In the midst of working on my Management Report, yes, 5am in the morning. Haha. Taking a short break now, with a cup of milo, one of my favourite comfort drink! ^^
I just wanted to come and post that I am so thankful for Sharinces, YangFei and Desmond in my class. I have not been feeling well since last weekend and I feel the care and concern from them especially! ^^ I really enjoyed dinner with them.
I have not posted this before, but one of the things that have been affecting me is how scary the world, some people in this world can be. I know humans are flawed, nobody’s perfect but being brought up in a sheltered, christian community has really really shielded me from the harsh reality of life so much so that when the truth surfaces, I am shattered. I am currently recovering from the shock of this revelation. I realize how really naive and innocent I am, I really do see the world in rose-tinted glass. Maybe I don’t anymore, maybe I will. But a truth that I am reminding myself, continually, is that no matter how flawed humans are, God remains the same, He never changes!