Tag Archives: AskEna

Ena Vlogs #2… Results of Poll & Updates… Subscribe for updates! :)


Ena Vlogs return… after I have decided to KIV (keep in view, for the uninitiated) #AskEna segment until people actually ask me questions. HA.

Ena Vlogs #2

So what am I so disappointed about? Watch my vlog to fun outtttt 🙂

Anyway I hope you can tell I am having fun with this whole vlogging thing and let’s see what I can do / the possibilities I can explore with vlogging! Gotta be more creative, right? ^^

And yes, I am a LIKER. so when I have to restraint things I like on FB, I am sad. 😛

COMMENT guys and girls!!! Cause I love reading your comments! 😀



#AskEna Do people only like Facebook Statuses of People They Like?


Hello Lovelies!

I’m starting to vlog and it’s a Q&A segment where I’ll answer YOUR questions about life and anything in general which I find interesting to answer! 😀 So below you’ll see my first video on Enabalista channel (changed over from my previous preciousicyflame handle, to fit with this blog. :B), where I got inspired to answer a question I saw on QiuQiu’s blog, Do people only like Facebook Statuses of People They Like? Check out the video to see my answer…

And of course, now take part in the poll below! 🙂

If you have any questions that you’d like to appear on #AskEna, you can also comment on this post, or tweet me @ena_teo!

