Back in May, I went to Philippines, Illocos Norte, Laoag with my church pastor and friends to visit the churches we (our church) support there. It’s my second visit to the same area, I was there back in 2010. How time flies indeed and I am very thankful to God for the opportunity to go back again.
Here are snippets of the 1 week we spent in Philippines!
We went to a lady’s home where she cooked and fed about 100 children from 3 villages. The children are colouring pages of Noah’s Ark after we acted the story! (:
I was very impressed with this group’s colouring. It was very neat and artistic! The Filipinos are very talented in the arts like colouring and carvings.
Some of the children who were not colouring were busy playing. This kiddo here was playing with an old motorcycle helmet… Singaporean children would never be playing with a broken helmet because it’s dangerous but the children in Philippines can take anything and turn it into a toy. His coy smile is lovely isn’t it? (:This is our group of youths acting like ruffians! ๐ The tricycle is a very common mode of transport in Philippines. And it’s not uncommon to see 5 passengers squeezed in one!
At another stop where we conducted children’s programme. Smiling sweet girls.
This family/home had a mini zoo. There were pigs, chickens and goats… This is a new kid and it is adorable!
Taking pictures on top a van… With pastor Wiliam and aunty Mei Yoke!ย
It was a very interesting experience to be acquainted with our lunch and dinner dish while she was still alive… Introducing Spider-pig Hermione, whom we have christened affectionately. This is a picture of her struggling while butchers get her ready to board her last trip to the butchers…
Following pictures are quite bloody so please don’t be shocked!
This is Spider-pig Hermoine’s intestines…
This is everything else and her brain and blood in the blue tub. ๐ฎ
Sunday’s combined service children’s programme!
It seems that the boy on the left wasn’t very happy at my request for a picture… Sorry for interrupting your lunch boss!
This is Spider-pig Hermione on our dining table. ๐
After the home and church visits we were looking forward to Jollybee, Philippine’s famous fast food restaurant. They specialized in chicken and spaghetti. After the meal we had to take a picture with Jollybee!
This is the picture of me and Jollybee two years ago! Seems like I lost some weight, haha!
Of course I started a trend this time… ๐
A picture of us girls, Sandy, Joey and I while we were at the hospital waiting to visit the pastor Mayolin’s new born baby and his wife.
It was quite a culture shock to realize how dated the Badoc hospital is…ย
This is the newest and most modern looking area, the lobby reception/registration area.
At the orphanage where I caught our tallest member, Ryan bullying a little boy in action! Haha! Kudos to the little boy who was a brave fighter till the end… ๐
Then we encountered our little hero who, in the midst of trying to get a shuttlecock down a tree, accidentally threw his slippers up the roof instead. ๐ย
I was very impressed by this agility and courage for climbing up the roof!
Then we watched the kids tossing an old can which was to determine who will be the catcher in a game of catching. A lot of ingenuity in kids!
On our last night we went to the seaside… ๐
Us on the boat! ๐ One of the best boat ride in my life…
Where we basked in the glory of God’s creation, the skies in the setting sun.On the last day we visited a beautiful resort before setting off for the airport.
With my mentor and spiritual mother, aunty Lydia/Mei Yoke.And lovely girls, my “tummies” for the trip! (:
And of course we were fascinated by a pregnant, white cow. ๐ That’s Ryan and pastor Redantor.
I am thankful to be able to travel and see the world outside of Singapore. Philippines is blessed with beautiful animals and land (forests, mountains, beaches), something that Singapore don’t have. It is our prayer that Philippines government will be stronger so that the people can have better jobs, education and lives and not just be dependent on exporting their people to work in other countries.
I hope I can go back to visit them again and plan for a longer stay to visit Boracay and Cebu! (:
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