My previous review post on New York Skincare Solutions is really popular, and many readers have approached me either through the comments or email asking me about my treatments and experience with NYSS.
So I thought I’d compile my answers to the various questions which I’ve been asked and post them here.
If it’s the first time you’re here on my blog, you might want to check out my previous post here. Also as a background to this post, you might like to know that I signed up for NYSS package back in 2011. I have completed my treatment package of 20 sessions with NYSS since February 2013 and have not signed up with them since. The last time I had a facial was for my review for Glomax Aesthetics in June. At the moment I have not signed with any facial salons.
Also as with the previous post, I am not paid to provide this update on my blog. I also do not endorse NYSS. I do think they have helped to improve my skin condition, but I do not take responsibility for your experience with them, should you decide to sign with them. 🙂
Alright, enough with the introduction, let’s get the Q&A going! 🙂
1. How much is the price range for the 20 sessions?
I paid $2,200 for 20 sessions, 10 youth + eye treatment and 10 normal facial sessions. Back then I had face and back acne so I had the choice to use the “facial” for a “bac-ial” which was what I did for about 5 normal sessions.
I am fully aware that the package is very expensive for a student. And that is the reason why I am hesitant to state the price on my blog. But it is, in my humble opinion, a worthy investment because I am now so much more confident in person and on camera. It came to a point for me where I was sick of being troubled by problematic skin and I decided that facial was the best solution for me because it is a non invasive treatment and does not require me to take pills.
Additionally I want to repeat that facial did help but also with other factors like eating healthy avoid oily food, take Evening Primrose oil, and drinking more water.
2. Is the price inclusive of all the creams/facial products etc? If not inclusive, how much is the additional cost?
No, it is not inclusive. The creams and facial products differ from type to type. I have been sold their cleanser, toner but I only purchased their anti-bacterial powder which I applied on my face and back acne. It’s a small container about 30ml in size and cost $30. I think i paid $10 because I used $20 voucher to redeem it. Back then, I would get $10 voucher whenever I made an appointment before 5pm. Not sure if this is still applicable today.
3. Is the treatment addictive (meaning if you don’t go for treatments, will your skin problems return within say a few months)?
I wouldn’t say that the treatment is addictive. In fact the treatments did help me regain the balance required for my skin and my face and back is no longer as oily as before! In fact towards the end of the package, I only went back for treatments about 2-4 months interval.
4. Do they use many electrical treatments / chemicals?
I am not sure if they use electrical treatments, but from what I know, my facial did not include any electrical treatment. As for chemicals, I am sure they do, as do all the skin care products I purchase. But if you mean to ask if they are safe or not, I do think they are safe based on my personal experience.
5. I signed up for 20 sessions Youth treatment packages and 20 Ampules.. I tried to talk to my beautician on the possibility of selling this package to another customer, but she doesn’t respond well.. But from your blog, it seems that your beautician is nice.. I am wondering, do you think you will need more session of the treatment?
I am sorry to hear about experiences such as yours, but I do not need more sessions and hope you can find someone else who will.
6. When did you start to see the results, after how many sessions?
I can’t remember after how many sessions but I think it is 4 sessions and I didn’t apply foundation and now I also don’t so it helped as foundation tend to clog pores.
7. What is the procedure like when you go for facial at NYSS?
First I went for a free facial (as seen on Newspaper advertisement) and it included a skin analysis. I decided to go for $2200 for 20 sessions. You can try to negotiate the price lower, but the package might change according to your budget…
On normal days, I have to book at least 2 weeks before hand, then go down at the appointed time, go into the room, change and wait for my facial. Post facial, some paperwork then that’s about its. 1hour 30 min in total for each session.
That is all for my update on NYSS, hope it sheds some light or answers the queries you may have!
Be Beautiful, Inside & Out!
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