see visible split ends:
After the 3rd treatment, the gaps in the hair are gradually being filled up:
After the 4th treatment, the gaps in the hair are gradually being filled up, so its less hollow now:
After the 5th treatment, you can barely see any hollowness/gaps now.
After the 6th treatment, the results of the treatment are beginning to really show:
After the 7th treatment, hair is now repaired and restored to a healthier state!
It took me quite a while to prepare this blog post detailing my experience with Chez Vous Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder treatment; as I had to compile photos and information to illustrate my hair’s journey from dry and damaged to its current rejuvenated and healthy state. I hope you find this post helpful, as much as I found it satisfying to share this wonderful treatment with you too!
If you’d like, you can watch my review on video too:
In my next Chez Vous related post, I’ll be sharing my review of the Express Revitalizing Supreme!
Prices: Starting from $155 per session of the Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder, $375 for a session of the Resculpting Supreme and $185 for a session of the Express Revitalizing Supreme. A complete series of the Trilogy System is recommended for optimum results.
Chez Vous is located at #05-05 Ngee Ann City Podium, Singapore 238872. Call 6732 9388 to book an appointment, or log on to www.chezvoushair.com for more information.
Follow Chez Vous on Facebook for breaking news, updates and hair-inspiration.
Thank you Chez Vous team, especially Eugene, Echo, Oscar, Shawn & Jessica for the multiple Synchronized Advanced Hair Rebuilder treatment over the last few months! <3