Typing this while waiting for our bus to head to Holy Trinity Brampton church for Sunday service on the last day of the year.
Am really thankful for all that has happened in 2017, highlights being the travels with my family; visiting the flower fields in Hokkaido with my parents in summer, Christmas Eve dinner with my relatives at my big sister’s house, spending Christmas and New Year’s with my second sister in London and taking a trip out to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower when I’m here.
Career wise, I count my blessings especially with each and every client and referral that trust me with their business. Am particularly expectant for a productive and fruitful business year in 2018 with clients and cases lining up for follow up when I’m back!
Spiritually, increasingly I find myself living the “Let go” life that Pastor Prince spoke heavily about this year. It’s really a lot easier said then done but I believe after 4 years I am finally closer to what it really is to live a life surrendered and dependent on my savior, protector and provider, Jesus Christ.
Year after year I grow in appreciation of friends that continue to keep in contact with knowing how busy everyone gets and how priorities shifts with changes in life. For all my friends who are reading this, know that every time you spend with me over a meal, message you send on WhatsApp, comment you leave on Instagram is not lost on me and very much appreciated.
I wrote in a previous message that I want to “Value Add” to people all around in my 2018 and to that I also will make my 2018 the most productive and fruitful year. I hope that you’re enjoying the last day of 2017 and that 2018 will treat you well.
Love & God Bless,
P.S. Fingers crossed I get to see Pastor Nicky Gumbel for service later, have been listening to his Bible in One Year all year long !
I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken
I will build my life upon Your love
It is a firm foundation
I will put my trust in You alone
And I will not be shaken
Happy new year then Ena. may you become the best realtor in singapore. 😛
Thank you!